Thursday, December 3, 2009

GMA's Utterly Self Demeaning Act

By William M. Esposo (The Philippine Star)
Updated December 03, 2009 12:00 AM

When my good friend Conrad de Quiros likened Madame Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) mouthpiece Serge Remonde to a Palace "Court Jester" - your Chair Wrecker immediately sent Conrad a text message expressing our personal approval. Every time yours truly sees Remonde on an ANC commercial utter (in reference to GMA) that "She does not stifle dissent" - Conrad's characterization immediately comes to mind.

GMA does not stifle dissent, Remonde says. Under GMA, the Philippines had become the worst place in the world for journalists, even surpassing war-torn Iraq and our martial law track record. GMA does not stifle dissent, Remonde says. And yet, UN Human Rights Investigator Philip Alston pinned the murders of unarmed activists here on the GMA regime. GMA does not stifle dissent, Remonde says. No wonder he was heckled and pelted during the Mendiola rally staged by journalists and activists last Monday over the Maguindanao massacre where 30 journalists were killed.

Another Palace mouthpiece, Lorelei Fajardo, has long been competing with Serge Remonde for the 'who best puts foot in mouth' award. With regards the state of GMA's relationship with the Ampatuans after the Maguindanao massacre, Fajardo was quoted: "I don't think the President's friendship with the Ampatuans will be severed. Just because they're in this situation doesn't mean we will turn our backs on them."

Huh? Hello? Is Fajardo working for GMA or against GMA? Did she not foresee the damage that her statement adds to GMA's woes after the international condemnation which the Maguindanao massacre has generated? Did Fajardo not realize that her statement leads to the conclusion that GMA favors her relationship with the alleged beastly murderers over the outrage of every decent person to seek justice for the victims of the Maguindanao massacre?

Did Fajardo not observe that GMA's own political party, the now crippled Lakas Kampi CMD, had expelled the Ampatuans even before the murder charges can be formalized for fear of the backlash that the incident could inflict on the already floundering Gilbert "Gibo" Teodoro presidential candidacy?

Some folks might say that underlings like Remonde and Fajardo could be the result of Divine or Karmic forces now working against GMA. It does seem like an act of madness to appoint mouthpieces like these - like putting a stick of dynamite with a lighted short fuse in your mouth.

It is noted that the mark of great leaders and good managers is the ability to appoint people who are better than them. The weak leaders and insecure managers will tend to appoint people who are grossly inferior to them.

Other than the insecurity and lack of good leadership traits, we can also cite lack of class and good taste on the part of GMA for inflicting such appointees as Remonde and Fajardo. Other than the appointments of people like Remonde and Fajardo, GMA's lack of class and good taste are reflected in her decision to run for a Congressional seat in Pampanga.

Many tend to focus on the legal issue to GMA's running for a Congressional seat in 2010 after occupying the presidency for nine years. They overlooked that what may be legal could be demeaning, shameful and inappropriate.

Hey! It is perfectly legal to move your bowels. But will you do that in your host's dining room after having been treated to a superb repast? Although it is legal, out of good taste and a sense of class and breeding - you simply won't do that.

No self-respecting Chief Executive of a presidential system will run for a Congressional seat after occupying the highest position in the land. That is because you would want to be remembered in history for the highest position of public office that you once held - regardless if many people think that you merely stole it.

In a parliamentary form of government, you must be a Member of Parliament (MP) in order to be elected as Prime Minister (PM) and so it is normal for a Prime Minister to slide down to being an MP and aspire to occupy the PM post again when the political wind changes.

In a parliamentary system, sliding down to a lesser position is acceptable and practiced but in a presidential form of government - it is a self demeaning act which can only reflect a person's lack of good taste, proper breeding and self respect. Even crooked past presidents did not do that.

To top it all, the possible political gain from such a demeaning act is unfathomable. If it is protection from prosecution that GMA seeks - a Congressional seat will not give her that. Being a Congressman only protects you from libel suits for what you utter while in the Halls of Congress but it is no armor of protection from other crimes committed.

If GMA is positioning for the post of Prime Minister in what she hopes will be a shift to a parliamentary form of government - that will never happen. Other than Gilbert Teodoro, who is committed to Charter change if elected 2010 president but is the least likely to be elected president, none of the leading 2010 presidential wannabes will allow their term to be abbreviated.

Chair Wrecker email and website: macesposo@ and

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