Sunday, January 24, 2010

TIME TO MOVE FORWARD Without Corrupt Practices in the KOR


Again and again, we see familiar things happening in the corrupt Philippine gov't mirrored in the KOR!

The RESPONSIBILITY lies squarely upon the shoulders of a KOR Triad, who brought UNIMAGINABLE SHAME to the KOR, but are NEVER investigated for their ABUSE by a consenting Supreme Pursuivant, Samuel Samuela, making him one of the Triad:

Council of Elders member Rogelio Quiambao
Supreme Commander Virgilio Esguerra
Supreme Pursuivant Samuel Samuela

The above-mentioned KOR officials, singly or in cahoots with one another, violated RA 646:

- Sec 4 (bad morals, unethical behaviour, conduct unbecoming of Council of Elder/Supreme Council officers!)

- Sec 7 (COVER-UP of the Mushake donation, non-investigation of missing funds, donated amount not in the KOR Books of Accounts!)

- Sec 8 (MIS-representation of the KOR in public and/or abuse of official KOR letterhead for questionable purposes, acquiescing thereto!)

Instead of disproving that the above TRIO didn't VIOLATE the KOR Law (RA 646) and/or the KOR Manual with respect to questionable/UNDESERVING KGOR promotions, IHQ would rather stay SILENT, if not send out memoranda or other individuals who do not necessarily bring ANSWERS to Lazir's (and/or the general membership's) valid questions.

If there's no Mushake donation of approx. Euro 5,000 WHY was MUSHAKE calling jurist Dr Sir Hans Hack-Ullmer and other European Knights, asking/telling them to STOP Lazir from asking questions about this particular "personal" donation?

Why call the Fire Department when there's no FIRE???

In addition, COMMON SENSE dictates that anything donated to the KOR loses its "personal" character, once a KOR official vested as such receives it!

Once in KOR hands, it must be POSTED as donation in the KOR Books of Accounts, per PICPA accounting rules! Any KOR member can ASK VALID questions about said donation! Lazir started asking about this particular Mushake donation since about RY2008!

Supreme Commander Esguerra even wrote a Memo/Letter addressed to Mushake, asking about said donation!

Why is Esguerra now SILENT about Mushake's answer? Mushake will NEVER ignore any Supreme Commander!

Why is Quiambao silent? Mushake said he donated the approx. Euro 5,000 sometime in RY1999/2000! Quiambao was Supremo that time! Is Euro 5,000 (about DM 10,000!) immaterial? If Quiambao doesn't KNOW about this donation, why SILENCE from him, a lawyer?

Why is Samuela, also a lawyer, not investigating? Did he read Sec 7, RA 646? If yes, what is he waiting for? If not, he is a bad lawyer then!

Isn't Rogelio Quiambao (Mister 5x!) CORRUPT, for

- showing BAD EXAMPLE (unwarranted SILENCE as in the missing MUSHAKE Donation!; exalted unethical Plueckebaum to KGOR shortly after Plueckebaum denounced Lazir to the latter's employer, like a ) to the Youth, conduct unbecoming of a member of the Council of Elders?!
- pushing for Paras' appointment as Europe Reg Cdr RY 2006-2008, when Paras knows practically NOTHING about Dr Jose Rizal, the hero's life & works, causing many prominent Knights to RESIGN en Masse from the KOR?

Infamous KOR Resignations ATTRIBUTABLE to Rogelio Quiambao and to Virgilio Esguerra:

1. Europe’s Representative to the KOR Supreme Council & KGCR Sir Hans Schoof, heavy financier of numerous KOR Projects (financed Fili's translation to German, which is nearing publication!)

2. Former European Regional Commander Sir Klaus Hartung

3. Great grandson of Dr Jose Rizal's bosom friend, Pastor Karl Ullmer Dr Sir Fritz Hack-Ullmer, Order of Sikatuna Recipient, Rank of Maginoo

4. Grandson of Ferdinand Blumentritt Sir Ernest Blumentritt, 98 yrs old, but with very active memory, better than many half his age!

5. Retired Wilhelmsfeld Lord Mayor Sir Manfred Holtzmann, adopted "Son of the City of Manila" (Bagatsing period)

6. Retired Dossenheim, Germany "Polizei" Chief Sir Helmut Merkel, recipient of the "Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany" for his worldwide Project "Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe - Dritte Welt e.V." (Jose Rizal Clinic in Cebu is just one! Other Projects are in different countries/continents!)

ABUSE of Lying Virgilio Esguerra (author of Open Letter titled "How to be un-Rizalian", RY 2007):

- personally SUPPORTED the Paras' appointment as Europe Region Cdr, w/o even verifying if Paras will bring SHAME or FAME to the KOR!

- personally exalting Paras' friend RACIST Boy Alcoba to KGOR, about 3 months AFTER Esguerra wrote in 2007 that he and the Supreme Council are for "non-Racism"; about 3 months AFTER Esguerra wrote he doesn't "tolerate" abusive language of which Alcoba is the AUTHOR!

- personally exalted UNDESERVING Paras boys Guansing, Nollas to KGORs, Paris, July 2007.

Why is Esguerra AFRAID to WITHDRAW these undeserving KGOR promotions, now that he knows it was CONTRARY to what he wrote/stood for?
Does he ADMIT he is an INCOMPETENT Supreme Commander, for his ACTION/INACTION?

Didn't Esguerra wrote in his 18 June 2009 Memo that he has (will have?) a Court Case against Lazir?

Did he (officially) lie again, even using KOR Letterhead?
Soon it will be 18 June 2010!

ABUSE of Partisan/One-Sided Samuel Samuela:

- had the guts to investigate small fry (Moreno/Sir Jun Zerrudo), but has no balls investigating top Honchos Quiambao and Esguerra, despite validated grounds for the conduct of an impartial investigation, RA 646 being the KOR's Consitution & By-Laws!

What is Samuela WAITING for, just carrying the title of Supreme Pursuivant, but not investigate KOR anomalies?
Why was Moreno ILLEGALLY expelled for alleged KOR Manual violations?
Why were Quiambao/Esguerra not investigated by Samuela for going against the same KOR Manual, which provides for KGOR promotions?
Why didn't Samuela investigate the COVER-UP of the Mushake Donation?
Why could Samuela use KOR Letterhead (words "Non-Partisan" emblazoned on it!) yet he is PARTIAL to the Quiambao/Esguerra side, working in cahoots with the duo for Moreno's ONE-SIDED investigation, prosecution and illegal expulsion?
If not accessory to abuse, did Samuela use stolen KOR letterhead?

A Rizalist claiming IMPARTIALITY must investigate ALL involved, not only a SELECT few!
Excluding Quiambao/Esguerra from an investigation is exact opposite of "NON-PARTISANSHIP". Therefore, abusive and un-Rizalian!
Through his own actions, Samuela makes himself a FAKE Rizalist and his claim just an empty lie!

KOR Voters on 30 May 2010 must see to it to NOT VOTE for Quiambao/Esguerra/Samuela supporters and do something GOOD!

For country and people!

-proud and untiring Filipino Knight not afraid to identify the crooks in this KOR RY2008-2010!


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