Media & Politics have manipulated public opinion to focus of the immediacy of the eco-green ecology issues of the world. Objectively, the multi-dimensions of poverty throughout the world are the primary challenge to solve.
Poverty, economic gaps are the roots of political instability & revolutionary dynamics: between rich elites and impoverished masses within nation states as well as between them.
Look at socio-econmic gaps & political conflct in nations such as: (1) Palestine and Israel, (2) ethnic/religious disputes in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Palistan, Myanmar, African tribal wars, etc. (3) the edcucated elite rulers and under educated, (4) between developed and under and non-developed nations, (5) many other examples today.
What can we do:
(1) revolutionize, not incrementally change our awareness regardless of the media & political manipulators;
( 2) eliminate political corruption & bribes;
(3) don't sell your voting ballot;
(4) stop exploitation by developed nations who temporarily shift factories and cheap jobs;
(5) Demand that "International Summits" focus on POVERTY, FOOD, EDUCATION, HEALTH CARE, INFRASTUCTURE, ETC., projects as the priority International Project.
Why focus on other so-called issues: poverty, lack of education & infrastructure, ethnic and religious prejudices, rich-poor gaps are the breeding grounds of future revolutionaries. Ecology issues are a field field for eco-issues.
Poverty must really be given importance. This is the main reason why a lot of Filipinos go abroad and Philippine remittance is climbing up. There are a lot more issues to take into consideration but poverty must be given ample focus. The remittance Philippines industry helps in easing the poverty so this must also be taken into consideration.