Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Quiambao's CULTURE OF IMPUNITY that breeds NO RESPECT , even for Laws and/or Manuals, deserve EQUAL treatment...!

Lazir, a quiet man who didn't want to even become member (nor officer!) of any KOR chapter (he has been asked to join KOR from 1985 to 1996), started asking polite and respectful questions in 2007. The more info, proof of wrongdoing he got hold of, the more he got convinced of current "leadership's" CULTURE OF IMPUNITY that has no respect for laws, even though they themselves are lawyers.

In a deep-rooted "CULTURE OF IMPUNITY" the Ampatuans of Maguindanao province massacred innocent people!

Acting similarly and with dispatch, Quiambao, Esguerra, Samuela committed the "2008 KOR massacre" ILLEGALLY expelling innocent Sir Jun Zerrudo and Moreno, but rewarded the WRONGDOERS!

For all things that transpired in the KOR and will still happen under the rule of most INCOMPETENT "Supreme Commander" Esguerra, he is REPONSIBLE and ANSWERABLE! ...and Esguerra CANNOT say a certain Committee or body made the decision/s, because when a CEO (Supreme Commander) keeps SILENT to WRONGDOING, when he voices NO objection/s, when he puts things under the COVER instead of sending them out TRANSPARENTLY, or when he rules like a RUBBER STAMP "Supreme Commander" that means HE IS IN FAVOR and HE IS FOR WHATEVER was DECIDED or ACTED UPON!

Isn't it SHAMEFUL that Sir Jun Zerrudo and Moreno were ILLEGALY expelled, but Esguerra NEVER lifted a finger to expel Paras, despite the reported Supreme Council decision to expel him in 2007, per Sir Pedro Rosito's whisper to Lazir's right ear, 10 Januaru 2008?

KOR members might be dumb, but definitely NOT that DUMB to not see their "game" up there!

They even TWIST facts to make it appear Lazir brought "shame" upon the organization, although Quiambao's/Esguerra's SILENCE just on the Euro 5.000 (ca. DM 10.000) Mushake donation sometime in 1999/2000 was even more SHAMEFUL, or Esguerra's lying, or Samuela's claim of "non-partisanship", and Quiambao's backing of his flea-brained henchmen, headed by Paras!

Quiambao, Esguerra, Samuela and their crooked company have in many ways become similar to the abusive (Ampatuans? Dimaporos?) Mindanao clans who will do everything (kill?), EXPEL critics, knowing that even if they VIOLATE (RA 646) the law, no Knight will open his mouth, as could be observed now, or else...

Those who tell Lazir he is wrong with his truthfull writings, are like misinformed critics, if not demagogues who will STOP at nothing, even perhaps (?) criticize the 57 or so massacre victims (Mangudadatu's wife/relatives, 2 human rights lawyers, about 30 media practitioners, etc.) for doing what they did -- drive to Shariff Aguak, when they know of the threat and the risks to their lives and limbs!

Lazir tells all and sundry though, even THREATS won't STOP him now, now that he began to open his mouth and started his crusade against (KOR) Corruption and this trio's evil ways, even if he's alone, even if he's expelled 10,000x, even if no one listens!

Why PROUDLY call oneself Knight of Rizal, when appropriate term should be "Knight of Quiambao" the moment the latter's corrupt practices are silently accepted, when objections get muzzled, or?

How many HOWLED in protest when Sir Jun Z, who writes validly and diplomatically got expelled? And how many voiced disagreement when Moreno got expelled illegally, for bringing "shame" to the KOR, per lying Samuela?

And how many BLAMED Lazir for being disrespectful to the ABUSIVE KOR elders (or how many voiced ridicule that Moreno got "expelled/massacred", saying it was "OK")?

What begins as an illegal expulsion today, could be most dastardly MURDER in not so distant future! The Ampatuans got to power in 2001, and REFUSED to let go of POWER, even if they have to resort to MURDER! How many more skeletons they hid/buried must be dug from ARMM or Maguindanao territory?

Isn't it relatively a similar thing what drives one to stay in Power, after tasting POWER itself for some time? Didn't Quiambao hold the position 5x? Is Esguerra now targeting for his 3rd? Have to ask pls...


These and other things explain Lazir's writings that show NO RESPECT (what? Call crooks, "Sir" or "Rizalists" or "adherents of Dr Jose Rizal? Ano ba si Lazir, hilo?) to the trio Quiambao, Esguerra, Samuela. (A Century hence after Dr Jose Rizal, the Philippines can be likened to a sinking ship, not a high speed Catamaran or Trimaran, because Filipinos are nice even to their ABUSIVE "leaders", who feel they owe the nation NOTHING! Filipino TRAPO "leaders" feel it is the people who OWE them! Look around in the sea of squalor, poverty, hunger in the Ampatuan's Maguindanao, their twenty-three Philippine mansions (including those located in Quezon City, Davao City, and elsewhere, outside ARMM) standing solid amid a sea of wretchedness & hopelessness!)

GMA's government positively acted (arrested the Ampatuans!) due mainly to the CONSTERNATION and HOWL OF INDIGNATION from foreign lands, including EU, Australia, Canada, the US and UN's Ban Ki Moon!

The Maguindanao Massacre, The KOR abuses, The Holocaust, The Cambodian 'Killing Fields', 9/11, all happened not only because there were ACTORS who ACTED WITH I-M-P-U-N-I-T-Y, but because many hundreds, thousands, Millions supported them, through their SILENCE!

When 30 media practitioners and almost same number of civilians got massacred, Filipinos and foreigners IN THE KNOW are to BLAME for being NICE to ABUSIVE officials; for being SILENT even as they see WRONGDOINGS

- exalting the undeserving to KGOR is WRONG;
- Esguerra not asking about a MISSING DONATION is WRONG;
- accepting PROMOTION from ABUSIVE Officials is WRONG;
- so is taking WRITTEN or SPOKEN ORDERS from them;
- it is ABUSE when Officials want ONLY membership/chapter dues, but member/chapter inquiries/letters are IGNORED!
- denouncing a brother Knight unknown to him is WRONG!
etc. etc.

simply because

- only P100 (or Euro 5.000) was STOLEN or is MISSING;
- it is only the KOR law that was VIOLATED, not Human Rights, not European Union law;
- others got expelled, not me, not my friend, not my neighbor, not my husband:
- those who got expelled (massacred) "deserved" it for going against the "leaders" (the Ampatuans);
- I have my sash, my medal, my KOR, my KCR, my KGOR, my position;
- my position is not affected;
- I am too far away;
etc. etc.

Why should Quiambao, Esguerra, Samuela be compelled to right their wrongs when the members are SILENT (silence means YES!), when undeserving KGORs (Plueckebaum, Guansing, Collantes, & the defrocked "ir-reverend" too?) have the say in their regions and more undeserving KGORs are in control of some turf: Palomar, Nollas, while others even get REWARDED (?), like Alcoba and Plueckebaum, for hitting other Knights as well as Lazir, even spreading UNETHICAL lies as they proudly wear their KGOR sashes!

Lazir would rather fight corrupt ways, even taking ranks, titles, positions, and the "Sir" away from proven crooks Quiambao, Esguerra, Samuela, for indeed, they DO NOT rightfully DESERVE an iota of respect, NOT when they claim they are "Rizalists" while doing the opposite!

If the trio are doing only right, how come the Palomar promotion to KGOR last September 2009? How come this trio and their undeserving KGORs do not contribute from their own POCKETS to cover the Prague funds SHORTAGE, reportedly in the vicinity of Euro 8.000 to 10.000 per a Lady from UK? Why let the quiet Sir Noubikko and his chapter shoulder this financial BURDEN alone? (Not that Lazir wants to say "I told you so", but he did warn Sir Noubikko before September 2009 that he and his Chapter, by accepting the challenge to organize the European assembly, might be "Used/Abused", the way many UNDESERVING got KGORs in Paris, but NO RECOGNITION for those who did the hard work!)

If the MISSING ca. Euro 5.000 would be reported in the KOR Books of Accounts, or if RY1999-2000 (Supreme Commander) Quiambao would give the funds to the KOR now, almost HALF of the Prague deficit is covered!

Where is this MISSING ca. Euro 5.000? Who is the KOR Supreme Commander who will investigate this? Is there one right now?

Before an honorable KOR Organization, comes first an honorable Chapter!
Before there's an honorable Chapter, comes first honorable Knights!
Before there are honorable Knights, there comes first honorable men!
Before there are honorable men, comes FIRST an honorable Ideal!
Take HONOR and the IDEAL out.
Left behind is an EMPTY (hot) air balloon!

- fighting corrupt KOR ways, including the so-called Quiambaoan "Culture of Impunity"
- not greedy for any title, rank, membership or position in Quiambao's KOR!
- one person who can say NO TO corruption, or NO to a promotion given by the UNDESERVING!
- out or in the KOR, will keep fighting the good fight against Tyranny!
- Rizalism is not from Quiambao, Esguerra or Samuela...; it came from Dr Jose Rizal!

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