Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I just want to say thanks to all the weasel Republicans who voted in fear …………………..

Why does everyone think it's a good idea to borrow $700,000,000,000 from foreigners at high interest rates so we can lend it to banks at low interest to lend to the people at high interest rates? I am slowly being convinced that this "economic crisis" isn't a crisis at all. You want to know why... because as I had a chance to read the bill that ballooned from 3 pages to over 450 pages I can see that idiots in Congress who have been telling us it's a crisis are just going about like business as normal. Case in point... loading down this bailout bill with-tons of earmarks.

The stock markets around the world seem to know it is a manufactured crisis.... they are falling like rocks over a cliff. This whole scam was manufactured in Congress, where the socialists and radicals can do what they do and royally screw the country. It was these slugs who further exacerbated by the media to use this so-called crisis to screw over the American taxpayer yet again. This is nothing more than a theft and a destruction of our free enterprise system. In the end it will fix nothing. The same laws and procedures that mandate and/or allowed the financial malfeasance are still in force... and not a damn thing was done to those who perpetrated it. The very same elected officials who cheated and covered things up are still in office. Every crook who benefited will still benefit by this mess continuing, just with more money available now from us.

Want to send your message of enough is enough... everyone of those that voted for this almost at gun point robbery of the American taxpayer is up for re-election in November... if "we the people" don't un-elect every God damn one of those "incumbents" then we fully deserve whatever the bastards bring upon us. Even though voting in replacements will only buy us a little time... until they are bought and paid for... it will help somewhat to delay a far worse situation. It is US who ,must make the decision on the future... vote like your life depends on it... it does.

D. Weckering
Ultimate International, Inc
561 347 1531 FAX 561 347 1533
Honduras: 504 979 7508

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