Monday, January 11, 2010


Rizal's enemy is not totally gone, even after his death, he was still being suppressed up to the present.

Not necessarily. Evil Spaniards who were Church bureaucrats, civil and military authorities who were oppressing, killing, raping, incarcerating, torturing, mulcting, insulting, robbing, etc. the Filipinos were his enemies. Rizal's writings were to expose these abuses.

Current Filipino Church bureaucrats of course know their evil fraternity members done wrong. But they don't want their noses rubbed in the crap their evil foreign counterparts did and they naturally don't want their family scandals being exposed in classrooms by legislative order. They are not essentially against Rizal but since the shit hit had the fan and their evil counterparts had gone, they want the shit Rizal threw to stop hitting them again and again like "friendly fire."

Are the Churchmen and their allies here now oppressing, killing, raping, incarcerating, torturing, mulcting, insulting, robbing, etc. their fellow Filipinos? Surely they were not Rizal's intended enemies.

"Rizal's ENEMY" covers a wide field. If it includes stupidity and ignorance . . . these things, like the poor, we would always have with us.

One special Rizal enemy is the "Retraction." Current Filipino Church leaders may not bet necessarily suppressing Rizal. They are suppressing what their past leaders had probably committed, a forgery. I think they are letting sleeping dogs lie.

Do remember that any religious institution is headed by humans whose strategic policies are often of a political nature. What do you expect of politicians? Maybe the best thing is just to avoid conflict. Look at the Cold War between the superpowers. Global nuclear destruction was avoided and the Americans and Soviets became friends. Ditto with Vietnam and People's China. Surely Rizal would want that..


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