Friday, January 23, 2009


Sir Barry,

Famous few words that electrified America and the world!:

"We can change America!" - US President Barack Hussein Obama, 2008/2009

Pres Obama fulfilled his campaign promise on first day of office! He is slowly TRANSFORMING America! He signed executive edicts that will REMOVE TOO MUCH SECRECY, bring more TRANSPARENCY in the White House, deliver service/serve his constituents and people better/faster, froze pay of many executives in government, prohibited gifts from lobbyists, and a lot more! He proudly mentioned he took the ETHICS class! ...that he is not exempt from this rule himself!

Famous few words that electrocuted the author and some other crooks!:

"Of course we do not tolerate vulgar and indecent words in KOR." - Virgilio Esguerra, April 2007.

Author wrote these but didn't do it! He lied and is therefore DISHONEST! Dishonesty is CONTRADICTORY to Good Moral Character! To add insult to injury, author even EXALTED the racist writer of "vulgar and indecent words" from KCR to KGOR, less than 3 months after writing those same words! In addition, his airfare/hotel expenses flying from Manila to Paris, France, July 2007, were PAID FOR by the KOR, effectively receiving SUBSIDY from KOR members WORLDWIDE!

Lazir's ONE QUESTION please:

How come Mr Virgilio Esguera is STILL A MEMBER of the KOR, giving orders, running the entire KOR, traveling at KOR's EXPENSE! although per RA 646, Sec 4, he doesn't posses Good Moral Character?


KOR MEMBERSHIP hinges upon Good Moral Character, Reputation, Sympathy with KOR purposes in addition to legal age!

Ergo, WITHOUT Good Moral Character/Reputation (plus the age of majority) one cannot be a KOR Member!

Lying and dishonesty are both CONTRADICTORY to Good Moral Character, and DO NOT CONFORM to the KOR's enumerated purposes!

NOWHERE in the KOR's Purposes/Charter does it mention LYING, DISHONESTY as requirements!

NOWHERE does it say that LYING, DISHONESTY is patriotic, Rizalian chivalry, spreading the teaching/s of Dr Jose Rizal!

Nor does LYING, DISHONESTY keeping alive the hero's consecrated memory, or show the hero's exemplary and exalted principles! On the contrary...!




WHEREAS, A CIVIC ORGANIZATION KNOWN AS "Orden de Caballeros de Rizal" (Knights of Rizal) was incorporated under the Corporation Law of the Philippines in the year 1916 by patriotic citizens for the following purposes.

"(a) To develop the most perfect union among the Filipinos in revering the memory of Dr. Jose Rizal;"

"(b) To promote among the associated knights the spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry;"

"(c) To study and spread the teaching of Dr. Jose Rizal and keep ever alive his consecrated memory and to make effective his exemplary and exalted principles:' and

"(d) To organize the annual festivities in honor of Dr. Jose Rizal."

Section 4. All persons of legal age and of good moral character and reputation, who are in sympathy with the purposes of the corporation, are eligible for active membership,...


Therefore, Mr Virgilio Esguerra is NEITHER a KOR Member, nor its incumbent Supreme Commander!(per Sec 4, RA 646) and must be stripped of all titles, functions, ranks, benefits thereof for acting AGAINST the tenets, language of RA 646 and the purposes enumerated thereat; for having conducted himself INIMICAL to the INTERESTS of the KOR!

Unlike Pres. Obama, Mr Virgilio Esguerra is an EMBARASSMENT not only to the KOR, but likewise

To the country and its people!

Fear the Lord, no one/nothing else!


More famous words that electrify America and the world!

Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America: They will be met.

To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history;

For the world has changed, and we must change with it.

Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested, we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back, nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations.

- From US President Barack Obama's inaugural address, 20 Jan 2009, Washington, DC


Dear Sir Dennis and fellow Knights,

May I greet you all with a Happy New Year and to say I am in good health and having my regular check ups. Unfortunately not so long ago Lady Ana had a heart attack but is now doing very well and getting better all the time.

Hence I have been a bit quiet.

Next week I will resume my correspondence to you all who have the best interests in our Order at heart and give you regular updates.

I have however had regular meetings with the Supreme Commander and I have been advised that all the money that the Late Sir Alex (God rest his soul) donated has now been accounted for by Ms Ruby the financial clerk at the HQ.

I myself have been busy with the Counterpart Organisations and who are more and more becoming self reliant as equals to the KOR. That is why the name was changed from Affiliated to Counterpart. From under to equal.

We have had the first National Congress and this was a sell out to coin a phrase. Not a seat could be had. Over 200 attended and was a huge success.

Now we are planning to have the 1st International Congress during the Summit of Leaders in February.

I will be pleased to answer any questions that are being raised and if I can't answer I will take further instructions from those who do.

One of my major concerns was the following. LACK OF COMMUNICATION.

I asked the Supreme Commander to instruct all KOR staff that if an e.mail is received at HQ then there should be a reply of E, Mail received and acknowledged. This will be passed to the relevant party and an answer will be forthcoming within 10 days.

Please if anyone sends an e.mail reuest immediately the acknowledgement that the mail has been received and is being dealt with.

Thank you for remembering me

Yours in Rizal

Sir Barry Bowman KGOR
Chairmnan of the Counterpart Organisations.

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