Saturday, July 12, 2008


To once more clarify Lazir's standpoint, after reading through all the IFKOR attachments you submitted...!

Nothing is wrong with those GOALS AND OBJECTIVES/STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES enumerated therein/below! Those are, to say the least, noble objectives and principles, that clearly and definitely comply with Rizalism to the highest standards!

IFKOR cannot tolerate one with the character of a plagiarist, or racist, or forger!

The law (R.A. 646) never said it is WRONG/IMPROPER/ILLEGAL to emulate or copy or borrow Dr Jose Rizal (symbols of him or insignia with his name or picture or color or paraphernalia denoting/showing the national hero)!

In fact, Section 2 of R.A. 646 reads in full thus:

"The purposes of this corporation shall be to study the teaching of Dr. Jose Rizal, to inculcate and propagate them in and among all classes of Filipino people, and by words and deeds to exhort our citizenry to emulate and practice the examples and teachings of our national hero; to promote among the associated knights the spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry; to develop a perfect union among the Filipinos in revering the memory of Dr. Jose Rizal; and to organize and hold programs commemorative of Rizal's nativity and martyrdom."

IFKOR is not only PLANNING TO FOLLOW R.A. 646 but more, in language and spirit (!), come 11-13 September 2008!

If Mr Chavez (reportedly a Judge in the Philippines?) and Mr Aquino are correct, Lazir asks them to please show Lazir where exactly is IFKOR or Sir Jun Zerrudo violating R.A. 646?

Let us point though to where Mr Esguerra and his backers clearly violated the language and spirit of R.A. 646! Take part of Section 2 below (complete Sections 2, 4 & 7 of R. A. 646 are provided at the bottom of this e-mail):

" words and deeds to exhort our citizenry to emulate and practice the examples and teachings of our national hero; ... "

When did Dr Jose Rizal plagiarize, act racistic towards others, forge someone's signature?

The Supreme Commander as CEO violated this for going against said R.A. 646, emulating someone else, but not Dr Jose Rizal! As CEO of KOR, Supreme Commander should discipline accused plagiarist Paras and proven racist Alcoba WITHOUT DELAY! By not disciplining even one (Alcoba, who bad-mouthed many Knights, including Sir Barry Bowman!) the Supreme Commander is IGNORANT OF THE LAW (R.A. 646)! The bad-mouthing transpired as early as 2007, yet in July 2007, the same Supreme Commander, then in an "acting" capacity even EXALTED Alcoba to KGOR! Never could Lazir imagine that Dr Jose Rizal, if he were alive today, would ever have anything to do or would associate himself with an accused plagiarist or a racist, even if it is not proven yet!?
Quickly, either Dr Rizal will distance himself or leave the organization (if a plagiarist is not expelled!)! The National Hero's integrity is beyond reproach, very well-known to his followers, except to some few uninformed perhaps.

Here is Section 4 below:

"...good moral character and reputation, who are in sympathy with the purposes of the corporation, are eligible for active membership, ..."

IFKOR qualifies to be a member of the KOR, if only the KOR leadership were willing to work with IFKOR and its members! (Four long years of cajoling the KOR to REFORM were long enough, unproductive! The blame rests solely upon this incompetent Leadership, promoting bad, unRizalian examples worldwide!)

Clearly this Section 4 says, eligible for membership, if of good moral character and reputation! Otherwise, if NOT of good moral character and reputation, EXPULSION from membership (if a member!)!

Hence, Lazir cannot understand why a Rizalist with the caliber of Sir Jun Zerrudo is investigated, persecuted, questioned by the KOR and IFKOR being put in a bad light, although Sir Jun and IFKOR are all-out Rizalian!??? In comparison, nothing came out of reported investigations" against Paras and Alcoba!

Can KOR please show PROOF that Sir Jun and/or the IFKOR are unRizalian? NO!

Can Lazir show PROOF that Mr Esguerra is unRizalian. YES! Mr Esguerra harbors bad characters in the KOR, even exalting Mr Alcoba, instead of taking the latter off the KOR membership list for proven racistic writings!

Supreme Commander could at least have EXPELLED Alcoba, proven many times to have exhibited a personality that is CONTRARY to Sec. 4 of R.A. 646! It is clearly spelled "good moral character and reputation", yet despite bad character, Supreme Commander never lifted a finger to discipline Mr Alcoba! Not even the Canadian member who reportedly "forged" the signature of a KOR official in Canada! Again, what Supreme Commander is showing the whole world is simple IGNORANCE OF THE LAW, by his INACTION to discipline the KOR bad eggs..., an act that indeed is INIMICAL AND DETRIMENTAL to the interests of the Illustrious KOR!

And Section 7:

"Any donation or contribution which from time to time may be made to the corporation by the Government or any of its subdivisions, branches, offices, agencies, or instrumentalities, or by any other person or entity shall be expended by the Supreme Council solely to promote the purposes for which the corporation is organized."

Where is the missing Euro 5,000 (more or less)? Supreme Commander said or wrote it's not with the KOR books of accounts for years 1999-2000! Yet, the donor, Mr Mushake, confirmed to Lazir over the phone that he did give the funds sometime 1999-2000! (Mr Quiambao was 1999-2000 Supreme Commander, per a Souvenir Program of a London KOR assembly.)

Since KOR solely is funded by donations and contributions (membership fees are contributions!), all expenses paid by the KOR for anyone, including the airfare for Mr Esguerra in connection with the Paris assembly last July 2007 must be reimbursed by him back to the KOR treasury without delay! Why? Exalting Mr Nollas and Mr Guansing who were Undeserving to KGOR DO NOT CONFORM with Section 7 of the R.A. 646, to wit: "...shall be expended ...solely to promote the purposes for which the corporation is organized."

The KOR was NOT ORGANIZED to exalt anyone else Undeserving of KGOR rank! How much more the exaltation of Mr Alcoba to KGOR, which then acting Supreme Commander Esguerra did (backed by the Supreme Council?) with all pomp and much Fun!

Nowhere could Lazir see PROPRIETY for the KOR to keep Mr Alcoba as active member, much more to exalt him to KGOR for bad-mouthing several member Knights! Ergo, Mr Esguerra's expenses were UNAUTHORIZED and he MUST reimburse the KOR all expenses the KOR spent for his Paris trip last July 2007! (Recommend, to avoid trouble, that Mr Esguerra pay for his own expenses when he goes to the Toronto Fun! Fun! Fun! Aug-Sep 2008 being organized by Mr Collantes, reported to be another KOR member with questionable character. Ms Maureen, pls see to it that Mr Esguerra does not spend any KOR centavo for questionable trips!)

Neither this current Supreme Commander nor the Chavez and Aquino Committees proved anti-Rizalian tendencies of the IFKOR and Sir Jun!

By careful analyses, it is the current Supreme Commander and his backers who are displaying anti-Rizalian behaviour! (Spending KOR funds, even just one centavo, or one Piso, promoting unRizalian activity is prohibited, per Section 7 of R.A. 646!)

The KOR has good intentions, but its Leadership is shown INCOMPETENT by virtue of VIOLATIONS of the R.A. 646 to even adhere to its avowed purposes! (Funds for Rizalian objectives were spent for airfare to attend the Paris assembly last July 2007 where the acting Supreme Commander exalted Mr Alcoba, Mr Nollas, Mr Guansing to KGOR despite the absence of valid grounds required by the Order's By-Laws!)

Thank you!

Join welcomes women as well as men of GOODWILL!! Can only be good

For country and people!




Article 2 - Purpose, Goals and Objectives
(excerpted from the Constitution)

Section 1 - Purpose. The Purpose of the Federation is to uphold the traditions of the historic organization called Orden de Caballeros de Rizal
(Order of the Knights of Rizal) which was founded in the Philippines in 1911 and to promote the cause of Rizalism through charitable and non-profit programs of:

a. Relief and Rehabilitation
b. Youth Development and Leadership Training
c. Preservation of the Arts, Culture and the Environment
d. Promotion of International Understanding and Cooperation
e. Self-help Community Development
f. Civic-oriented projects and Activities

Article 4 - Statement of Principles (excerpted from the Constitution)

Section 1 - Rizalian Principles. The principles by which the members of the Federation shall be guided in their activities are those practiced in the life of and espoused by Dr. Jose P. Rizal in his numerous writings. These shall be called "Rizalian Principles".

Section 1.1 - Principle of Racial and Gender Equality. All people are equal in the eyes of God and law regardless of gender or color of skin.


Republic Act No. 646
Charter of the Knights of Rizal
S. No. 251 Second Session Republic Act No. 646

SECTION 2. The purposes of this corporation shall be to study the teaching of Dr. Jose Rizal, to inculcate and propagate them in and among all classes of Filipino people, and by words and deeds to exhort our citizenry to emulate and practice the examples and teachings of our national hero; to promote among the associated knights the spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry; to develop a perfect union among the Filipinos in revering the memory of Dr. Jose Rizal; and to organize and hold programs commemorative of Rizal's nativity and martyrdom.

SECTION 4. All persons of legal age and of good moral character and reputation, who are in sympathy with the purposes of the corporation, are eligible for active membership, upon unanimous approval of the Supreme Council en banc of a written application therefore duly endorsed by at least two active members of the corporation.

SECTION 7. Any donation or contribution which from time to time may be made to the corporation by the Government or any of its subdivisions, branches, offices, agencies, or instrumentalities, or by any other person or entity shall be expended by the Supreme Council solely to promote the purposes for which the corporation is organized.

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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