The Leftist-infiltrated organisation Center for People Empowerment in Governance (CenPEG) throws in their two cents on the matter of the first visit of President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III to the United States. In its “Issue Analysis No. 09” on the subject, published on the 14th of August 2009, the group stated that it sees Noynoy’s agenda in this coming visit as an affirmation of the status quo of Philippine relations with its former colonial master and therefore a contradiction of the changes in governance promised during his campaign.
However let’s take a look at the core principles that describe how the CenPEG regards the Philippines’ relationship with America. The “analysis” is built around three basic postulates:
(1) Philippines is being used as a “pawn” of an American plan of “containment and encirclement of China”.
(2) US appetite for war is fuelled by America’s armaments industry which is seen to be a significant source of employment in its depressed economy.
(3) Philippine government “ties” with America are “exclusivist”, have a “superior-subordinate bondage” nature, and “deprive” Filipinos of a “sovereign right to self-determination”.
The CenPEG then proceeds to conclude that if Noynoy delivers his expected affirmation of the US-Philippine relations status quo, it will be a “tacit” support for the continued propagation of the above dynamics.
Boo hoo.
The CenPEG labelled the section in their “analysis” describing the above “conclusions” with the word “Consistent”: as in (my italics in the following excerpt)…
There is no question that Aquino III will remain consistent with the traditional support for U.S. military presence in the country and the whole region.
Sure. But there are also other consistent things at work here, and that includes the tired old taglines used by the Left to fuel their spurious agenda. I’ve been hearing it since my university days as I watched bemused as campus “activists” mounted quaint attempts to enlist the support of students in the College of Engineering, the most populous — but most quiet — student body in the State University.
In short, using the poetry of the vernacular:
Lumang tugtugin na yan.
My take is quite simple. America’s influence fills a vacuum that exists in the intellectual landscape of Philippine society much the same way as another legacy of American presence — the jeepney — fills a void in our country’s mass transport capability.
We as a people lack a cohesive agenda and vision that is bigger than the petty politics that frames our politicians’ posturings. Here then is what is real: Whether we like it or not, American influence gives us a place (pathetic as it may be) in global geopolitics. It is a choice between that and the laughable small-mindedness of Pinoy thinking that will determine and govern that place.
And even more realistically;
If America withdraws its influence on Philippine internal affairs, some other global power will simply step in to fill the void.
So tough luck. Unless we as a people grow a bigger collective brain, we will be subject to the bigger agendas of bigger global players.
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Rightly said, Ph should carve its own way not blame outside forces….how well did Malaysia did, Japan or Korea in spite of being heavily influenced by US.
Jay Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 2:02 am
If anything, PH should observe and learn what was effective from other forms of government and see how they can implement it in the country. You know instead of giving passe nationalistic excuses, consider the wisdom behind those successful decisions to create a better Philippines.
Of course one of the best ways they can do this as well would be to really consider charter change.
CenPEG seems to be subscribing to those screwy conspiracy theories about America… well, leftists, of course. Next thing you know, they’ll believe Obama is an alien.
Anti-foreignism sure is bad for us.
Miriam Quiamco Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 12:10 am
N/A is going to the U.S.? I thought he was averse to foreign travel? Would this confirm the analysis of some newspaper columnist that the U.S. has chosen him as a favorite because they could easily manipulate him? There is nothing wrong with forging good relations with a world power, but with a leader like N/A who does not have the brain, he could easily be maneuvered to enter into an agreement that does not promote our interest. What would he say to Obama if and whenever he is going to be given the chance to discuss ideas with Obama, he does not have clear understanding of world politics, judging from his answers to the questions of an NHK reporter and worse of all, he obviously is small-minded, it would be interesting to watch him behave like a bumbling, spoiled brat bereft of ideas that are truly his own during a press conference. Will he embarrass us once again just like how he answered the question of the NHK reporter on Japan-RP relations?
ChinoF Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 12:27 am
Haha, nice catching that fact, Miriam. He said he won’t travel much, he’ll just send representatives… but he traveled to the U.S. Heck, U.S. ito, i-stateside, aber. Maybe he prefers getting dole-outs from the U.S. rather than Japan, et al, hence his behavior… or hence how his handlers instructed him.
Say, Captain America is a nice picture to put here. He’s the one with the advice to the kid, something like, “if the world tells you to move, no. You stand fast and tell the world, ‘you move!’”
UP nn grad Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 9:54 am
“Salem, Kool or Marlboro? Ask Noynoy what brand blue-seal cigarettes he wants!!” That would be the advise to BarObama by one of US State Department Analysts on what questions will be comfortable for Cory Aquino’s son now known as President-of-the-Philippines-his-Excellency Noynoy.
“So how many smugglers will get convicted by year-end-2010?” would be one question BarObama will NOT ask NogyNoy the President son of Cory Aquino. Baka mapilipit ang dila.
ulong pare Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 11:38 am
… daaang
… mirriam q naman naman namannnn
… do not be so harsh on prez gung gong… ate glo stalked obama for months for a kodakan session…
… just admit that flips/fliplams are whitey stricken…
… weak countries like flipland needs a shoulder to lean on…
… but in flipland’s case, maria clara would rather have a dickey to ride on…
FreeSince09 Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 1:44 am
Here’s another conspiracy theory, AKBAYAN and its pawns are part of a much grander design by the CIA. It’s used as an instrument of soft power to pacify areas and people against too much agitation. Funded by USAID, the main purpose of AKBAYAN is to attack the CPP fronts by competing in its traditional hotbeds: universities and unions.
Hyden Toro Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 12:41 pm
“Everybody has a price…” is always the political principle of the C.I.A. Remember, during the Macapagal Era; if you are reading aunthentic Philippine History. There was a C.I.A. guy, by the name of Stonehill; who almost bought the whole Philippine Congress and Senate… Stonehill, owned the Philippine Phillip Morris Corporation… Filipino politicians can be easily be bought. What is your price?… How much?…”Wala na bang tawad?…
When Captain America throws his mighty shield,
All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield.
If he’s led to a fight and a duel is due,
Then the red and white and the blue’ll come through
When Captain America throws his mighty shield.
Follow the link to hear the song:
FreeSince09 Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 6:53 am
Is this the Cap’in America with Speed raceresque animations…
I don’t know about those guys but I kinda like the idea of having US warships between me and China when **** starts to get real.
Boo Hoo. One thing I’d like to ask leftists: Which country would you prefer, Maoist China?
The points they raised are even common knowledge.
1. We have been American pawns ever since. Remember the Spanish-American war, WW2, Korean war, Gulf war, US war on terror, etc? We have always been bending backwards just to please our white colonial masters. Dudes, you have been living on another planet if you only realized that now.
2. Again, refer to the wars listed on number 1. Also, ask any Ugandan rebel where his guns came from.
3. And again, the so called “sovereign right to self-determination” is a lie. It will only exist if we start stepping up as a nation, which we obviously don’t do. Hence, we will always be suckered because we are suckers.
So Noynoy has finally decided to go see the US, eh? Let’s see how that goes.
Anonylol Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 4:07 am
>”So Noynoy has finally decided to go see the US, eh? Let’s see how that goes.”
Oh I have an idea.
Appropriate background music too:
kusinero Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 4:44 am
LOL. This is perfect
Hyden Toro Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 12:32 pm
No…he is summoned in the White House to maintain the “status qou.”
I agree with this article.Whether we like it or not,America’s influence is what gives us some importance in Geopolitics rather than being part of Socialist China.
Nationalists,what’s to be proud of your country when a lot of Filipinos act like Nazis?Get your **** together then maybe you Nationalists could actually be proud of something that isn’t about “Manny Pacquiao” or “Charice” for once.
So, Noynoy is finally leaving the country to see the economic power that is USA… I hope the Filipinos… Including Noynoy sees things differently now… Then again.. They’ll still see things as normally as they want…
Welcome to Happy Town!
So what’s new with the Philippines. We are still loyal to our colonial masters because we need them. We haven’t learned to stand on our own two feet. We will always be hostages of our past.
Hyden Toro Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 12:29 pm
Understand the term: GLOBALIZATION. You will understand the trend of our civilization, promoted by the U.S. Superpower. Read and research about this term…it will be useful to anybody, trying to understand our times…People who have ambitions to become President or Senators , must fully understand this term…
… daaang
…. flips, puro kayo gung gongs…
… colonial-kolonyal masters pa kayong sinasabi… tapos, you rather spoklong in ferpect englitzhched than your own ‘toopid dialects…
… ay sus ginoo, puro kayo mga gung gongs… magbago na naman kayo… USE YOUR KUKOTES naman naman namannn…
U.S. influence will always be with us. The U.S. was our former Colonial Masters. They set up our pseudo Democracy. They had the U.S. bases here, for almost a century. Their U.S. Seventh Fleet is still prowling the oceans around the Philippines. China, North Korea and Burma are the countries giving the U.S. headaches.
North Korea has nuclear weapons. They have Kim Il Sung as their autocratic leader. China is slowly emerging as an economic power. Russia has its Vladivostok ports nearby. It is an unstable equation maintained by the U.S. in the area. This unstability can change overnight, by an untoward incident.
The U.S. has to maintain open its commercial sealanes to sell its products. This is the cause, why the Philippines is an unwilling pawn in this international chess board game. Noynoy Aquino can be removed anytime by unseen forces; if he is not needed anymore; like Marcos…or other Presidents. U.S./C.I.A. agents are working in the government, providing informations to their Masters. Some of these people are active in
Philippine politics…
ulong pare Reply:
August 16th, 2010 at 1:06 pm
… daaang
@hyden t naman naman namannn
… flipland traposakals, et al are green carders… or at least have multiple entry visa holders to the land o meek and homeys ooopsie milk and honey…
… kasi, when the coup de taes, giyera patani start to boil over, ‘bakwet ang mga westppointing ooopsie west point trained afp/pnp generals to the west…