Tuesday, October 13, 2009


First of all, IFKOR is the tangible albeit forced representation of what KOR should have naturally evolved over the years in view of its internationalization. Unfortunately, such eventuality was deliberately thwarted by people who either do not understand the reality of changed circumstances or who do but would prefer to hang on to their colonial way of doing things for reasons of pride or inherent backward mental attitude. Let me explain:

The founding members of the fraternal organization did not envision the body to someday exist or operate beyond the shores of the Philippines. Neither did they forsee that by the year 2000 it will have non-Filipino members coming from and representing different societies, cultures, traditions and worldview. Its statutory laws have over time been rendered inadequate, inapplicable and irrelevant in a global setting. Instead of making constitutional admendments and administrative policy adjustments that recognize the "new order" the leaders in the Philippines would rather operate like Colonial Spain ruling over dominions in other countries, except that in this instance it is the reverse situation. They adamantly refuse to allow just representation for members in places outside the Philippines and treat those members as second class citizens with no voice other than through "padrino style" connections.

The ineptness, arrogance and/or callousness particularly of recent leadership is illustrated in the way they have handled or not handled as the case may be the numerous suggestions, pleas, complaints, and petitions about improvements, anomalies, irregularities and abuses (both of civil and of criminal nature) in Canada, Europe and the Middle East. With the exception of the Middle East leadership appointment scandal all have in essence all been summarily ignored.

In other words, KOR is no longer just a Philippine corporation. The fact is that it is an international organization with chapters existing and/or operating under various foreign and sovereign jurisdictions but is run as if it were the former. Therefore it has become irrelevant because it refuses to recognize the importance, power and functionality of those foreign chapters. It fails to understand that if cannot legally force itself upon any of those chapters for Republic Act 646 is good only in the Philippines.

Secondly, in case you are not aware in 2002 the sitting Chairman of the Board also known as Supreme Commander run foul with the law and was subsequently found guilty and incarcerated. Before then he was asked to take a leave of absence while the Deputy Supreme Commander dutifully took over the reins. However, soon enough said Supreme Commander called a General Assembly (2003) and that Assembly elected a new Supreme Commander. It was not the Deputy. That sent the corporation in a protracted legal tailspin. Suits and countersuits were filed before different courts in the Philippines even as two men claimed legitimacy in their position. The expensive (KOR financed), divisive and destructive court cases expanded into vicious criminal charges filed against each other by the original two protagonists. Meanwhile KOR members both in the Philippines and in other countries were split in their loyalties. Furthermore, another faction joined in the fracas, further complicating the already messy situation.

In 2005 pressure from Canada (Scarborough Manifesto) and Europe (Petition) forced the warring (three) factions to sit and resolve the matter of leadership outside of the courts. They subsequently devised a plan to jointly call a General Assembly whereby a new and single Board of Directors would be elected. They called the plan "Peace and Unity Agreement" supplemented by a "Memorandum of Agreement". Now, while the coming together appeared magnanimous, the unsuspecting did not realize that the ploy effectively disenfranchised the general membership of their right to nominate and vote democratically. The Agreement provided that 1) ONLY THE MEMBERS OF EACH FACTION WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE ASSEMBLY and 2) EACH FACTION WILL NOMINATE THREE MEMBERS TO THE BOARD AND THAT NO (OTHER) NOMINATIONs WILL BE ACCEPTED FROM ANYONE. In other words, Mr. Dimasukat, the so-called Assembly was not the constitionally sanctioned General Assembly as it was an exclusive gathering of the 'warlords' followers. Granted other members managed to attend the Assembly, but they were denied their constitutional right to nominate and to vote. That is why the Lina Council that the Assembly produced was not legitimate. Nor were the following Councils after Lina's. Hence, the KOR does not have a true and legitimate leadership since 2002! In truth and in legal fact, there is a vaccuum of leadership.

In essence, IFKOR began where KOR left off. It is not part of KOR but KOR IN A TRANSFORMED STATE, a people-generated or grassroots-instigated corprate metamorphosis emanating from LEADERSHIP DEFAULT! Some call it revolutionary change. People don't realize it yet but IFKOR is the future that is here now. We are confident that in due time people will become objective enough to want to learn the truth, face the facts and live with reality. We are pre-empting that reality. (For further understanding please analyze closely the Organizational Structure page in the website.)

RE "membership fees" - You'll have to forgive me but while this is a valid issue it is in the face of the IFKOR-KOR issue, a minor one. Some IFKOR members continue to support financially Manila with their dues even as they pay their IFKOR dues. I personally have stopped doing so for obvious reasons. Regardless, it is a matter of personal choice or option.

Having basically summarized to you the background of IFKOR's coming into being perhaps it is not necessary for me to provide you with further details about particular cases, events and situations as it will take at least fifteen to twenty pages. In lieu of that of course I can provide you with a numbered outline of the various issues or maybe a chronology of the events, if you like.

By the way, do you mind telling me whereabouts you are located? Thanks.

Regards in Rizal,

Jun Zerrudo

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