Tuesday, March 2, 2010


-----Original Message-----
From: Will Hux [mailto:whux@mescodive.com]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 3:26 PM
Subject: RE: Our tire is still flat..


I ask each of you to listen to Brother Rizal Victoria. By resigning there are fewer good men to keep the fight going. Once resigned, they will be silently waiting outside the Order for someone else to correct the problems.....then what? Come back and assume their positions again?

This is a problem much like a flat tire. You can change the flat one for your spare tire, but the original tire is still flat until it is replaced.

We have to demand that accountability and justice prevail. Please do not just turn your backs or wait for someone else to correct this. Even the smallest man can effect change if his voice is heard, propagated with others in unison, and a collective voice is heard.

"My ambition is not to win honors or hold positions, but to see what is just, exact and suitable, is done in political matters." - Dr Jose P. Rizal

My own Chapter commander and the upper ranking Knights from the Eastern USA are not disseminating any of this information and have chosen to pretend it does not exist. In fact, I see some of their names on the e-mail distribution list but they remain silent about this. Perhaps they hope that none of the Chapter members are on the distribution list. I have been forwarding this to them in hopes of gaining at least their interest in reading and learning what is going on, if not joining in to bring about change and improvement.

In my opinion, however humble, we should not wait for any reason. It is not an ungentlemanly act to demand truth and righteousness. I urge you to continue to write and speak of this and disseminate fully so that we can expose the problem and be rid of it. If this will cause resignations or replacements in Manila, so be it.

What would Dr Rizal do?

He would write and publish for all to see and read, even if he had to clandestinely sneak out the pages from prison, one by one. He would be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to correct injustices and remove those who should not be leading us.

I am one small voice, in the US. I stand firmly to the right of the truth and the righteous.

Sir Will Hux, KGOR
Jacksonville Florida, USA

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Dear Brothers in Dr Jose Rizal,

I beg to disagree that I have shamed any Knight publicly. May I clarify.

He who is dishonest, cheats, lies, is no (noble) Knight! It's not the number nor the size of the metal pieces hanging on one's neck or uniform! It's the character of the man himself!

I would bow to a lowly Manila streetsweeper, to a taxi driver, to an office messenger, who honestly performs his job and duty, despite the low pay!

The disgusted European Knights who resigned, couldn't stomach the corruption emanating from IHQ. Ignored, their grievances finding no outlet, they chose resignation, the quick way out...to express their indignation! As one of them said, a "rabbit" NGO that doesn't talk about rabbits for years, is not a "rabbit" NGO! The right word is FAKE!

Our KOR has Rizalism for its purpose, yet IHQ decision makers dispense power, positions, titles forgetting the KOR's avowed purpose, thinking only about themselves, their lust and greed for power!

Quiambao might have surrounded himself with "YES" men all these years. The penultimate insult that drove/drives noble European Knights to resignation was his choice of Paras for European Commander... never mind if the By-Laws were violated. But Quiambao, Paras and their gang forgot that not all lie, cheat, steal in a manner they approve of. By pushing for this insulting appointment of Paras, Quiambao got exposed in Europe!

Through e-mails, I merely point out that "the Emperor has no clothes!"

But like the child in the fairy tale, it is not the child who should be blamed for truthfully saying that the Emperor's "robe is the finest there is" for the Emperor is naked. His "YES" men and the Emperor himself put themselves all into that predicament, for their shameful acts indeed!

If Quiambao could tell us that if we're unhappy in the KOR, we should resign or leave, we freemen can also challenge him to leave the KOR if he can't accept our criticisms!

The 2 e-mails below that reached me, speak volumes for themselves. I speak for myself when I announce publicly that the post of European Commander since the illustrious Sir Barry Bowman left, is V A C A N T!

NOM(ore money to Manila!)

Yours sincerely,

Rizal Victoria
Wilhelmsfeld/Heidelberg Chapter

(Aptly quoted from the resignation letter of a truly noble, illustrious and very able Knight, Sir Christoph Eberle, despite his leaving the KOR, Hamburg, Germany Chapter)


Heidelberg, 19 Mar 07

Sir Alexcs,
Sir Manny Bade,
Sir Jun Z,

The broadsides from here might be intense. We can't simply rest, like you brothers in ME and Canada easily could!

Europe bleeds! If I have time to think "all these things clearly all over again", I too might have resigned! The e-mail exercise keeps me busy, so I can't even have time to think of formulating my resignation letter!


Paras called for a meeting 24 Mar 2007. As much as we could (we in Europe), want him suspended, replaced, out of the KOR. As long as Manila does nothing, right thing to do is to keep firing the salvo!

In our meeting yesterday in Wilhelmsfeld, the concensus is not to send money to Manila, proceed with the planned month of June 2007 Dr Rizal event, and wait for Scarborough's federalization plans!

NOM(ore money to Manila!)

Rizal Victoria


From: lino paras
To: Peter PlXckebaum
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: meeting march 24th, 2007, missing agenda

Dear Sir Peter,

Sorry to tell you I think we have different way of thinking.

1. The meeting is Consultative yes...

When it is consultative you must first know the opinion or proposals of one another "we must not dictate to do this. "We needs freedom of speech".

2. The three agendas I mentioned is more than enough it covers all the problems sourrounding the Euro-Council "It is open for discussion".

Hope you will take what I mean.

Best regards,

Sir Lino

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----- Original Message -----
From: lino paras
To: Peter PlXckebaum
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2007 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: Reminder

Dear Sir Peter,

I have to generalise the agenda, if I say discuss Regional Issues "All valid issue can be discuss" it is up to the participants to prepare their question or proposal to put in the table. If I mentioned few topics and can not be suit by other participant then again mountains of emails be scattered around the globe, as you said yourself that we are in time of crisis " let us minimize discussion by email" it is true, because I was never invited in any European Council meeting before "never recieved invitation from former Regional Commander" and the meeting mentioned in Schoenau, I was never invited nor inform about this, as Deputy Regional Commander 2006 I was left in the dark.

To tell you frankly the problem starts already before the year 2006 and you know very well that there were few Europeans who wants to grab power and want me out of communique.

I did not request for my appointment it is the Filipino Knights in Europe and their Europeans supporters who recommended me in this position and I cannot appoint myself either.

I hope that I was able to enlighten you... and I am will be very happy to see you on the 24 March.

Warmest regards and God bless!

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