Friday, September 18, 2009


Brothers in Dr Jose Rizal,

With due respect upon our prestigious and honorable Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter, it apparently and ultimately got lost upon Plückebaum, one like him pretending to lead cannot INSPIRE when his day-to-day talks and actions are incongruent upon each other!

Didn't Plückebaum once advise Lazir to talk in person to the Knight he has disagreement/s with? Wasn't (Denunziant!) Plückebaum the same person who gave that wise advice, as he most treacherously STABBED brother Knight Lazir on the back when Plückebaum lied and complained to Lazir's employer, the US Army, that Lazir spread SPAMs, LIES, etc. during office time, in Plückebaum's hot pursuit of a KGOR title, which Quiambao, for not so valid/transparent reasons other than TREACHERY, quickly awarded to MOST UNETHICAL Plückebaum last February 2009! Did Plückebaum denounce Lazir on his own volition or upon the orders of someone high in IHQ?

Fake, unscrupolous individuals trotting around heavy with undeserved titles/ranks, calling themselves "Knights of Rizal", the likes of treacherous/lying Plückebaum, corrupt Quiambao, lying/inutile Esguerra, racist/evil scheming Paras & Alcoba, incompetent/lazy Guansing, "yes Sir" Nollas, partisan Samuela, etc. bring DISHONOR, SHAME to the KOR, while they fill their ego in FUN, FUN, FUN assemblies laced with the good name of the Great Malayan!

Lazir holds no sway nor control upon individual Knights! Each Knight is a freeman, beholden to no one, other than Dr Jose Rizal himself, who provided hundreds of good examples of supreme humility, integrity, leadership, wisdom, ethics, character! Traits that not even 5x Quiambao nor 2x Esguerra nor "Regional" Guansing and his dastardly deputy possess!

Principled individuals who have some respect unto themselves, their name, their family, their persona, understandably prefer to stay AWAY, far from evil scheming minds!

Prohibition of even asking simple questions as MISSING KOR FUNDS, TRANSPARENCY OF PROMOTIONS, ABSENCE OF REFORMIST IDEAS/REFORM-MINDED INDIVIDUALS, PROMOTION OF EVIL/RACISM, and the like definitely will not encourage and inspire other Knights to take part in Prague..., on the contrary!

RIZALISM lives, not necessarily where an idiotic bunch running the show call his name!

RIZALISM is the fight against evil, the corrupt, the racists, the unjust, the despotic and the tyrants!

for country and people!

- ashamed to accept even a well-deserved promotion from an UNDESERVING conferror, Mr Incompetent himself!

- happy that no (promise of) rank, title, nor position can affect his thinking, his character, and his brain!

P.S. Plückebaum once told Lazir his meetings are only for chapter commanders/deputy chapter commanders, as if he wants to say that Lazir doesn't qualify to attend his meetings, or to be a Commander, Chapter, Regional or even Supreme for all the KOR if Lazir has no preference to be UNDER- rather than OVERrated? Plückebaum must have forgotten that Rizalism encourages EXCHANGES OF IDEAS, not the DISPLAY OF RANKS, TITLES, POSITIONS! Now Plückebaum once more speaks about "...the importance of the order and the heritage of Rizal for us." The discerning CANNOT be FOOLed! Would have been very forthcoming, honest of Plückebaum had he told the Knights to come to Prague and see him strut with his (treacherously-obtained) KGOR rank that was given most-violatively of the KOR Manual!

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