Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Cowards and Fakes Rule, For Now...!

Sir Delfin,

Invite them all to "Tsibugan" (barbecue with beer, for example) and they will, most likely, show up!

Ask them to THINK, DELIBERATE, DEBATE, SOLVE A PROBLEM, WRITE about Dr Jose Rizal and most will, more than likely, ignore you.


The KOR has DEGENERATED to become a "Fun, Fun, Fun Assembly", with lots of beer, good food, but very LITTLE work for the INTELLECT, for the BRAIN!

Consider these please:

1. Paris & IHQ KOR officials were asked to add on the July 2007 Assembly agenda a short meeting with IHQ officials or a kind of a Question/Answer hour, to help RESOLVE the European Scandals brought by Paras.

A Rizalian proposal.

Lazir was straight-forward with his proposal/s, but NOT a BIT disrespectful.

Yet, NOTHING heard from IHQ, none from Paris KOR.

Later, Lazir was asked why he did not attend...

Lazir is a happy person, but he thinks that when it is a knight of JOSE P. RIZAL assembly, there MUST be something RIZALIAN in there, some RIZALISM! Is this too much to ask a KGCR and Supreme Commander Esguerra?

If Esguerra could find time to promote scalawags and bad eggs to KGOR, why not a 15 minute meeting with Knights involved (+/- Lazir) where the documentary evidence/s are close by and available?

2. Months before the Prague Assembly Sep 2009, Prague KOR officials were asked to include Sir Lucien's Presentation on his newest findings about the Blumentritt-Rizal exchanges. Considering that the Czech Republic is the new country of Ferdinand Blumentritt, this presentation would have been of Great Significance/Importance!

Prague was go, but European KGORs, specifically Felino Paras and Antonio Guansing, the former and incumbent "European Regional Commander" reportedly were against.

Lazir was told that "time was short".

But what is more SIGNIFICANT, Paras/Guansing talking on the podium or a Presentation of the Newest findings about past Blumentritt-Rizal Exchanges?

Does KOR stand for Knights of PARAS or Knights of Guansing?

Interestingly, Esguerra reported to be not feeling well and couldn't attend Prague, but he was in Bahrain.

Was Sir Reghis Romero consulted by Paras and Guansing about their (Paras & Guansing) TURNING DOWN the Presentation on past Blumentritt-Rizal Exchanges?

3. Esguerra in a KOR memo/letter, endorsed a Filipino intellectual, Dr Sir Emmanuel Calairo, De La Salle University, Dasmarinas, Cavite, who was visiting European cities Madrid, Paris, Brussels, Heidelberg, Berlin, Zurich, Vienna, Prague, Munich months before March-April 2010. Dr Sir Emmanuel Calairo holds a Doctorate in Philosophy, Major in History, UP, November 2003.

Purpose of his European Trip is academic collaboration with different European Universities in these European cities/capitals.

Indeed very Rizalian.

Why couldn't Guansing or Paras find 5 or 10 minutes to show their courtesy upon a Filipino intellectual who traveled far for the GOOD NAME of his country?

No time? Busy?

If Paras could find time doing foolishness like doctoring his Resume, or claiming he authored "Born to be a Hero", he has enough time to meet anyone endorsed by Esguerra!

If Guansing could find time attending a Brussels meeting that took 2-3 hours where he, sitting as "Regional Commander", could propose that Paras become the inutile replacement to able Mushake, he could likewise meet anyone sent by Esguerra!

"Luegen haben kurze beine!"

Let's keep the BP low.

-happy to share the Truth with other Ladies and Knights!

-----Original Message-----
From: Delfin Palileo []
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 5:48 AM

Where are the true Knights of Rizal. Stand up and be recognized!

Simple question need simple answer.

Delfin (Brampton)

-----Original Message-----
From: Laon Laan []
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 11:58 PM


Sir Zane,

I noticed that there have been some interesting replies to your letter to Lazir from other Rizalists. Your indulgence if I add mine with a couple of questions.

Since you are an Englishman and RA 646 is written in English, I am certain you understand the language and spirit as it was written and formulated by Filipino lawmakers. Allow me to present some questions that "beg for answers." I have practically gleaned the following from Lazir's emails; noted them down, double checked. I would like someone like you to help me get answers. So here they are:
Justify Full

1. Based on RA 646, Sec 7, is it alright for a KOR official to WITHHOLD and/or KEEP TO HIMSELF donations received?

2. Isn't it a violation of same RA 646, Sec 7 for any KOR official, esp. the Supreme Commander, to not investigate funds' whereabouts when the same is known to him, but do not appear in the KOR Books of Accounts? Unless simply ignored, does the Supreme Commander not owe it to the organization, that a satisfactory investigation is undertaken and a report thereto be officially issued?

3. Is RA 646, Sec 4 not violated when KOR Knights misbehave (lying, forgery, fake reports, etc.)?

4. May a misbehaving official still represent the KOR on an official function, per RA 646, Sec 8?

These four comprise only the tip of the "iceberg." There are many more that need to be answered by the gods that be in Manila. What is keeping Manila from facing these accusations? The excuse that you mentioned: that Lazir's emails used "foul" language and are disrespectful are nothing compared to, say, Sir Bhoy Alcoba's! Yet, Sir Ver exalted him to KGOR last July 2007, in Paris! Without being preposterous, to emulate the above example could get you a KGOR. Of course, you'd not.

Worse, why were Lazir (or a certain Moreno) and Sir Jun Zerrudo summarily removed from the order without the benefit of a hearing? The least IHQ could have done is ask for the "respondents'" views - first.

Was it fair for IHQ to base its act simply from biased testimonies submitted to it? (or, required - with some "complainants" hoping for the coveted rank?). If you find this unfair and not correct, did you question Manila about it?

Sometimes we would like to hear only what we want to hear. That being the case, our sense of judgement is impaired. Have you ever considered asking yourself if there is truth to what Lazir and others write about? Have you come to the conclusion that Lazir's writings are plain yarn? If yes, the more you should encourage your superiors in Manila to answer point by point Lazir's claims. Or at least, when you ask Lazir to "talk" to IHQ, request the latter to respond in kind. It is not an issue of how you say things. It is more about being transparent and being honest.

As you said yourself, new recruits into the order are confused by the issues - then let us help them be enlightened by encouraging Manila to clarify and give answers to Lazir's claim. BTW, knights based in the Philippines are not totally out of touch. I have heard from others that many Rizalists in the home country are visitors to blog sites and they spread emails as much as we do abroad. Since you have good relations and "influence" with VIPs in Manila, why not use your connections to bring this matter to a head. Cyberspace has brought instant knowledge to as many people as desired.

Let me end by asking another question: Do you believe Dr. Rizal would have given up a similar crusade to fight injustice and corruption because the Catholic Church claims he was "rude and disrespectful?" Consider though that being rude and disrespectful is not the same as
being wrong!


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We await response from IHQ to the points raised by "Sinned" (Dennis Barcelona
. Please?????????

This silence is insanely deafening.

Raymund Liongson

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