Tuesday, January 27, 2009


A Leader without WISDOM is like a headless chicken running around not knowing where to go...!

Good Morning,

1. I'm reminded of Malacanang telling the CBCP to watch their words, while Malacanang continues with its abuse of country/people! If Malacanang will only think wisely, CBCP won't have ANY ISSUE/S with it, if government only performs its mandate! Now that CBCP attacks gov't, thru media, is expulsion of CBCP the answer? The way Esguerra and his attack dogs act/ed?

2. If Samuel Samuela is a good lawyer (?), shouldn't he do the appropriate, proper, correct thing to do under the circumstances? He wasted so much time on Lazir for allegations Samuela himself couldn't convincingly substantiate!

Samuela ended up with Lazir not being a member, per his findings early December 2008! Now, if Lazir wasn't a member, why did his Chapter vote for him to be Chapter Chancellor 30 Dec 2008? Even the Exchequer, who handles funds, voted for Lazir! The January Manila edict could have been verified first with the Chapter, if Lazir were not a member, before issuance! (Lazir isn't worried a bit! Inside KOR or out, he will write!)

3. When Lazir presented the lying Esguerra, who e-mailed Sir Jun last April 2007 about not tolerating indecent words, DID Samuela investigate his boss, WILL he investigate his boss, CAN he investigate his boss? Lazir isn't scared. Samuela apparently is!

4. Take the case of Pres Obama, any CBCP issues against Guantanamo will in FACT recochet BACK to attacker!

5. Same with IHQ, if leadership is COMPETENT, no issue/s will stick, for so long!

6. The spreadsheets are there, two of them! Where's the approx DM 10,000 (Euro 5,000) that Mushake confirmed he donated to KOR per telephone confirmation with Lazir in 2008? Esguerra doesn't have it! His job is to FIND out! The 1st European Assembly in London showed Quiambao as Supremo, Palmon as deputy and Sir Carmelo Gempesaw as Supreme Chancellor. Logic dictates that donor will want to be recognized by Supremo for such an amount! Did donor give it to Quiambao personally? Granting it was bank-to-bank, and Supremo was informed. It's just prudent that the Supremo should answer where it is! Why is he quiet? Why is Esguerra not investigating? Is he afraid of Quiambao? Apparently so!

7. Now, having seen IHQ behaviour that claims Rizalism but does the exact opposite!, will Rizalism thrive, grow and prosper worldwide under such a wintry climate? Or will Rizalism freeze?

The fault is not with the people, nor with CBCP when they complain/write about Pinas corruption!

In the same vein, the fault lies on Esguerra's shoulders! Esguerra is an INCOMPETENT administrator and Quiambao is CORRUPT!

Fear the Lord, no one/nothing else!

It's SHAMEFUL to be a Filipino and branded as CORRUPT by Transparency International, or STUPID by N! Hence Lazir writes...

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