Monday, February 2, 2009


Sir Barry,

"A wrong has been done during WWII when a million Jews were murdered!" should read, "A wrong has been done during WWII when 6 million Jews were murdered!"

Please allow Lazir to apologize for his sentence above. Thank you! He has visited the Dachau concentration camp thrice, escorting friends! He has read numerous books on the "Third Reich", "Hitler", "WWII", "Eichmann", and knows the correct number, even the estimated 20 million Russians that perished under Stalin (not from German hands)! Error above was a typo.

Lazir is no hypocrite. If he erred, he'll take the blame, accept and apologize for it...

However, no one can deny that Mr Felino Paras and his "boys" get special treatment by Council of Elders member Rogelio Quiambao, and that Supreme Commander Virgilio Esguerra was lying about "non-racism" and "use of indecent words" while preaching Rizalism! This is established FACT, similar to the murdered 6 million!

If Lazir were member of the World Jewish Congress, and you write him to forget WWII, he might have consented. But Lazir is a Rizalist, and the KOR organization involved has Dr Jose Rizal for its icon, where lying and cheating has no place!

Considering that the KOR was founded by RA 646 to SET AN EXAMPLE upon all Filipinos about the exemplary deeds of the hero, clearly a dishonest Supreme Commander Virgilio Esguerra and a corrupt Mr Quiambao are OUT of it IAW Sec 4, RA 646 on good moral character!

Anyone, Rizalist or not, who says such violations are OK could become an accomplice!

How sincere are Knights really about Rizalism? Attending mainly to the Fun! Fun! Fun! part obviously is much too inadequate, to say the least!

Rizalists do not lie and cheat? EXCEPT the Supreme Commander!?, except some in the Supreme Council, some in the Council of Elders???

Is this the FINE EXAMPLE KOR should show the Philippines and the world? Prosecute/Expell the small fish, let go of the BIG fish? Mr Virgilio Esguerra is BIG FISH. As Rizalists, we musn't, may not and shouldn't let go of the BIG FISH!

If upholding the Jewish stand and suffering is important to you, the persona of Dr Jose Rizal, who calmly faced his death, happen to be as important, if not more! for Lazir, never mind if he (Lazir) will fight it out alone against corrupt Quiambao and Esguerra!

In the KOR, we talk of a high STANDARD (Dr Jose Rizal) for members to follow and for all to SET A GOOD EXAMPLE! Do we WALK THE TALK? If not, we, cheat, lie, do/condone corrupt practices, are racists, plagiarize, promote hollow Fun! Fun! Fun! (watch it this month February 2009?)!

To accuse Sir Viriglio of any wrong doing is sanctamount to libel as all transactions were during the numerous past Supreme Commanders prior to his election to that post. Sir Viriglio took over from Sir Hilario Davide the UN Ambassador and now the accusations being made by Mr Victoria Rizal is including all the past supremos who are Ambassadors, Senators, Congressmen, attorneys etc. When will this tirade of accusations stop.

Following your logic above, when will the Jews stop? Pope Benedikt XVI is the Holy Father of the Catholics. To accuse the sanctity of the Papal office about Bishop Williamson might be considered blasphemous, even much higher than the libel you raise against Lazir! In addition, the Pope's act of forgiving was divine. Fact is, due to the relentless criticisms citing the Williamson rehabilitation, the (German) Pope had to once more reiterate his profound sorrow for the 6 million!

If the Pope could go low placating the Jews, how come Mr Virgilio Esguerra authorized all those minor/invented charges against Sir Jun Zerrudo? You asked Lazir to forget Esguerra's VIOLATION of Sec 4, RA 646. Did you ask Esguerra to forget the unfair charges brought against Sir Jun Zerrudo? (Lazir can categorically say that the Canadian government approved the use of those symbols! IFKOR didn't violate no law, in the Philippines nor in Canada!)

Remember, IHQ must set the GOOD EXAMPLE from the top, not Lazir from the bottom!

Following your logic above, do you think it would be right to ask the Jews also to stop accusing everyone who deny about the claimed murder of 6 million because that is past, 1939-1945 is much, much OLDER than RY 1999-2000 of Quiambao and the RY 2006-2008 Esguerra rule?

I personally wish now that this hate mail will stop and that all true friends and brother knights work hard in this Rizalian year to mend the broken fences and repair all the past damages.

Hate mail is used by people who will not come face to face with their intended victim of hate but would rather send out their one-sided version so that anyone reading it would think there is something wrong. It is a well known fact that honourable people do not stoop to their level and sometimes will just sit quietly back on the hope that the nuisance value will stop.

May Lazir only think of himself and should also dismiss all Jewish complaints as one-sided version, nothing but hate mail? That the Jews should now STOP whining? All Jews and Christians should work hard as brothers, mend broken fences and repair all past damages? Lazir should not stoop to this whining level and sit quietly till the Jewish nuisance stops?

I believe that in the Christian Bible there is a very powerful saying that if one is without sin he should cast the first stone. In other words look at yourselves and think before you make accusations.

Also is it generally stated that we should forgive our brothers and love them wthout any malice or jealousy and live as a true family.

Lazir believes there is something in the Torah, if not in the Tanach, where love of neighbor is more important than whining about WWII.

Please cease now and let us work harmoniously for the future

Same to you, Sir Barry!

The Fight vs. Corruption is not for Lazir alone. It is...

For country and people!

Fear Yahweh, no one/nothing else!

Leadership Lesson:

A winner knows what to fight for and what to compromise on. A loser compromises on what he shouldn’t and fight for what isn’t worth fighting for……..

“A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart direct him toward the left.…….” Ecclesiastes 10:2

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

*from 'Essay on Criticism' by English Poet Alexander Pope

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