Friday, December 18, 2009


We, sons of St. Francis of Assisi of the Order of Friars Minor of the San Pedro Bautista Province, gathered together today , December 12, 2009 to celebrate in our fraternity the birth of the Son of Justice express our deep outrage and concern at the decision of the COMELEC to remove Gov. Grace Padaca from office as Governor of Isabela.

When Pilate sentenced the just and honest man, Jesus, Pilate condemned himself. We are not unaware of how the COMELEC has allowed itself to be prostituted to the altar of greed for power.

The massacre in Maguindanao has unearthed collaborating evidences of the truth about the Garci scandal in 2004 and the cheating in 2007 where the opposition candidates got zero votes.

Padaca and Panlilio have stood up against odds to honestly serve their constituents and resist corruption. Grace Padaca has even risked her position just to run after powerful people destroying the Sierra Madre. Panlilio has sacrificed temporarily the joy of offering the sacrifice of the Mass.

These governors have sustained the hope of millions of Filipinos that there is still a possibility to struggle for a better Philippines through elections. Remove them from office and you send a very strong message to the Filipino people that COMELEC cannot be trusted in this coming election.

They will have to look for an alternative to a peaceful transition for power. We appeal to the commissioners, officials and employees of the COMELEC not to be influenced by Bielzebub, the king of lies. May you heed the call of the advent season to repent and be converted to the Lord.

Stand up to the challenge of the truth and to your sacred duty to guard democracy.

At the height of the Marcos dictatorship the Spirit of truth inspired COMELEC employees that they could no longer stomach the lies of the Marcos government. They simply walked out of their job and that paved the way for people power. We became free from dictatorship.

We appeal to all Filipinos of goodwill. Be courageous. Resist evil in all its forms even if it means sacrifice!

In God the All powerful we have nothing to lose.

If you do this, God will bless us with the birth of the Sun of Justice and Love: good governance and honesty where the people especially the poor are the masters and not those greedy for wealth and power.

The Lord give us peace!
(Sgd) Bro. Baltazar Obico,
OFM Minister Provincial Order of Friars Minor

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