Sunday, September 21, 2008

IFKOR (Whatever Its Name) Is Here To Stay... For Country & People!

Sir Lino,

As Lazir has said, "usurpation" is relative ... !

Mr Quiambao, Mr Esguerra, Paras, Collantes, Alcoba (and many others in KOR?), USURPED not only the KOR, its logo, emblem, good name, but the very NAME of Dr Jose Rizal! If there's one group not deserving use of KOR logo, emblem,'s them and their adjutants and altar boys!

Didn't Mr Quiambao promote Paras (& Collantes?) to KGOR within a short span of 3-4 yrs? Didn't he bring these individuals INTO the KOR? Simply having Paras & Collantes in the KOR is contrary to R.A. 646! Mr Esguerra's approval of similar exaltations runs counter to the same law! Supreme council acts promoting an accused plagiarist and a known racist puts them in the same box!

Why should now Lazir agree with them?

If same group don't have "good moral character", they don't belong in the KOR, per Sec 4, R.A. 646!

... that is the KOR TRAGEDY, the USURPATION of what is GOOD in the KOR and whatever GOOD is still left in it as of today! The group made KOR bankrupt!

... all for their personal, private agenda, self aggrandizement, ego-boosting and self-serving purpose/s!

... all to the DETRIMENT, DISADVANTAGE of the KOR and the good name of Dr Jose Rizal!

Pray tell Sir Lino, what good are the above actions/decisions to the KOR, to the membership?

Don't you agree Sir Lino, the names above ABUSE/MISUSE the KOR, it's logo, emblem, good name? Don't you agree they also ABUSE/MISUSE the name of Dr Jose Rizal for their own selfish needs?

Don't you agree their acts demean the KOR integrity, dignity and reputation!

They want to "hang" IFKOR thru use of sheer numbers all saying "Aye"! (The Jews also chorused "crucify Him!" per the Bible.)

Hang IFKOR and let go of Paras & Alcoba! (...we don't see it but this is what IHQ is doing!)

Analyzed closely, even simply talking to anyone of them and agreeing with them on their agenda is already USURPATION of the KOR's and the National Hero's good name!

Talking to them per se, is not wrong. Hence Lazir agreed to meet with them, singly or as Supreme Council or Council of Elders -- their call -- last January 2008 at the IHQ or anywhere they please! Lazir provided 2 days that Sir Pedro Rosito rquested, plus his CP numbers! They never confirmed nor contacted Lazir! Why blame Lazir for not showing up, when he gave 2 days but IHQ didn't bother making a confirmation on date, time, venue! Their fault!

But agreeing with them, that they are right, that all others must maintain
"the hierarchy", is WRONG!

Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer mentioned this in one of his short e-mails to IHQ/everyone, that IHQ's instructions/orders (to the membership) to "stick to the hierarchy" is WRONG! Lazir totally agrees with the illustrious Knight's observation/s!

Lazir's language is tough... for the abusive!

It's because he knows that abuse of the hero's and the KOR's good name is WRONG! Doesn't IHQ take the national hero's name and the KOR's reputation seriously? Apparently no!

Didn't we pledge to "fight injustice"? This is even indicated on our membership ID cards...

Lazir is not questioning you Sir Lino.

But how could any right-thinking person, KOR or IFKOR member or not, agree with IHQ when all they have is/are self-serving goals?

Where is Dr Jose Rizal in their purpose/agenda?

Therefore, IFKOR (whatever it's name is/will be) is on the right track, ready to serve mankind internationally!

IFKOR is here to stay...!

For country and people!


Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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