Monday, September 21, 2009


Brothers in Dr Jose Rizal,

If we got 5 or 10 memoranda this year, from a total of 46 (from 01 January 2009 to the present), where are the rest of these memoranda? If we are asked to pay money for arrears, can't we ask to see the many other memoranda they wrote but never sent out? Why are some memoranda not sent out? Why must they keep some with them, unsent? Don't members deserve to know who gets KGOR/KGCR? IHQ is hiding information! Why? If 5 memoranda are sent to us, out of 46, about 90% are being withheld! Is that not plain and simple violation of their avowed "modernization" or "transparency" plans?

Apparently IHQ is now practicing part of the Manual on KGOR/KGCR recommendations. Fine.

What about the wrong KGORs given out to the UNDESERVING? What about the KGOR recommendations for more Paras boys, Palomar, Taguiang, etc? Samuela's logic claiming that Lazir has no proof Guansing, Nollas, Plueckebaum & Alcoba are not deserving is incorrect! If these 3 KGORs + Paras (4 Filipino KGORs in Brussels, Belgium) are "deserving" how come these 4 KGORs in Brussels NEVER (CANNOT!) organize a simple International European Assembly?

OK, Paras and Collantes might attempt to impress upon the uninitiated guests they RUN the whole assembly (in Paris 2007 as per reported to Lazir and Prague 2009 per telephone information from a Czech resident), with "orders" here and "orders" there...! But, these are more the Hispanic attitude that the Great Malayan abhorred in all his writings!

Not only these. How come Paras who has problems expressing himself in written Pilipino, French, English could get KGOR from Quiambao April 2001 and get confirmed/appointed as Regional Commander by Esguerra 2007? Can't these ERRORS get corrected? Was Dr Jose Rizal, a proficient speaker and linguist/prolific writer, not our hero and example to emulate? Did Quiambao and Esguerra not INSULT the name of the Great Malayan by exalting and appointing a persona like Paras, who now aspires to grab the Mushake heirlom and KGCR title? Based upon WHAT? If Dr Jose Rizal were an IGNORAMUS, perhaps "yes!" Didn't Quiambao and Esguerra SHAME the entire KOR by their previous corrupt and questionable action/s?

Why was Lazir blamed for allegedly bringing "shame" to the KOR (clearly, as pictured by the evildoers?), according to partisan Samuela!, but the same partisan Samuela didn't bring a case against Quiambao and Esguerra, who caused prominent Knights to tender their resignations?

If Lazir brought "shame" to the KOR, how come no one RESIGNED in disgust? When incompetent Esguerra (probably at the prodding of corrupt Quiambao?) insisted upon the appointment of racist Paras as European Regional Commander, Sir Hans Schoof, Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer, Sir Ernest Blumentritt, Sir Klaus Hartung, Sir Hans Merkel, Sir Manfred Holtzmann and many more, RESIGNED because they couldn't take the SHAME and INSULT over such an idiotic decision by Esguerra!

Yet, partisan Samuel Samuela didn't find any cause nor reason to INVESTIGATE this SHAME brought upon the KOR? Now Samuela claims to be upright, persecutes and pronounces the expulsion of Lazir for mere allegations of "bringing shame", which he cannot even prove! Didn't Lazir showed evidence that Esguerra lied and he and Quiambao violated Sec 4, 7 and 8 of the RA 646? Aren't Samuela's one-sided conclusions now exposed as idiotic and dumb, pointing a finger at Lazir, but 3 fingers upon himself?

It is idiotic and dumb of Samuela to insist that Lazir's writings "brought shame" to the KOR and warranted his expulsion, where no one resigned in disgust! while Esguerra's actions CONFIRMing the Paras appointment, where many illustrious Knights RESIGNED IN DISGUST don't make partisan Samuela act to clarify or investigate! Is he a Rizalist or a fake or a pretender?

List of International European Assemblies where Paras and his 3 KGORs never had any DIRECT involvement in planning, organizing, directing, controlling and execution of plans (please correct Lazir if he's wrong about some info below). In short, others did the dirty job, while Paras and his boys collected the medals, titles, ranks, positions:

1st (?) organized by Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter (1987?) London (Bowman's Chapter), 2000 (Europe was an Area then, not yet Region?)
2nd (?) by Brussels (Sir Lucien's El Filibusterismo) (2003?) (attended by Sir Ernest Blumentritt and Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer before they resigned in disgust!)
3rd (?) by Paris (Sir Rey Pablo's group) (2007)
4th (?) by Prague (Sir Noubikko's Chapter) (2009)

Just some observations please...

(happy to refuse even a deserved promotion, based on ethics/principle, unlike unethical/lying Plueckebaum!)

P.S. -

Signs of FAKE Rizalism:

1. Didn't Esguerra said on 18 June 2009 that a case (libel?) has been filed against Lazir? Did Esguerra lie again? He seemed to have mastered the art of lying while writing and still claiming to be Rizalian in such a way that many believe him right! One of his writings has this title: "How to be Un-Rizalian", which was distributed in Paris, July 2007.

2. Samuela's IDIOTIC and DUMB logic: If the evildoers feel ashamed because of their past and present corrupt/dumb deeds that got exposed, persecute the reporter and expel him too! If 3 or more prominent Knights with illustrious and high-flying records RESIGN IN DISGUST from the KOR, whoever directly/indirectly caused their resignations didn't do anything wrong! Stick to your weak backbone and do not even try to investigate the friends of your friends!

3. If you plagiarize a book, consult Paras for his advice. You might get KGOR! And Paras, who got away lying on this subject, might then deserve the KGCR, per petition of his high-ranking (KCR/KGOR) boys!

4. Advise a brother Knight to talk to another in person where there are issues, then secretly contact his employer, dumping all lies you can think of! In less than 30 days, you could get KGOR! This transpired in February 2009! Plueckebaum thanked Quiambao and his incompetent Supreme Commander!

5. So the uninitiated and other guests will think highly of you, pretend you are Paras or Collantes and give orders left and right, to whomever you think will do your bidding! Don't forget to wear your heavy metals and your bright sash! The KGCR rank might call out your name..., aloud!

6. In case you need the wisdom of Padre Damaso or Padre Salvi (one lives in Belgium, the other in Canada)? They vowed to be priests, but dropped their frock for something more material, solid and heavy! Their logic: "Sir Father" or "Father Sir" do not seem congruent with each other!

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MEMORANDUM NO. 46, Series 2008-2010

TO/FOR : Chapter, Area, and Regional Commanders

SUBJECT : Plaques of Recognition, Lifetime Membership and KGOR Exaltation in the 4th European Regional Assembly in Prague

DATE : September 4, 2009

The Supreme Council approved during the August 15, 2009 Board Meeting five Plaques of Recognition for brother knights responsible for organizing the 4th European Regional Assembly; Lifetime Memberships for four brother knights from various Regions, and Awarding of a KGOR previously approved by the SC in February 2009.

Applications for rank elevations and exaltations to KGOR and KGCR were referred to the appropriate Prefectural Tribunal for further evaluation.

Other recommendations for various Service Medals and Awards were also referred to the appropriate body for further evaluation.




Supreme Commander

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MEMORANDUM NO. 45, Series, 2008-2010

TO/FOR : Regional, Area and Chapter Commanders

SUBJECT : On Payments of Arrears and Other Financial Obligations

DATE : 3 September 2009


Based on a Resolution of the Supreme Council (SC) in the Board Meeting held last August 15, 2009, the SC resolved to issue this Memorandum for information and compliance of those concerned.

KOR Chapters who have financial obligations with the International Headquarters consisting of all arrears and unpaid accounts from 2006 will be ineligible pursuant to the 2006 Amended By-Laws from exercising the right to vote unless said financial obligations and arrears are settled timely and sufficiently before the election.

As the KOR is spending a considerable amount of money to cover for paraphernalia, publications, communications (mail, fax, telephone calls), electricity, water, office supplies, salaries, travel expenses, etc. – it cannot operate fully with insufficient revenues.

We call on all the Chapters and members to start to settle their past obligations NOW.

A certificate of clearance will be issued by the Supreme Exchequer on the basis of a report by the Secretariat that all financial obligations had been paid by the Chapter/member.

Thank you for your very kind attention on this matter.




Supreme Exchequer



Supreme Commander

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