Sunday, December 14, 2008

Are we getting NEAR North KORea?

Are we getting NEAR North KORea? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Sir Raymund,

Dr Jose Rizal was one man who wouldn't quickly shoot the messenger, w/o knowing/asking for the hard facts...! That you should please remember kind Sir, if you wish to emulate the hero!

Your name has a meaning: its source is 'ragin mund', an Ancient Germanic name meaning "Protecting hands."

Lazir thinks you have courage in you...! Are you willing to answer Lazir's questions?

Lazir talks straight! KOR IHQ wouldn't answer his questions...! Why?

A CEO is not practicing GOOD LEADERSHIP if he ignores valid question/s from a (stockholder) member!

Lazir got investigated (Memo 006, series of 2008) and IHQ pushed for it, for asking VALID questions such as:

1. How come 4 Belgians (Messrs. Paras, Guansing, Alcoba, Nollas) got exalted to KGOR for no valid reasons? Why would KOR IHQ hide records about KGOR exaltations, if they are valid, correct, proper? Mr Alcoba wrote racistic e-mails early 2007... by July 2007, he was personally promoted by Mr Esguerra himself to KGOR! (Mr Quiambao was reportedly present as well!) Is it proper for leadership to just promote anyone to KGOR by virtue of friendship? The By-Laws and RA 646 prescribe the mode for KGOR exaltations! It is POOR LEADERSHIP to change these established sets of rules, just by say-so of someone!

2. Why does KOR IHQ protect Mr Alcoba, a proven racist (he asked Sir Peter Eisele about the "size of the whole in the latter's brain")?... and Mr Paras, an identified plagiarist (he claimed to have translated "Mi Ultimo Adios" to Pilipino, when it was the exact work of Andres Bonifacio!), not investigated or expelled or disciplined? Why?

3. Where's the almost Euro 5,000 donated by Mr M
ushake to the KOR sometime 1999-2000? A KOR England "Souvenir Program" indicated Mr Quiambao as "supreme commander" then. Mr Esguerra wrote that this amount is NOT in the KOR IHQ books of accounts! Mr Barry Bowman last reported that the KOR IHQ bank was asked for records. It's months hence, but no more word about the MISSING Euro 5,000! Where's this money? Why is Mr Mushake preventing Lazir from asking about these, now KOR funds (AFTER the donation)???

4. Mr Quiambao's son stayed in the Paras' home in Brussels for many months. Needless to say, the former is the "Padrino" of the latter. (attached is a copy of a signed letter by Mr Paras, wrongly claiming to be President of the Philippine community, Belgium. Dr Jose Rizal would never denounce any Filipino, even his enemy!). Is that how shallow RIZALISM is, exalting Mr Paras to KGOR for hosting a son for a year?

5. Mr Quiambao is likewise identified as "Padrino" of Mr Collantes, KGOR from Canada. Mr Collantes reportedly forged the signature of his uncle, Sir Camiling Silverio on an "official" KOR document! In addition to this, Mr Collantes faces several cases in the Philippines, and is reportedly wanted by the NBI. How come Mr Collantes enjoys "protection" from KOR IHQ? Why does KOR IHQ tolerate such a person to even ORGANIZE the recently-concluded Aug-Sep 2008 Toronto Assembly? (Sir Camiling told Lazir that Mr Collantes was not invited to his wedding anniversary! This shows that Sir Camiling still has self-respect and is principled!)

6. KOR IHQ reported the results of the May 2008 elections, with Mr Esguerra as "supreme commander". Mr Esguerra claims no knowledge of the Alcoba racistic mails. When Sir Lucien furnished him copies of all the racistic e-mails, Mr Esguerra apparently clammed up, became quiet! While Mr Alcoba/Mr Paras were never disciplined, Sir Jun Zerrudo got investigated and quickly, unceremonously expelled from the Order!

7. Is the KOR run by Mr Esguerra or Mr Quiambao? Do you have the answer Sir Raymund?

8. Mr Esguerra wrote in Oct 2008 a letter to Lazir's Wilhemlsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter, addressed to its principled Chapter Commander, Sir Rainer Weber. In it, Mr Esguerra subtly pushed for the "ouster"/investigation of Lazir!

9. What good is that (souvenir) program Mr Banta is promoting, the February international assembly Mr Quiambao is organizing, when the Rizalism the present KOR banners up high is hallow and empty? Are we in the KOR brainless puppets of a "dear leader"?

Sir Jun Zerrudo promoted TRUE RIZALISM and got punished by this KOR!

Mr Paras, the SHAME of Europe and identified plagiarist, as well as Mr Alcoba, the proven racist, NEVER got investigated, nor disciplined!

Pray tell Sir Raymund, what is disturbing to you, Lazir's writings which are truthful or the way KOR IHQ is run by an INCOMPETENT ("dear"?) "leader"? Lazir wishes to get your reply as proof of your sincerity.

"Laws can embody standards; governments can enforce laws but the final task is not a task for government. It is a task for each and every one of us. Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted, when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy, or too frightened, when we fail to speak up and speak out, we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice." Robert F. Kennedy

For country and people!

Fear the Lord, no one/nothing else!

P.S. - The Spanish friars Dr Jose Rizal attacked in his Noli and Fili labored hard for the hero's "guilty as charged" sentencing, based on manipulated charges/accusations!

Lazir writes openly, but Mr Esguerra, as "supreme commander" has to HIDE the documents recommending the Belgian KGOR promotions? Normally, one is PROUD to show such a document, if well-deserved! Is that not INCOMPETENCE if not CORRUPT?

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