Saturday, January 16, 2010


Mr Marasigan:

"Kaputt" is German word meaning broken.
"Fertig" is the German word for done or finished.

Your loud NON-Answers to Lazir's varied questions mainly confirmed/cemented readers' strong suspicions you KNOW/COVER-UP something stinky! We have many discerning Readers here, thanks to Sir Nito! hehehe

By all means, please MOVE FORWARD. Lazir is not going to slow you down nor stop you.

Readers await your written PROGRESS REPORT (6 months from now? or after 1 year from today?) on implementation of your IMMEDIATE Plans and Projects!

Might interest you to know two German businessmen reportedly went "BANKRUPT" attempting to do business in Manila, reportedly "facilitated" or helped by former Europe Area (before Europe became a Region) Cdr Sir Carlos Benitez (nephew of former Senator Helen Benitez) and a top IHQ KOR official (can we ask Quiambao?) reportedly asking for a PERCENTAGE cut (?) to be part of the deal get (hospital cleaning?) equipments/gadgets pass through Philippine customs.

When the Germans reportedly couldn't bring their container into Manila, through Philippine customs, they gave up!

Did the Germans REFUSE payment of the requested exorbitant/high (?) percentage CUT that ultimately stopped the deal? Or how come the deal did not get through? Why couldn't the Germans bring their container into Manila? How LONG did they try to get their container in before giving up? Months? Was any amount given/paid to any KOR official? Why did the Germans become "bankrupt"?

May no Corrupt official, small time or big time operator stop you.


----- Original Nachricht ----
Von: JMarasigan
Datum: 15.01.2010 22:30

Mr. Victoria:

As far as I am is concerned our TABLE EXERCISE is a done deal, kaput! I expected in Round 3, that you will finally admit those magic words - TALK IS CHEAP - you did.

You heard my views and I heard yours, and you admitted that you are now going in circle - CORRECT, people are getting bored.

Now its Show Time - you may proceed with the IMPLEMENTATION PHASE - Defending your Principles and Deeds on a Number of Issues with KOR.

Let's hear them if people are interested. I will wait for the final product if you address your timetable and date. Don't be too hang-up on the THESIS Issue, we will hire a couple of "Cleaning Ladies" to sort it out.

You're Good to GO. Good Luck!

For the mean time, I will carry-on with our On-going internal projects that the Canada Region is initiating. (RY2009-2012 Plan) OPI - Regional Pursuivant:
a.) KOR Canada Region / PIDC GK Project
b.) Re-Integration of Inactive Chapters in the GTA Area, Vancouver and Montreal
c.) New Canada Region Organizational Structure for RY 2010-2012
d.) On-Going research on the controversial Letter of Retraction (Thanks to Sir Lucien recently for confirming some issues and input provided by a number of Brother Knights in the GTA Area)
e.) KOR Federal Funding Application on Remote Development re: Introduction of Renewable Energy in Remote Areas in Visayas and Mindanao. (Advisory Board - Manny Bade)

Let us all look forward for a better tomorrow, working together in harmony and maintaining respect to one another for the good of the Order.

Thank you Sir Nito Abad for allowing us to participate.


Sir Jimmy Marasigan
Canada Region

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