Friday, November 20, 2009


Sir Tony Abad,
KOR Connecticut Chapter

You hit the nail right on the head! Let INCOMPETENCE be replaced by competence! Let the fakes be replaced by altruistic and Rizalian Knights!

Lazir tries to report FACTS, not necessarily writing to please anyone, CROOKs especially!

Lazir will apologize, if he did someone something wrong: fat or thin, young or old, female or male, whatever the nationality!

Kindly point to Lazir WHERE he has been "abusive", "unfair", "discourteous", "improper", "impertinent", etc. Be ready to prove your accusations though!

He's not someone other than HIMSELF and he knows his limitations. He's aware though that even the Pope makes mistakes, even Pefecto (his high school pal) made mistakes!

IHQ's Samuela, a lawyer, has been DISPROVED by Lazir that the latter brought "SHAME" upon the KOR and/or the Supreme Council!

Here's how: Lazir began writing in 2006/2007, politely asking questions, trying to be "nice". In the course of time, he found the sources of the WRONGDOINGs: the KOR International Headquarters, or IHQ, identifying Quiambao & Esguerra, and now Samuela!

Is it not a shame for IHQ to hide or cover-up the Mushake donation of approx. Euro 5,000 confirmed by Mushake thru telephone conversation with Lazir, last 2008? Was Mushake lying he donated? No! Not when you know your life could end anytime soon. (May he rest in peace!) He told Lazir the time of donation was about 1999/2000! Quiambao was then Supreme Commander.

Why are these funds not reflected in KOR books? That's a job for incumbent Esguerra to find out, and explain! Why his silence? Why can't IHQ explain, if they're righteous and Rizalian as they claim to be? From 1999-2009 is quite a long time! Esguerra may not comfortably sit there and enjoy free airfare from KOR funds to foreign KOR assemblies! RA 646, Sec 7 calls upon him to ACT! Donations are covered by Sec 7, RA 646.

And Samuela, using his lawyering skills, twisted FACTS and now claims Lazir brought "shame" upon the KOR? He forgot Quiambao who failed to record the approx. Euro 5,000 way back 1999-2000, long before Lazir began asking VALID questions in 2007?

And others (the biggest is Samuela) now jump upon Lazir, claiming that Lazir "shamed the KOR organization!" Without proof, Lazir won't apologize! Improper urging Lazir to go to IHQ, when he already TRIED, sacrificed 21-22 January 2008 from his busy TREE PLANTING schedule, just to accommodate the IHQ request, brought upon Lazir by Sir Pedro Rosito, in Cebu, 10 January 2008.

What did IHQ do? Nothing! They knew Lazir's whereabouts, cellphone #, those 2 days..., yet they NEVER confirmed which of the 2 days they want Lazir to personally appear at IHQ! IHQ's turn to confirm, if they were righteous as they claim! (Evidently not!)

Competence? No, IHQ didn't even give Lazir a phone call, nor the courtesy to tell him what date, time, where the meeting will take place! Apparently, the verdict of Sir Judge Arriesgado, retired Cebu Judge, that there's "nothing" to hold Lazir for, made IHQ decide to CANCEL the January meeting
with Lazir!

Clearly, IHQ's mistake, not Lazir's problem! Any claim to the contrary is TWISTING facts once more!

And again Samuela, using his lawyering skills, twisted FACTS and now claims Lazir brought "shame" upon the KOR? He forgot Esguerra whose job it is to run the KOR smoothly and IAW its Constitution & By-Laws, not catering to the whims and caprices of one man! Quiambao?

Is it not a shame to exalt a FAKE individual to KGOR, like Paras, who has the habit of sending fabricated reports to IHQ? Why was he not disciplined in 2007 (Sir Pedro Rosito whispered in Lazir's right ear that the Supreme Council decision was "EXPULSION" for Paras' PLAGIARISM of "Born to be a Hero" and Andres Bonifacio's "Huling Paalam" which Paras copied VERBATIM!)?

Did Quiambao STOP this Paras' expulsion? Is Paras the man who knows the number and sizes of skeletons in Quiambao's closet? Or is it Quiambao's gratitude paying back Paras for keeping Quiambao's son in Paras' Brussels home for many months?

But still, what is Rizalian about this gratitude that Paras gets petitioned (based upon FAKE data, like the P2Million that his boys claimed was "coordinated" by Paras to be donated to needy in Pinas!) in March 2001 to be exalted to KGOR, which Quiambao GRANTED in April 2001 in Florida?

Is it not scandalous that Paras' boys, who are UNDESERVING to even join KOR, are getting KGORs? What exemplary deeds did his boys: Guansing, Nollas, Alcoba, Palomar do for country or for the KOR, BASIC requirements stipulated in the KOR Manual, when exalting KGOR?

In short, how can Samuela, a lawyer, claim that Lazir "brought shame" upon the KOR without Samuela lying through his teeth, TWISTING facts/names, giving the blame upon Lazir, but looking far away when Quiambao exalted fake Paras or when Paras' UNDESERVING boys are getting KGORs from the Esguerra-led KOR!

What is there please for Lazir to RESPECT the Quiambao-Esguerra-Samuela triumvirate, calling them Sirs, when they trample and trod upon the good name and noble Legacy of the Great Malayan? For Lazir, addressing them by just their last names is sufficient! For Lazir, they DESERVE no "Sir" before their names, unlike others who do!

We may not forget that Sir Hilario Davide Jr ordered Paras to explain the plagiarism charges "WITHIN 24 HOURS", asked Sir Klaus Hartung for signed, notarized sworn statements to prove/subtanstiate the allegations against Paras, which Sir Klaus did!

Esguerra's claims that "investigations ongoing" or "no documents on hand" proved to be untrue, a lie of his! Can one see through this IHQ cover-up, as one thinks of Sir Pedro Rosito's whispered info that the 2007
Supreme Council "decision" was to expel Paras? If competent, Esguerra, the 2007 Supreme Commander, could have made the Paras expulsion public!

Why did he hold and/or hide this important decision? Are his hands HELD by Quiambao? Yet, when Sir Jun Zerrudo and Moreno got wrongly "expelled", Esguerra NEVER prevented these decisions from coming out! Far from it, the Moreno "decision" was like Ondoy, that (almost) FLOODED the internet!

Question: Who "shamed" the KOR organization?

Answer: Rogelio Quiambao, Virgilio Esguerra, Samuel Samuela..., or?

Definitely, not Lazir.

"Bato bato sa langit, ang tamaan sana ay...magalit?"

For country and people!


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