Tuesday, August 26, 2008

On Your European Appointments...! Incompetence wanting in VISION...!

"supreme commander",

Lazir requested from you last October (or November 2007?) for proof of EXEMPLARY accomplishment/s that supposedly validated the exaltation of Guansing (Alcoba, Nollas) to KGOR. It's almost a year now, and thanks, but Lazir got nothing from you!

RA 646, Sec 2 clearly says in plain elementary English "emulate and practice the examples and teachings of our national hero... ." And Sec 4 of the same law requires "good moral character and reputation" for membership.

Isn't it incompetent if not ignorant on your part "supreme commander" to reign as such but IGNORE the LANGUAGE and SPIRIT of the law that created the KOR?

Pray tell "supreme commander", if you are kowledgeable and well-versed in the KOR's RA 646 or the KOR's Constitution and By-Laws (or any able official you appointed here in Europe, if there's ANY one!), WHERE does it show in the charter or in the national hero's works that Dr Jose Rizal PLAGIARIZED and was RACISTIC anytime during his entire life?

You won't find any, because there's none!

That means, you stand on a FALLACY that you are Rizalian and a Rizalist!

If you cannot discipline a PLAGIARIST or a RACIST, then you are as guilty as they are, for condonning them/their acts by virtue of COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY!

Lazir feels sorry for the Illustrious KOR because you are PUTTING IT DOWN (you blame Lazir, Sir Jun and Sir Manny Bade) and you refuse to discipline the real evildoers, the culprits! Are you also one of the culprits?

[Lazir must emphasize that honorable and illustrious Sir Hilario Davide, Jr., indeed a righteous man, during his short stint as Supreme Commander, issued several memo requiring Paras to explain and Sir Klaus Hartung to substantiate/validate his complaints! Sir Klaus Hartung sent the required evidence, which miraculously "got lost" in the IHQ! For this reason, Sir Hilario cannot be shown condonning/supporting the SHAME of Europe!]

THIS IS NOT THE CASE WITH YOU! Nakakahiya po kayo "supreme commander"! During your term of office, as "acting", not only did you create a climate of indifference by IGNORING complaints about abusive KOR officials in Canada, Europe, Philippines! You helped foster wrongdoing with your indifference by ignoring valid complaints, making it appear to be a GRAND COVER-UP from the TOP of the sins of Paras, the Plagiarist and Alcoba, the Racist!

Lazir can prove he was a member in good standing in 2007. Yet, you simply ignored his valid request for as simple a document as "exaltation" of deserving (were they? Or they were simply Paras nominees stamped-approved by IHQ) members to KGOR! Lazir's presumption and subsequent conclusion is therefore VALID that those three "exalted" under your term of office were NOT DESERVING and these subsequent IHQ appointments with their names (Guansing and Nollas), announced today, are questionable, if not mediocre (at best)?

The Knights of the Round Table of the fabled Arthurian saga were indeed qualified noblemen and skilled warriors...the minimum requirement to become a member of the famed ROUND TABLE! During those days, they have to be so, or else they'd be quickly subdued/vanquished by their opponents and won't keep the promised peace and prospperity under the Arthurian tenets of liberty, democracy and peaceful co-existence among neighboring kingdoms, warlords, other nations.

Nowadays KOR simply appoints officials EVEN with questionable, if not below par competencies, let alone questionable CHARACTERS! (The fish stinks from the top?)

Lazir attended a truly Rizalian symposium/conference in Hamburg this year! That would have been the place for you to go, not the Fun! Fun! Fun! last July 2007 in Paris where you look more like a peddler of sashes and trinkets that have no intrinsic value! (Again the questioned KGOR for racist Alcoba and the Undeserving Guansing and Nollas!) You even have the gall to use KOR funds for traveling to Europe just to 'exalt' the wrong persons! That could be another RA 646 violation considering that the law never mentioned that there are budgeted/allocated funds for trips to exalt the "UNDESERVING"! (Reports reaching Lazir mentioned that those who WORKED HARD to organize and prepare the Paris assembly July 2007 NEVER were recognized! Nakakahiya po talaga, di ba, "supreme commander"?)

How much longer could a "supreme commander" reign ignoring valid calls for investigation of glaring PLAGIARISM AND RACISM staring itself in the eye? Self-denial? Selective justice? Incompetence of the first degree, by the KOR's top honcho? All of the above combined?

How's the August-September 2008 daunting Toronto "conference/assembly" of the KOR? Will you now have 99% substance/1% Fun! Fun! Fun! Let's hope it's not the other way around!

(Lazir will be really disappointed because you didn't show up in well-organized, substantive and truly RIZALIAN Hamburg Symposium 2008! Even Paras, Guansing, Nollas, Alcoba, your front-runners in Europe, for "exaltation/promotion", were reportedly somewhere else! ... because the Symposium topics were TOO HEAVY to digest?)

...History indeed could repeat itself...!

Some "leaders" (???) never learn...!

May there be a better, truly Rizalian Supreme Commander for the Illustrious Knights of Rizal!

For country and people!


"The mind is like a parachute, which works best when WIDE open."

"Birds of the same feather flock together!"

"The arrogant one is he who wants to be worshipped, who misleads others, and who wants his will to prevail over reason and justice." - Dr Jose P. Rizal - Message to the women of Malolos, February 1889

"My ambition is not to win honors or hold positions, but to see what is just, exact and suitable, is done in political matters." - Dr Jose P. Rizal

"No one will be corrupt if we don't let them." - Tony Meloto in his speech before Davao University graduates, 2007

"...Dare to cross boundaries in your minds and hearts! In your strength and courage! In the space inside and around you! Dare to be different! Dare what you never dared before! The highest thing that obliges you is your conscience. Act whatever good forces dictate! Then you are closer to Rizal's ideals than any policy or philosophy could ever be. What he can teach you, you will not understand without Kant's lessons..." - An excerpt of the speech Christoph S. Eberle delivered on Rizal Day in Hamburg, Dec. 2006.

"Be the Change you want to see in the World!" - Mahatma Gandhi

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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