Friday, October 16, 2009

"British father of the girl Evangelista struck with the shoe insisted that the 10 lashes be delivered in public." - The Saudi Gazette

Sir Barry,

With due respect, kind Sir, as Lazir has no quarrel with you... Also, thank you for your good advice.

Lazir can only agree with you. Hence, he's not into HATE MAILs, many talk/apread hereabouts, accusing him of such. Obviously IHQ wants to DEFLECT attention from the CULPRITs that ABUSE the name and legacy of the National Hero!

If Lazir STOPs, who will champion this fight against KOR abusers? Lazir is in his Philippine ANTI-CORRUPTION FIGHT, not personal quarrel with Quiambao, Esguerra, Samuela, although these three CAUSED the problem and still do so, with being at IHQ.

Lazirs' reporting is supported by proof.

Now, let's move back to time between December 2003 and March 2004 ...

...could one who so well preaches, "Carry a Heart that Never Hates." also WALK the TALK?

How Lazir wishes, there was no Mr "Zane Martin Thirlwall", who reportedly DEMANDED the PUBLIC flogging in front of the young students of the International Philippine School, its teachers/faculty and an Embassy official, of a Filipina, a Ms Lucia Evangelista, simply because Mr Thirlwall's daughter reportedly got hit on the shoulder by a shoe, in a reported altercation between the Evangelista and Thirlwall families.

News report was vague, didn't mention any skin cut, deep injury, hemorrhage nor outside bleeding. We know that showing of (hitting with) soles of a shoe is an INSULT in the Arab world. Question is, is the Thirlwall family Arab, devout Moslems, or British?

Yet, Mr Thirlwall reportedly went to many places DEMANDING PUNISHMENT of Ms Lucia Evangelista.

From the "The Saudi Gazette" (unbridged report is shown in full below this letter):

"After the incident, Thirlwall, a British national, went to the school principal to complain about the attack, then to the School Governing Board, and finally to the Ministry of Education. He also sought the assistance of the Philippine Embassy. All these channels failed to help me in our case. Then I filed a complaint against Evangelista with the Al-Khobar Police on February 10, 2004, Thirlwall said."

Allow me kindly to ask some more questions please:

1. Are we in the Middle Ages?
2. Is CORPORAL PUNISHMENT a MUST in this supposedly civilized 21st century?
3. Who is NOT civilized, Mr Thirlwall or Ms Evangelista?
4. Was the 10-day jail term not SUFFICIENT?
5. Was the Police arrest with "both hands and legs shackled", not DEMEANING enough for a Filipina?
6. Must the Police FLOGGING be done in PUBLIC, before the very eyes of many YOUNG students?
7. Is there no HATE in DEMANDing PUBLIC flogging/lashing of a Christian, by a Christian?
8. Where is the HATE in writing/reporting/asking some questions about this "Saudi Gazette" news?

One thing is sure as night and day, HATE is an English word, not Pilipino!

Lazir's noble FIGHT for Rizalism and the good name/legacy of the Great Malayan, abused by corrupt Quiambao and incompetent Esguerra goes on!

For country and people!

-truly believes that Charity/Compassion can go in perfect TANDEM with Anti-Corruption Fight!


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: CALAMITY . . . and a Rizalian Response (UNCLASSIFIED)

Life is very short, so break your silly ego, forgive quickly, believe slowly, love truly, laugh loudly & never avoid anything that makes you smile. The Day's Motivation

When I woke up this morning lying in bed, I was asking myself; What are some of the secrets of success in life? I found the answer right there, in my very room.

Carry a Heart that Never Hates.

Carry a Smile that Never Fades.

Carry a Touch that Never Hurts.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from MTC-Vodafone

-----Original Message-----
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:04:24


Author: By Joe Avancena

The Saudi Gazette


A WOMAN on Monday received a public lashing from police in front of staff and students at the International Philippine School for striking a schoolgirl last December with a high-heel shoe.

The lashing of Lucia Evangelista, a Filipina, had originally been scheduled for Sunday but was postponed after the school principal refused to allow it to be conducted in front of young school students.

But the British father of the girl Evangelista struck with the shoe insisted that the 10 lashes be delivered in public. Monday, police administered the punishment to a kneeling Evangelista in the school courtyard, as students and teachers looked on.

Evangelista was also handed down a five-day jail term, which she already served.

Evangelista, a parent of IPSA, hit Zena Maria Thirlwall in the shoulder with a high-heeled shoe during an altercation between her and Zena s father, Zane Martin Thirlwall, last December 11, 2003.

Evangelista s husband, Francisco, who was also at the scene, shouted invectives at Thirwall.

After the incident, Thirlwall, a British national, went to the school principal to complain about the attack, then to the School Governing Board, and finally to the Ministry of Education. He also sought the assistance of the Philippine Embassy. All these channels failed to help me in our case. Then I filed a complaint against Evangelista with the Al-Khobar Police on February 10, 2004, Thirlwall said.

While the case was in progress, the school removed my children Zena Maria and Giancarlo from the school adding further insult and injury to our family, Thirlwall said.

Evangelista was found guilty by the Dammam Sharia court, which ordered the police to arrest her. She went into hiding for several months, but finally surrendered to the police last Wednesday. She was immediately taken to the Dammam Reformatory Prison where she served the five-day jail term.

The lashing Monday was witnessed by IPSA parents and few students. Evangelista and the police arrived at the school at 1 P.M. She was covered in Abaya from head to foot. Present was Philippine labor attaché Delmer R. Cruz and school officials.

The lashing was supposed to have taken placed Sunday, but was called off by the police when school officials refused to allow students to witness the lashing, which the Thirlwall family demanded.

Evangelista, with both hands and legs shackled, was waving her arms to parents when she was being led by the police back to prison.

The case has polarized the IPSA school community. During last Sunday s scheduled lashing, Zena Maria confronted labor attaché Cruz asking why he was helping Evangelista and not being fair. I am the victim, why are you not helping me, I am 14 years old, and I am also a Filipina. Cruz said he did not answer her because he (Cruz) was just there to see to it that the order of the court is implemented.

My focus then was about the implementation of the court order, we have to uphold the law and obey the mandate of the court. If I answered her, it will just prolong the discussion because the case is already decided, Cruz told The Saudi Gazette.

After this very unfortunate incident, I hope the parents will no longer quarrel, and just work together for the good of the school, said Najeer Oquendo, a Philippine Overseas Labor Office interpreter helping distressed Filipinos. IPSA parents made the same comment.

After the lashing, Evangelista did not show sign of remorse. Addressing the Thirlwalls and the crowd, she said in Tagalog Masaya na kayo, diba? (You are now happy, aren t you?).

Saudi Gazette tried to talk to Evangelista s husband, but failed. He hurriedly left the scene with the police to sign the release paper of his wife. Evangelista was released Monday afternoon. She and her husband will be leaving the Kingdom as soon as he gets his end-of service award from his company and is given the final exit.

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