Thursday, August 19, 2010

Get Ready for the Thought Police

ALL OF A SUDDEN, the method of the moronism reveals its purpose.

Thoughts are evil , kill them with fire.

I think that originally, most of us were assuming that Noynoy Aquino was just stupid. Any casual observer could be forgiven for forming that impression from the manifold evidence of his inability to formulate a coherent platform, speak intelligently on any issue during the campaign, and the amateurish and constant gaffes in the first few weeks of his presidency. His slavish adherence to the simplistic, empty, emotional rhetoric of being the heir of “the icons of democracy” seemed, at first, to just be the intellectual design ceiling of a spoiled, idle mind; good enough, because the spoiled, idle mind in question happens to have the right surname to not have to work any harder than that to sell an undiscerning and sentimental public his defective bill of goods.

It is beginning to appear, however, that there is a more insidious purpose behind the progressive “dumbing down” of the Presidency of the Republic. Consider:

The two best ways to crush dissent are to first develop a cult of personality so that the leader and the state become indistinguishable, and then to prevent dissenting thoughts from even being formed by limiting the language tools available to express them.

Sound crazy? A paranoid conspiracy theory? Perhaps, but consider the explanation given by N/A himself as to why he is pushing for the enforcement of EO 255: In almost the same breath as the expected sop to “supporting Filipino artists” (which, if left at that, would be a justifiable-enough reason), Aquino is quoted as saying:

The President promised help to the Filipino artists as he related that OPM has played a big part in his life especially being a bachelor.

He said he enjoys original songs by Alcasid, Velasquez, APO Hiking Society, Noel Cabangon, Jose Mari Chan, and Mitch Valdez since their compositions reflect his moods.

Market forces in the entertainment sector be damned. Anyone who does not have the musical tastes of a middle-aged social misfit is unpatriotic.

Welcome to 1984.

It takes approximately two tons of ore to produce a single ounce of pure gold. At first glance all one sees is a big pile of dirt, but the gold is in there if one is willing to apply patience, hard work, and a great deal of heat and pressure. The Philippines, in a manner of speaking, is my big pile of dirt.


  1. I lol’ed at the blog, pretty much points out what was in his head all the time, “eat your vegetables, kiddies!”

    Damn I need to write something humorous to make fun of the website, I mean, the level of retardation is a joke all on its own. [i]They actually write the jokes themselves[/i] which is the funniest thing I’ve noticed out of the whole thing. Just because the clown is gone doesn’t mean the circus has left town! HAHAHAHAHAHA!


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    WTF? :lol:


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  3. ChinoF

    Now imagine yourself as a leader and you telling your subordinates, “you should listen to the music I listen to read the books I read! Take on my culture! Then you will think my thoughts and do as I do! That is an order!” This sounds like Germany in the 1930s under the direction of a certain eccentric but charismatic politician named Adolf Hitler. But this may well be the way of Kim Jong Il too.



    ChinoF Reply:


    By the way, all the local artists our president mentioned don’t compare to my personal favorite, Yano.

    But I think it’s obvious why he may not like them:

    Trapo ka kasi
    Trapo trapo ka kasi
    di na binoboto
    pero nananalo
    di na binoboto
    pero nananalo…”



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    ChinoF Reply:


    More lyrics from same song:

    “Daming kalokohan
    pero napagtatakpan
    Daming kalokohan
    pero napagtatakpan!”

    ng Media. :lol:


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  4. The Philippines is in state of Kindergarten!


    Aegis-Judex Reply:

    Which is why the college-level Filipinos are long gone… After all, who would want to get screwed over by some lesser mind?


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  5. P.Noy’s website leaves me an impression that he is a class president of a bunch of kids at an elementary school. It is laughable if it isn’t so serious. I mean what are these people thinking? What is the purpose of his website? I am speechless man.


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  6. I remember he has 2 PR secretaries and this is all they can come up with? What a bunch of expensive incompetent assholes!

    AntiPinoy is light years ahead in usefulness.


    Aegis-Judex Reply:

    How many klicks is a lightyear again? Just curious.


    NFA rice Reply:

    a lightyear is approximately 300 thousand klicks per second.


    NFA rice Reply:


    1 light year = 9.5 million million klicks

    300 thousand klicks per second = speed of light

    1 light year = 300 thousand klicks * (number of seconds in a year)

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  7. Me thinks what will happen if you comment something “Anti-Noynoy”? Would they remove it, just like in the Noynoy FB Fanpage?


    BenK Reply:

    There have been several people I know who have encountered exactly that. One was Patricio Mangubat, I think it’s on his blog.


    bokyo Reply:

    but isn’t Patricio Mangubat a Pro-Noynoy?


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    mel Reply:


    Hmmm, it seems that the site is being moderated. I posted a message and it said, “your message has been sent and it will be posted soon”. I mentioned Hacienda Luisita and Charter Change in my comment.



    ChinoF Reply:


    I mentioned charter change and protectionism in my Transparency message to PNoy, and when I sifted through the comments, I suddenly couldn’t find it. Either some selective moderation or it’s crazily buggy.


    bokyo Reply:

    i thought they were “transparent”? :roll:

    They will only hear what they want to hear.

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    ulong pare

    ulong pare Reply:

    ulong pare

    … daaang

    … i posted a “fling with kris a.”…

    … they are asking about the size of my stimulus package… :oops:


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  8. ulong pare

    … daaang

    … prez gung gong’s new website is up and running…

    … the first page reads, “KAYO ANG BOSS KO”… bwi hi hi hi hi pwi… ooopsie, i wet myself… :oops:

    … the welcome window should read, “KAYO ANG BOSSISI KO”… which is more appropriate to his gung gong audience… :mrgreen:


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  9. I hope Excess bandwidth will hit that site… haha!


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  10. Noynoy Aquino is really an Imbecile Guy. There is no doubt about it. We, the gullible Filipinos, because of our poverty mindedness subliminally wanted what the Conjuangcos/Aquinos have: wealth thru their questionable landholdings of the Hacienda Luisita. His gaffes, maybe deliberately planned. But, I don’t believe it. What you see, is what you really get.

    We know that there is a sinister family machinations from the Cojuangco family. This family is determined to hold their ownership of the Hacienda Luisita. They also have hired the best Public Relationsion/Media Truth Twisters; that money can buy. These PR firms can formulate good disinformations, to feed the public. However, we are just like playing Chess, with these people. They make their moves. We do our moves. We know their traps. We know their tricks. Their whore, Kris Aquino, was their recent move. This move was to divert/distract the attention from the imbecile, Nonoy Aquino . It backfired. Kris Aquino was made a laughing stock. The Whore Move was not successful. They will surely be thinking for another try. So, be On Guard always…It’s fun playing games with these idiotic people…They have their money….we have our brains…
    We will exhaust their money and their patience, until they will be frustrated: who knows, they may commit “hara kiri.”


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  11. We’re probably going to get similar reactions much to Phail Manila’s distinction of participating and not criticizing, according to whatever he believes in.

    Its rather hard to participate when the dumb people voted in versions of themselves to government posts, don’t you think? As much as you want to gear up your e-mail and write to those people, what makes you think they would ever be responsible enough to know their roles and follow up? Same concept with the website where Noynoy further reinforces the stupidity of Ako ang bossing nyo by having some sort of a suggestion box feature. So without strong goals in his mind, he is going to sort out those ideas for it through the minds of the citizens?

    And detractors always snip at me with statements like lets see if you are the leader and how you would do things differently. At least to spare the people, I would never resort to seeking answers entirely from citizens.


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  12. I like Noynoy Aquino :)



    BongV Reply:


    suit yourself :lol:


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    famous wolf Reply:

    I like cheese. :D


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    music-king Reply:

    I like nineteen sixty-four :D


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    darpus Reply:

    Same here. I also like Noynoy.

    …to go and get admitted to the NCMH, that is.


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    ulong pare

    ulong pare Reply:

    ulong pare

    … daang

    … i like prez gung gong… but, i like my idolo-bigotilyo-gung gong prez erap.,..

    …, good for forex… :mrgreen:

    ,… magkano na ba ang forex?


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    Kris Aquino Reply:

    I used to like Big Birds, now I like small birds.


    crab Reply:

    i like Kris Aquino! :lol:


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  13. United States artists creates thousands and thousands of songs a month. Only very few are played in music radios. Majority of the creative artists are so-called “underground” or “indie” bands that only make it as far as YouTube. The trickles are promoted by huge major labels that are shoved, if not paid, to radio jocks.

    There is no market forces here at work. It is money at work.

    In the corrupt setting of the Philippines same hold true.

    Only Tagalogs listens to tagalog music. Those with “taste and class” listen to jazz, “alternative”, pop, rock, grunge and metal.



    BongV Reply:


    youtube has actually become a launching ground for a lot of artists – it’s the free market at work – if the Youtube audience likes the video – it goes viral.

    contrast it to just watching ABS-CBN all day long – nothing else.

    the internet has given me more options for entertainment. i don’t have to watch ABS-CBN. With the Internet – I have my personal channels – I watch the shows I want to watch, when I want it, anywhere, anytime, anyplace. And I even have the option for premium content – like or Harvard Business Review – The Economist – The Scientific American – Popular Science – GQ – Esquire – Men’s Health – Playboy – Time – for those who prefer the National Enquirer – that works, too – compare that to the crap you read on the Inquirer – where you are force fed to read the Philippine media’s crap.



    ChinoF Reply:


    With Youtube, I can watch Masked Rider Double and the original Shaider without looking for a Japanese channel with dubs. I don’t have to watch that lousy ripoff called Zaido. :lol:


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    ChinoF Reply:


    And New Wave. :P


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  14. “And finally, a directive to resurrect a censorship initiative formulated by his mother that dictates the broadcast content of local radio stations, under threat of fines or revocation of licenses.”

    Filipinos will not find the above offensive. Only the intelligent Filipinos find it offensive. Like Filipino blogs, comments, like contents in broadcast and print medias are heavily moderated to extinction.


    anonymous bosch Reply:


    Okay, jesting aside, isn’t that tantamount to restricting freedom of the media? Or the definition of the ‘media’ is just ABS-CBN, PDI and others who sing “Hosanna to the Highest… este… Noynoy.”


    Indolent Indio Circa 1521 Reply:

    They are not restricting the media. The media allowed themselves to be restricted in return of ……. (KINDLY FILL IN THE BLANK)


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  15. “The reason is I want to regain my First Amendment rights. I want to be able to say what’s on my mind and in my heart and what I think is helpful and useful without somebody getting angry, some special interest group deciding this is the time to silence a voice of dissent and attack affiliates, attack sponsors. I’m sort of done with that.”


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  16. so you’re against the enforcement of laws that are already in place? got it.

    thought police? wow, exagg huh?


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