Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How Esguerra SEPARATED Himself From RIZALISM And The KOR...!

Good Morning,

Esguerra, as Supreme Commander, is not only incompetent but inutile as well! He points an accusing finger at Lazir, not realizing that three (3) of his fingers point at the real wrongdoer, he, Esguerra himself!

Can he and Quiambao not understand the language, spirit, meaning and purpose of the Law, Republic Act No. 646, specifically its Section 4, on 'GOOD MORAL CHARACTER'? Simply said, it says that only those with good moral character may join the KOR. Telling lies, writing and even spreading them do not make a person morally upright nor good. Since Esguerra told, wrote lies, he doesn't possess 'GOOD MORAL CHARACTER'! What that means is that Esguerra, through his own actions, SEVERED/SEPARATED himself from the KOR Organization! Any and all memoranda he writes, are worth no more than the piece of paper they are written upon!

He signs this 18 June 2009 memo with accusations but no iota of truth nor proof in there! It's like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad once more claiming he won a landslide victory in the Iranian presidential elections, or saying that NEDA was shot by the CIA!

Is lying "good moral character" per Sec 4, R.A. 646, the enabling law of the KOR organization?

Esguerra lied many times, bringing shame to the KOR! Three attachments here form part of evidence of his lying:

1) "Of course we do not tolerate vulgar and indecent words in KOR." - per Esguerra letter 12 April 2007, 2nd paragraph, 3rd sentence (see attachment above).

Vulgar and indecent words author Bhoy Alcoba was promoted by Esguerra himself last July 2007 in Paris, France, contrary to what Esguerra says!

2) "We, in the Supreme Council and in the KOR organization, stand for justice, freedom, equality and non-racism." - per his signed OPEN LETTER titled "How to be Un-Rizalian", dated 15 May 2007, 7th paragraph, 1st sentence (pls see attachment above).

In less than 3 months, same Esguerra promoted same Alcoba to KGOR, July 2007, Paris, France...again contrary to what he wrote, signed on 15 May 2007 and distributed shortly thereafter! Lazir got his copy inserted in the Souvenir Program, July 2007 Paris International Assembly!

3) "Those who had been specifically maligned by Rizal Victoria..." - per 18 June 2009 Esguerra memo (see attachment above), 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence.

Did Lazir malign anyone?

If someone did malign the Supreme Council, it is Esguerra himself! Reading No. 2 above, notice that Esguerra maligned the ENTIRE Supreme Council and the ENTIRE KOR Organization when he wrote "WE", then signed the letter himself! The Supreme Council perhaps (MINUS Esguerra?) stands for non-racisim! Why must Esguerra sign for Supreme Council and entire KOR organization then BLAME Lazir?

Quiambao himself personally promoted Paras to KGOR in Florida, April 2001!, long before Lazir started writing RY 2006/2007! (pls see attached March 2001 Petition by Nollas & Co to Quiambao, 2001 Supreme Commander)

Therefore, Quiambao already brought SHAME upon the KOR as early as 2001, by promoting UNDESERVING Paras to KGOR!


Who is lying?
Answer: Esguerra (evidence provided on 3 attachments above)

Who put the KOR to shame?
Answer: Quiambao, Esguerra, Paras & Alcoba plus the undeserving KGORs Guansing, Plueckebaum, Nollas (Wearing, giving, receiving undeserved medals, titles, ranks are an affront to the good name of the organization!)

Who maligned the Supreme Council, the KOR organization?
Answer: 1) Supreme Commander Rogelio Quiambao in 1999/2000 on the missing Euro 5,000 (approx.) w/c up till today is unaccounted for in the KOR Books of Accounts, per Esguerra'sreport himself! German Donor Mushake confirmed over the phone with Lazir he did give the amount of approx. DM 10,000 sometime 1999/2000. Quiambao was then Supreme Commander. Where is this approx. Euro 5,000 Mr Quiambao? Why the LOUD silence? (Donations could be private, but once they are in the hands of the KOR, any member can ask about it, being now, organization funds! Lazir has been asking about these since two years, but Esguerra & Quiambao, by choice, refuse to provide any explanation, other than BLAMING Lazir for "bringing" shame, although this duo are guilty of what they charge Lazir!)

2) Virgilio Esguerra for writing and lying last 15 May 2007, "We, in the Supreme Council and in the KOR organization, stand for justice, freedom, equality and non-racism."

How come the May 2008 Elections were held in Luzon, not in the Visayas or in Mindanao, per previously-agreed arrangement?
Answer pls from the Supreme Commander? In order to prolong the hold of power by Quiambao and Esguerra, knowing they could have lost if the May 2008 KOR Elections were held in the Visayas or Mindanao?

This lying Supreme Commander Esguerra, if he is righteous, should have acted as quickly on written complaints about ALL Knights, not selectively against a few! He did not! WHY?

Is that bravery of him, to expell only Moreno and Sir Jun Zerrudo? Is he a Knight or a coward? Perhaps a COWARD Knight?

What about the Alcoba, Paras racism cases? What about the give-away KGOR to the undeserving Guansing, Plueckebaum, Nollas where Esguerra, as Supreme Commander, is liable for violations of the KOR Manual that specifically cites how the KGOR is to be awarded! Why does Esguerra confer KGOR titles, ranks without valid reasons? WHY? What for?

Can Esguerra name the good deeds deserving the KGOR for Paras, Alcoba, Plueckebaum, Guansing, Nollas? Since he cannot and refused until today to provide documentation, Esguerra isn'y lying? If those KGORs titles are validly given out, why HIDE the documentation or the citation? (The US gov't publishes stories on whom, why and what for the Congressional Medal of Honor is awarded!)

Lazir uses applicable language to describe this liar Esguerra for a KOR Supreme Commander! Nothing personal, no hatred whatsover. A spade is just a spade!

Although qualified, Lazir refused Esguerra's signed promotion for Lazir's promotion which could have been given last 20 June 2009 to him in Wilhelmsfeld, Germany, because this lying Esguerra is UNDESERVING to promote Lazir! And Lazir, as always, refuses to be intimidated, cannot be bought nor bribed with any promotion, rank, title, sash or even cash!

(To use Esguerra's language) Mr Esguerra fully deserves his separation from the Order of the Knights of Rizal on his own doing and is henceforth stripped of all the rights and privileges of membership in the (once) prestigious Order of the Knights of Rizal. And to borrow Esguerra's famous word: "NAKAKAHIYA!" for a Supreme Commander (President of provincial administrators league of the Philippines?) to be so-treated by a lowly yet spirited, highly-principled, brave, incorruptible and combative Knight by the name of Lazir!

For country and people!

No interest in a KOR run by Quiambao & Esguerra!

P.s. - In the Philippines, they say that one could win or lose a case, not because of merit, but the amount of bribe (or some other considerations?) you could afford to give! Ask yourselves, why are Paras & Alcoba, both identified racists, still in the KOR, if Sir Jun Zerrudo is expelled already and Moreno too? What keeps Esguerra from expelling Paras & Alcoba? What "secret" do Paras & Alcoba hold? "Secrets" too damaging to Esguerra or Quiambao? How come Lazir is being PERSECUTED for exposing Esguerra lies as putting KOR in shame? But, Paras & Alcoba are not even investigated, prosecuted, expelled! Didn't Esguerra one time report about some "investigation"? Even Sir Barry Bowman mentioned one time about an "investigation" of Alcoba? That was 2008, now is 2009! Alcoba & Paras are still KOR members!

So, who is lying? Who is bringing SHAME to the KOR? Lazir the reporter? Or Esguerra the Supreme Commander who is incompetent and inutile..., for he disciplines and promotes the UNDESERVING!

Two glaring stupid examples of Esguerra's incompetence (no, Lazir is not saying that Esguerra is stupid...; rather, two stupid one could read here!):

1) Esguerra (Rizal provincial administrator?) expelled Sir Jun Zerrudo and Moreno from the KOR, for flimsy reasons that could hardly hold water!

If Esguerra studied Law, how could he ignore the "benefit of the doubt" rule! If Lazir is, per his CONCLUSION, guilty of "bringing" shame to the KOR now, how about the lies he himself wrote and the acts of his friends Quiambao (in 1999/2000/2001!), Paras (2001/2003/2007/2008/2009!), Alcoba (2007/2008), to name a few?

Are Esguerra lies EXCEMPTED from this "SHAME THE KOR" rule? Is it OK for the Supreme Commander to tell a lie, or write lies? Where is his delicadeza? Caught by Lazir writing lies, why is Esguerra still a member, having violated Sec 4, R.A. 646 on "good moral character"? (Lazir's logic: Sec 4 is clear, KOR membership for those with good moral character! If no good moral character, therefore NOT A MEMBER! Lazir therefore proved beyond reasonable doubt that Esguerra, who lied, is not a KOR member, not the Supreme Commander, ab initio! Esguerra outed himself!)

Where is "command responsibility"? If Paras & Alcoba cannot be expelled, shouldn't the Supreme Commander be answerable for being incompetent? If Esguerra has "good character", so much does Lazir, who stands by his words!, while Esguerra engages in double speak on Rizalism!

2) Esguerra promoted proven/identified racist Alcoba to KGOR! Why? No high animal, not even a Supreme Commander, can promote a racist to KGOR, nor keep him in the organization!

Esguerra's methods can be likened to the Chinese tanks that rolled on Tiananmen Square!

Esguerra as Supreme Commander writing about Rizalism reminds Lazir of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who spoke of 'ethics', after the 12 June 2009 Iranian presidential elections!

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