Saturday, September 11, 2010


Why is Guansing retained in Europe? Does it mean the continuation of Paras' SHAME environment where idiotic ideas lord it over REFORMS? Didn't Guansing propose that Paras be made KGCR in Europe, with the end in view of taking the place of Mushake? What Mushake did, knowledge-wise, Paras can't catch up for as long as he lives! That is fact!

So, again, why retain INUTILITY/IDIOCY when KOR stands for the Great Malayan's teachings and ideals?

Recommend the recall of BOTH Guansing and his Deputy, who reportedly show bias in favor of Paras.

Lady Baby, when you are right, NEVER give up!

If abusers trample upon our dignity and the good name of the Great Malayan with their misdeeds, then illegally expel Sir Jun Zerrudo for doing nothing wrong as the Canadian government allowed him to use symbols that KOR didn't have ABSOLUTE patent/rights to, or expel Moreno who does not exist in KOR records (perhaps only in the fantasy world of some crooked minds?), even getting support from some evil character/s, WHY should do-gooders like CLARIZ give up?

For country and people!

-Proud Pinoy whp fears the Lord, no one else!

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