Monday, November 23, 2009


We are now some years into the 21st century and have, in that same time frame made quantum leaps into the age of the Internet. Many technical facilities have been made available, which our order hasn’t made use of at all or if indeed - only inchoate. I have learned a Tagalog phrase, “ningas kugon,” which roughly means “brush-fire.” That is exactly how our Order has treated new technology – a short-lived enthusiasm. Therefore there is now an urgent need for reforms in our Order, which could already be resolved now without too much strife and struggle!

An electronically election system of some kind is to be prepared by Sir Hans Schoof and when applied in the near future should simplify and accelerate decision-making and at the same time directly involve members from all over the world – a truly democratic exercise. This is beyond doubt a positive step towards addressing the Order’s expanded national and international stature.

We live - and who will argue that point - in a worldwide information society, which is more and more dependent on acquiring information fast and/or in time. The leadership of our Order seems unaware for some years now of the need to keep in step with this phenomenon and if it does, not in the amount of enthusiasm expected of it. It cannot, for one, disseminate information immediately to members around the world. When it does it comes in trickles and drops. This piecemeal and old fashion of distribution can be very disadvantageous and depriving. The Order needs to have a domain for itself, possibly one with an .ORG ending that is well maintained and updated. It should not rely on Chapter domains to carry this task.

Professionalism must come immediately, so that the members of our Order and others in this world, who are interested in our hero, could find all that we could offer as information about our order and our idol – centrally – through the Internet. Although different websites exist out there maintained by some chapters and by individual Knights, it is of paramount importance for the Supreme Council in Manila to maintain its own domain.

It is to be noted that the domain name is not anymore a wide choice. Take for example (Australia); (UK and Ireland); (Malaya Chapter in Chicago); It might be a good idea for Manila to secure the domain name: as soon as possible!

An example of ineffectiveness and non-professionalism is the transmission of electronic mail through the headquarters. This was last experienced in the mailing of the new By-Laws. The problem is not with individuals who are responsible for transmission. It lies more in the flawed structural and organizational methods applied. This is further exacerbated by the prevailing attitude of some members of the upper echelon.

There should be a database available whereupon the dissemination of information to members can be regulated to the utmost efficiency. The distribution of newsletters, which at one push of the button - can send messages to all or to particular members, is neither technically difficult nor entails high costs.

Through the fulfilment of these few requests to the betterment of the Order, it will be taken positively as step towards the impression that leadership and membership are moving towards unity and harmony. It will measure the willingness of leadership to lend an ear and for the membership to have the feeling of belonging. I have been reminded, nay warned, that too much dissemination of information has its negative effects; that it can bring more confusion and some members can be alienated. I do not buy this argument nor will I argue about it. It is simply imperative that information gets around. Only through openness can we make things work.

Sir Peter Eisele, KCR

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