Sunday, March 8, 2009


Good afternoon Kristine,

Tnx for your e-mail! Laon Laan passed it on to Lazir...

Did Lazir send you an unsolicited e-mail? Pleuckebaum did ask Laon Laan to delete his (former's) e-mail address from his (latter's) list!

As far as Lazir knows, never did the former ask Lazir to delete his address! There ends the wrong claim of "unsolicited" mail, Plueckebaum-wise.

Hence, one is lying (Plueckebaum) with a claim of "unsolicited" mails or "spamming" from Lazir! And lied he did again when he (Plueckebaum) claimed that Lazir writes false allegations! What Lazir sent Plueckebaum were true and was far from "unsolicited".

And you miss the point too! Lazir is not Laon Laan! Lazir writes straight and as you observed it yourself, has good intentions. He doesn't hide, even if his name is perhaps reversed! You can call him Rizal, if you prefer it more that way.

Does it mean if Kissinger speaks on TV or in public, Lazir MUST listen to him? Isn't that "unsolicited" as well, if not unwanted? This is of course another topic...

Let's look at the evidence of where Esguerra lied to us all, his wrongdoings (see Enclosures above please):

1. His Open Letter dated 15 May 2007 to Sir Peter Eisele which Esguerra (aptly) titled, "How to be un-Rizalian", par 7, 1st sentence, said that he and the Supreme Council in the KOR organization stand for "non-racism"! Yet, in less than 3 months, he exalted racist Alcoba to KGOR!

2. His letter to Sir Jun Zerrudo dated 12 April 2007, par 2, 3rd sentence, "Of course we do not tolerate vulgar and indecent words in KOR." also is a lie, having exalted Alcoba to KGOR, despite Alcoba's vulgar/indecent rantings early part of 2007, against Sir Barry Bowman, Sir Lucien Spittael, Sir Peter Eisele, to name a few!

Esguerra and the 2007 Supreme Council exalted Alcoba from KCR to KGOR! Is that qualified Rizalism or a fake one?

Following your logic please, accusing Lazir of spamming, which he doesn't! "anything done the wrong way no matter how you look at it is wrong!", you are more wrong than right!

If you will, Lazir points to your fine-toothed examination of his writing/delivery style. (It's like telling Dr Jose Rizal to not publish his Noli and Fili, while allowing Padre Damaso to continue his abusive acts!)

Yet, truth stands out that Esguerra can qualify to be described as inept/incompetent, for KEEPING Paras/Alcoba in the KOR (while expelling Moreno/Sir Jun Zerrudo who may be UNRELENTING like the national hero in exposing the wrong as they continue propagating true Rizalism)! But, unfortunately, Esguerra has not prosecuted (up to NOW!) proven racist Boy Alcoba, fake/racist/identified plagiarist Felino Paras, who claimed to have written "Born to be a Hero", which was in reality, written by Jose Baron Fernandez, titled, Jose Rizal, Filipino, Doctor and Patriot! Paras also claimed to have translated "Mi Ultimo Adios"

Witnesses on Lazir's charges upon Alcoba and Paras: Sir Lucien Spittael, Sir Klaus Hartung, Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer, Sir Dennis Barcelona.

Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer personally heard Paras when the latter criticized Europeans about being "racistic", not promoting Filipinos!, forgetting that the great grandfather of Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer happens to be the same good friend Dr Jose Rizal had, who took the hero into his home in Wilhelmsfeld despite Dr Rizal being a total stranger, foreigner on German soil. You know his name: Pastor Karl Ullmer!

In the first place, why promote Paras when he is not qualified to be Commander? He claimed to have studied in a Belgian U, yet couldn't even formulate his own agenda for a meeting! No hatred here, but truth speaks louder, the documentary evidence too!

Lazir has cc:d Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer above. He's a retired Internist/Cardiologist! Also his brother, Sir Dr Hans Hack-Ullmer, a jurist, plus Sir Lucien Spittael, who's a prolific Jose Rizal researcher, and Sir Dennis Barcelona, another Filipino who can't stomach IHQ corrupt practices..., should you wish to clarify on the Paras, Alcoba wrongdoings that Esguerra and some in the Supreme Council tolerates!

When you happen to be in Germany, please let Lazir know so he can personally introduce you to true Rizalists, who abhor corruption and corrupt practices inept Esguerra tolerates, despite his pronouncements to the contrary!

He is more than welcome to scrutinize the attached documents he himself wrote...

Even as Lazir reports of KOR wrongdoing/s under Quiambao and Esguerra, let's not forget what a Rizalist must always do: propagate Dr Jose Rizal's idealism/teachings ICW RA 646!

For country and people!

Fear the Lord, no one/nothing else!

P.s.: Don't forget to check out

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kristine Soriano
Date: Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 5:52 AM

Dear Mr. Lazir,

You are missing a lot of point here. While it is true that Kissinger speaks
on public and tv. He was never sending unsolicited emails and much more
will he even condone sending spam emails.

Im sure a respectable country such as Germany will never agree to such
practice of sending emails which are regarded as spam. Of course, Germany
know this is illegal. May I also remind you that sending unsolicited email
is spamming and spamming is ILLEGAL.

You may have a good intention, but anything done the wrong way no matter how
you look at it is wrong!

Kristine Soriano, PhD, MS
Rizalists Front Council

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