Sunday, January 18, 2009


Lady N,

Lazir wishes to correct you pls, this is not his forum...!

He's simply putting his observations, beliefs, ideas forward, wherever he could -- for a BETTER Philippines!

You can write anything you like, provided you can be PROUD, not ashamed of it, now or later!

Wouldn't you feel good if others would (perhaps) EMULATE what you say, write & do, the way our hero showed us?

If the KOR were a genuine Rizalian organization, why must it promote FAKES and/or RACISTS? Evidence have been submitted.

Yet KOR Manila's top honchos do/did NOTHING to discipline the evil-doers!
Instead of conducting an investigation, the appropriate thing to do
to impose discipline, to promote justice, the top honchos even exalted/promoted them to higher ranks (KGOR) and kept them there!

Even KOR's "supreme kumander kuno"! lied (and is still there too!).

"Of course we do not tolerate vulgar and indecent words in KOR."

quoting the exact words of ('supreme kumander kuno') Virgilio Esguerra, top honcho, last April 2007.

Less than 3 months later, the same Mr Virgilio Esguerra (a.k.a. "supreme kumander kuno"!) promotes a proven racist, Belgian-Filipino Mr Cesar (Bhoy) Alcoba -- who e-mailed racistic insults, vulgar and indecent words to other brother Knights -- to the second-highest rank in the KOR, the "Knight Grand Officer of Rizal" (KGOR)!, in ceremonies he, as "supreme kumander kuno" attended/presided himself (airfare/hotel costs all paid for by the KOR!), Paris, France, July 2007! Since promotions for this particular high rank is not done by the supreme commander alone, the KOR Supreme Council RY 2007 also gets the blame, having (by virtue of deduction/logic) approved the KGOR promotion of Mr Alcoba! (Lazir gives them another 12-24 months to disprove these VALID allegations! Who voted Yes, No, who Abstained?)

What would you say if a FAKE were appointed European Commander? The FAKE has a name, Mr Felino Wy Paras, also Belgian-Filipino. (The dictionary defines Fake as IMPOSTOR, CHARLATAN).

He who FALSELY CLAIMED to have
- donated some P2M to the needy back home (fund raised by Sir Francois Ooms' El Fili Chapter, its members, their spouses and family/ies),
- written a book titled "Born to be a Hero" (exact work of Jose Baron Fernandez titled "Jose Rizal, Filipino, Doctor and Patriot").
- discovered historical landmarks (what other Rizalists discovered before him!),
- organized Rizalian gatherings/events,
- envigorated old chapters and established new ones,
- increased number of chapters in Europe (probably same people if not re-arranging people around)
- finished college in a Belgian University in 3 years (no proof?)
- worked as bank computer programmer (appropriate job description might be security guard in a bank?)
- observed Filipinos were/are being descriminated against by European Knights!
- etc. etc.

Mr Paras uttered those racistic words in front of the great grandson of Dr Rizal's German friend, (Pastor Karl Ullmer) Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer! Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer vehemently protested, knowing full well how his great grandfather not only befriended, but also took Dr Jose Rizal into his household for some months in Wilhelmsfeld, Germany, where the national hero reportedly completed his Noli! Disgusting is the word, and Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer RESIGNED from the KOR, when Mr Virgilio Esguerra consented to the Paras appointment!

Despite the multitude of FAKE reports above, top KOR honchos in 2007 disregarded/set aside a better-qualified Knight for European Commander and put their own man, Mr Paras, the SHAME of Europe!

(BTW, anyone is most Welcome to correct Lazir, if what he writes is incorrect or falsehood!)

It might be normal for leaders (corrupt leaders?) to appoint whoever they wish!

But this is Europe in the 21st century, birthplace of the 'Age of Enlightenment'!, birthplace of prominent philosophers, thinkers, visionaries, scientists! Remember Socrates, Kant, Voltaire, Ceasar, Freud, Virchow, Curie, Thomas More, Einstein, Aristotle and many more!

A righteous KOR member (moreso a high animal/official = humans are the highest form of animals!) would immediately initiate an investigation!

Sir Hilario Davide, Jr did just that. An upright man that apparently got used by Manila!

But then he had to leave KOR for the UN.

Wonder of wonders, but his deputy (kuno again) did nothing to correct/cancel the erroneous appointment, despite thick files of documents, signed by complainants, duly notarized and sent to Manila IHQ!

Is that COMPETENCE? Is that GOOD GOVERNANCE? Lazir thinks the exact opposite of both, if not worse!

Lazir rightfully COMPLAINS that Manila KOR IHQ inaction betrayed the partisan manner by which laws are enforced in the organization, contrary to the precepts of good governance. The ones who propagate the ideas, ideals and teachings of Dr Jose Rizal get investigated, prosecuted, kicked-out of the KOR! The proven racists, the identified plagiarst (Mr Paras reportedly claimed to have translated "Mi Ultimo Adios" to Pilipino, which later was no other than the exact work of Andres Bonifacio!) are allowed to just "fade away", "untouchable", treated with velvet gloves!

What is Rizalism? What is Rizalian?

To quote top honcho Virgilio Esguerra, "NAKAKAHIYA!" don't you think so?

Can you blame Lazir for calling the top KOR honcho MR INCOMPETENT?

Having said these things above, how can KOR, under present INCOMPETENT "leadership" help IMPROVE the Philippines, pretentiously raising the banner of Dr Jose Rizal when it is in itself ROTTEN from within, from the top?

Such that the national hero would be ashamed to hang his name up there, held by INCOMPETENT hands!

You and the others may judge!

In the meantime, let's keep on FIGHTING AGAINST CORRUPTION, wherever it is, whenever it shows up!

Chief Justice Reynato Puno is calling all of us to put-up a MORAL FORCE!

For country and people!

Fear the Lord, no one/nothing else!

P.S. - In February 2009, this KOR wishes to capitalize (apparently so!) upon the good name of Sir Alfredo Lim, Manila Mayor and Man of Action, to grace their (so-called Fun! Fun! Fun!) Assembly. Do you have the e-mail address of Sir Alfredo Lim and of Ms Gemma Cruz Araneta (a direct descendant of Dr Jose Rizal)?

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