Friday, February 20, 2009


Sir Reverend Neil, KGOR,
Western Canada Region

For a priest, something is definitely very wrong with your observations/conclusions ...

"Personally I ignore all emails coming from Zerrudo and Lazir because their KoR membership has been terminated by the Supreme Council due to their unRizalian attacks on fellow KoRs. Their verbal attacks are viciously hurtful and unchristian."

Lazir exposed/reported on Mr Esguerra's un-Rizalian arrogance, despotic act, exalting racist Mr Alcoba and refusing to admit such a grave mistake, including keeping identified plagiarist Mr Paras European Commander, RY2006-2008!

As a priest, not only were you supposedly trained to think logically but to always SEARCH FOR and UPHOLD the TRUTH, instead of quickly believing the mere say-so of someone, however high and mighty he is! Even the Pope takes command responsibility seriously and credibly, admits judgemental/communication lapses and CORRECTS THE WRONG, as had happened in the very recent Richard Williamson case!

But your statement above shows you could quickly DENY the truth, not even attempt to first find out whether IHQ was right or wrong in the Sir Jun/Moreno expulsions! If IHQ is in good hands, managed well, why this unabated criticisms from Lazir? If Mr Esguerra and his Supreme Council are good, how come KOR has a Mr Alcoba, his KGOR high up there?

In order to be taken seriously, you have to clear your mind Sir Reverend, look around you, start thinking like the national hero! Otherwise, you could end up in the same category like Messrs Alcoba and Paras, both KGORs, courtesy of Mr Quiambao!

If the Pope could bend to valid critiques and CORRECT THE WRONG, how sincere, credible, competent is Mr Esguerra who thinks he's above the law, feeling fine exalting even the undeserving Messrs Guansing, Nollas, Alcoba to KGOR!

Could you please provide Lazir info on your exemplary deed that convinced IHQ you "deserve" KGOR? Lazir isn't a doubting Thomas, but he knows the good ought to be emulated!

As man of the clothe, transparency in your dealings ought to be self-explanatory, don’t you think so? Sir Reverend, prove yourself Rizalian indeed, worthy of KGOR and do reply to a valid plea from one who believes in Dr Jose Rizal.

(The news flashed on German TV just now that Argentina is kicking British Bishop Richard Williamson out of the country!)

Haven’t you read Mr Esguerra’s Open Letter to Sir Peter Eisele, indicating he and the Supreme Council are for "non-racism"? Don’t you have the copy of Mr Esguerra’s letter last April 2007 to Sir Jun Zerrudo, expressing non-tolerance upon “indecent and vulgar words in the KOR”? In less than 3 months, same Mr Esguerra and his Supreme Council exalted Mr Alcoba, proven racist and author of indecent/vulgar words, to KGOR! Despite many e-mails, Mr Esguerra feels no need to CORRECT THE WRONG! And you, together with Mr Marasigan, Mr Virey deem it more appropriate to rather STICK TO THE HIERARCHY, than think Rizalian?

Truth does hurt! But is that reporter Lazir's fault when it was Mr Esguerra himself who penned the Open Letter to Sir Peter Eisele, aptly-titled by him “How to be un-Rizalian"? If Mr Esguerra shoots himself on the foot, should the blame go to Lazir for writing about the former’s gross incompetence? Knowing about wrongdoing, but not taking positive/concrete action happens to be INCOMPETENCE, plain and simple, especially for a Supremo, don't you think so?

Which Christian teaching says that Lazir's factual reporting is "viciously hurtful and unchristian."

Can you pls point to any hatred in Lazir's mails? Feel free to identify the hate and come back to me, when you find one…

You know too well, even Jesus' throwing out the money-lenders/merchants from the Synagogue was not out of hatred, for He is the Son of God, but understandably, normal human reaction, perhaps disappointment that His Father's house has been improperly misused/abused! The way Mr Quiambao, Mr Esguerra and a few like-minded “leaders” misuse/abuse the name of Dr Jose Rizal -- for their own self-serving and selfish needs!

Pray tell, did Lazir throw anyone out, Collantes-style, when paid guest, Sir Manny Bade was unceremoniously thrown out last Aug-Sep 2008 during the Toronto Fun! Fun! Fun! event? A true Rizalist won't simply allow such un-Rizalian deed! THAT NO ONE PREVENTED IT even as Mr Collantes announced on the microphone, REFLECTS TRULY UPON THE CROWD IN ATTENDANCE, FOREMOST AMONG THEM; SUPREME COMMANDER VIRGILIO ESGUERRA!

Mr Esguerra would have been welcomed by us to our IFKOR Conference, had he showed interest attending the 12-14 Sep 2008 truly Rizalian event! (Dr Jose Rizal would have shown more interest attending the IFKOR event, if he were still alive today!) That Mr Esguerra shied away and preferred the usual hollow Fun! Fun! Fun!, despite KOR financing his travels, shows his "IGNORANCE OF THE LAW" if you read Sections 2, 7 & 8, RA 646!

What is RIZALIAN in Mr Esguerra’s/the Supreme Council’s exalting a proven racist and fake? Granting they erred last July 2007 in Paris, France, now that they know, what is RIZALIAN in not taking concrete action to discipline Mr Alcoba? Birds of the same feather? Arrogance? Ignorance? ALL OF THE SAME?

You were trained/schooled to think logically, the same training laywers get! Current IHQ actions/inactions doubtless give the wrong, if not the opposite signal/s to the country and the whole world, it's implication/s and consequences upon a formerly illustrious KOR!

Do you admit you now belong to the DENIAL group? What is Rizalian in denying the truth? As priest and Rizalist, you know you may not lie please...!

For country and people!

Fear the Lord, no one/nothing else!

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