Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Sir Ka Pule2,
Sir Noubikko,

Lazir accuses Quiambao, Esguerra, and Samuela of violations against Sections 4, 7, and 8 of Republic Act No. 646 (see the KOR Charter below please)!

Here are five compelling reasons:

1. For spearheading/investigating Sir Jun Zerrudo and Lazir based on flimsy grounds, merely upon say-so "from the top", Samuel Samuela tainted his professional name as a lawyer; so did Virgilio Esguerra and his profession, for letting the investigation proceed..., even going against the legal maxim: "Innocent until proven guilty!" by writing a conclusive but SHAMEFUL memo that couldn't hide IHQ duplicity, abuse of power, arrogance, vindictiveness!

Instead of acting appropriately to be part of the solution, Samuel Samuela chose to side with the wrongdoers: corrupt Quiambao and incompetent Esguerra, hurting himself and his own name in the process! If Samuela were righteous, he would have quickly DISTANCED himself from what Esguerra tasked him to do! He did not! Is that Rizalian? Nope! That is contrary to Good Moral Character!

2. For exalting Undeserving persons to KGOR: Paras, Guansing, Plueckebaum, Nollas, Alcoba, Collantes and even FAKEs to KGOR: proven racists Paras and Alcoba!

Quiambao exalted to KGOR fake Knight Felino Paras, April 2001 in Florida and Undeserving Collantes in Canada! Is that alright what Quiambao did? Is it Rizalian? Does it promote Rizalism? Nope! What Quiambao did is/was contrary to Good Moral Character!

Esguerra exalted Undeserving Tony Guansing (Esguerra appointee as Europe regional commander), Undeserving Rudy Nollas (Esguerra appointee as Belgium area commander is Preface author of a FAKE book titled, "Born to be a Hero"!), proven racist and writer of vulgar/indecent words Cesar Alcoba in Paris July 2007; then Undeserving Peter Pueckebaum in February 2009, Manila, all based on invalid/non-existent grounds, questionable in nature and not in conformity with the KOR Manual and the KOR Charter! Rizalism has nothing to do with these exaltations, not a tiny bit! Did Esguerra let it pass, from someone's "say-so" above him? Also, why not take those Undeserving promotions back, now that he is informed they were not DESERVED? Again, his incompetence?

Didn't Esguerra write he doesn't tolerate vulgar/indecent words in the KOR 12 April 2007? He lied, yes! Is that Rizalism? Nope! What Esguerra wrote and did are/were contrary to Good Moral Character!

3. For hiding from the entire KOR Membership the true story about the approx. Euro 5,000 confirmed donated by Mushake sometime 1999/2000 to the KOR. Supreme Commander then was Quiambao! It is Esguerra's duty as incumbent "leader" to now investigate this for purposes of transparency in KOR financial affairs! Can Esguerra investigate Quiambao?

Since the KOR corporation was not organized solely to "collect" donations, but spend them SOLELY to promote the purposes for which the corporation is organized, Quiambao and Esguerra must explain why the approx. Euro 5,000 is NOT in the KOR Books of Accounts, not on KOR records, from 1999/2000 up to Mushake's death early this year 2009! Where is this amount of approx. P340,000.00? Should Quiambao and Esguerra be silent about it? Nope! Quiambao's and Esguerra's silence on this MISSING approx. P340,000.00 is contrary to Good Moral Character!

4. For the persecution and expulsion of honorable Knight Sir Jun Zerrudo from the KOR, based on unfounded, malicious accusations that brought more SHAME upon the entire KOR organization!

Esguerra as incumbent "supreme commander" is "in-charge of the KOR"! Samuel Samuela was tasked to be the "hatchet man"! Did Esguerra and Samuela promote Rizalism by persecuting innocent and honorable Sir Jun Zerrudo and Lazir, but leaving wrongdoers like Quiambao, Esguerra, Paras, Alcoba, etc. out of their investigation, prosecution and expulsion process? Nope! By disciplining the undeserving, Esguerra and Samuela exceeded their legal bounds and in fact, abused their authority beyond the limit! Rizalism is justice and fairness! Ergo, Esguerra's and Samuela's acts in these abusive, one-sided investigations are contrary to Good Moral Character!

5. For falsely and fraudulently calling themselves, or representing themselves to be members of, agents for, the Knights of Rizal organization, after compromising their Good Moral Character themselves in so shameless ways as enumerated above!

Are Quiambao, Esguerra, Samuela FAKE Knights? Lazir, basing his opinion upon RA 646, says yes! Ergo, Quiambao and Esguerra would be violative of Sec 8, RA 646 should any of them EVER attempt to represent the KOR in September 2009, Prague, Czech Republic.

Opinions of other KOR Ladies and Knights, patriotic Filipinos, are WELCOME!

Right now, Deputy Supreme Commander Sir Pablo Trillana III, might be the only legitimate Representative to represent the KOR in the September International Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic!

Will Sir Noubikko and his Prague KOR Chapter stand up to their Rizalian duty to uphold RA 646 by disinviting/disowning Quiambao and Esguerra and putting the name of Sir Pablo Trillana III in their stead? Or will RA 646 be ignored/sidelined, quid-pro-quo, perhaps in exchange for someone's KGOR promotion?


The Dirty Game plan: Find someone who will do the work, but steal the credit from that person, while dangling a sash/medal/title/position, if you can't wiggle out of it! KCR or KGOR will do?

Felino Paras, The SHAME OF EUROPE, masterfully did this in Paris, France July 2007! He found someone to do most of the work organizing the Paris International Assembly, then got his BENELUX boys promoted to KGOR! That's where some (valid!) complaints about KOR/Esguerra awarding the wrong persons, UNDESERVING is the word, came from! Imagine, Paris organized the International Assembly and those outside France got the KGORs!???

Esguerra claims it is the Supreme Council deciding as a body about KGOR promotions!

When Lazir asked to see the Supreme Council deliberations that gave KGOR ranks to Guansing, Plueckebaum, Nollas, Alcoba, Esguerra clammed up and became silent! WHY?

This Paras is same person who reportedly "posed" by a box/container, when he had nothing to do with said container donated to the poor in the Philippines! Masterfully did Paras convince IHQ he "coordinated" the donation of some P2.0 Million goods to the Philippines! Until Sir Francois Ooms came forward, gently informing Lazir that he doesn't want any quarrel, but those P2.0 Million were the fruits of the hard work of his El Filibusterismo Chapter, its officers and members in Brussels, nothing to do with Felino Paras! Doesn't this make Paras a FAKE if not a THIEF?

Lazir's observations in view of the forthcoming Prague International Assembly:

Although Paras, Guansing, Nollas and Alcoba are Benelux "KGORs", heavyweights!, these four NEVER ever organized, nor will they organize an International Assembly in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg! Why? Lazy, incompetent, or both?

History repeats itself!

Fact: Guansing will not organize an International Assembly in the Benelux countries, his home base! Lazy, incompetent, or both?

So, following the footsteps of Paras (not Excellence, NOT the footsteps of the Great Malayan!), this Undeserving KGOR found a hapless Prague Chapter to be tasked to organize a KOR International Assembly, September 2009!

Wait and watch who will be getting KCRs or KGOR/s in less than two months in the Czech Republic!???

Is this Rizalian? No! Is this Rizalism? No! Or is this corrupt practice? YES! YES! YES!


The Great Malayan was not known for writing flowery words to please the abusive Spaniards! Noli and Fili were destroyed, banned and burned!

Lazir has therefore all the reasons to follow the footsteps of his hero, Dr Jose Rizal! Nothing wrong about that...
Nothing personal! Wrongdoing/Wrongdoers ought to be so identified, that others may know. If it is a spade, call it a spade!

For country and people!

Lone Knight of Rizal who refused a promotion to next higher rank because Esguerra, who reportedly signed his promotion, is UNDESERVING to promote Lazir! The promotion document was signed sometime September 2008, supposed to be awarded last 20 June 2009, Wilhelmsfeld, Germany! Moral Lesson: True Knights do not take orders from a FAKE!


Republic Act No. 646
Charter of the Knights of Rizal
S. No. 251 Second Session
Republic Act No. 646


WHEREAS, a civic organization known as "Orden de Caballeros de Rizal" (Knights of Rizal) was incorporated under the Corporation Law of the Philippines in the year 1916 by patriotic citizens for the following purposes

(a) To develop the most perfect union among the Filipinos in revering the memory of Dr.Jose Rizal;

(b) To promote among the associated knights the spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry;

(c) To study and spread the teaching of Dr. Jose Rizal and keep ever alive his consecrated memory and to make effective his exemplary and exalted principles; and

(d) To organize the annual festivities in honor of Dr. Jose Rizal.

WHEREAS, the Knights of Rizal, if officially recognized and vested with appropiate powers, would be a convenient instrumentality by which the teachings of our national hero may be propagated among our people to the end that they emulate and follow his examples; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary to grant legislative Charter to the said Knights of Rizal in order to accord official recognition to it and to enlarge its powers so that it may more fully and more effectively accomplish the laudable purposes for which it was organized: Now, therefore,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

SECTION 1. The present civic organization known as Orden de Caballeros de Rizal is hereby converted into a body corporate and politic with powers hereinafter specified, under the name and style of KNIGHTS OF RIZAL and in Spanish as Orden de Caballeros de Rizal (hereinafter called the corporation). The principal office of the corporation shall be in the city of Manila, Philippines.

SECTION 2. The purposes of this corporation shall be to study the teaching of Dr. Jose Rizal, to inculcate and propagate them in and among all classes of Filipino people, and by words and deeds to exhort our citizenry to emulate and practice the examples and teachings of our national hero; to promote among the associated knights the spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry; to develop a perfect union among the Filipinos in revering the memory of Dr. Jose Rizal; and to organize and hold programs commemorative of Rizal’s nativity and martyrdom.

SECTION 3. The said corporation shall have perpetual succession, with power to sue and to be sued, to hold such real and personal property as shall be necessary for corporate purposes; to solicit and receive public contributions; to receive real and personal property by gift, device, or bequest; to adopt a seal and to alter the same at pleasure; to have offices and conduct its business and affairs in the city of Manila and elsewhere; to make and adopt by-laws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the Philippines, and generally to do all such acts and things including the establishment of regulations for the election of associates and successors as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Act and to promote the purposes of the said corporation. The existing By-Laws of the “Orden de Caballeros de Rizal†insofar as they are not inconsistent with this Act shall remain in force as the “By-Laws of the corporation until repealed or amended.

SECTION 4. All persons of legal age and of good moral character and reputation, who are in sympathy with the purposes of the corporation, are eligible for active membership, upon unanimous approval of the Supreme Council en banc of a written application therefore duly endorsed by at least two active members of the corporation.

SECTION 5. The general administration and direction of the affairs of the corporation shall be in the hands of a Supreme Council (Board of Directors) of nine members, which is hereby vested with full powers and authority to act and perform all such functions as the corporation itself may do and perform.

SECTION 6. A group of five or more persons, of legal age residing in any locality outside Manila and who are of good moral character and reputation, may associate themselves and form a chapter of the corporation upon approval of a written petition to the Supreme Council. It shall be the duty of each chapter to promote and carry out the purposes of the corporation in the locality where the chapter is organized.

SECTION 7. Any donation or contribution which from time to time may be made to the corporation by the Government or any of its subdivisions, branches, offices, agencies, or instrumentalities, or by any other person or entity shall be expended by the Supreme Council solely to promote the purposes for which the corporation is organized.

SECTION 8. From and after the passage of this Act, it shall be unlawful for any person to falsely and fraudulently call himself as, or represent himself to be, a member of, an agent for, the Knights of Rizal; and any person who violates any of the provisions of this Act shall be punished by imprisonment of not to exceed six months or a fine not exceeding five hundred pesos, or both, in the discretion of the court.

SECTION 9. These acts shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved. June 14, 1951

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