Monday, May 19, 2008

QUESTIONABLE, UNACCEPTABLE and DESPICABLE decision of nomination committee...! ...and Sir Esguerra...!

Good Morning,

Seven things Lazir wants to say:

FIRST. This e-mail did not come from Ms Maureen Fernandez. She doesn't write that curtly but more lady-like and politely. Did Sir Esguerra write this, using Ms Fernandez's PC?

SECOND. Sir Barry Bowman, Sir Peter Eisele (deceased), Sir Don Brennock, Sir Lucien Spittael are four honorable Knights that got racistically attacked personally by Sir Alcoba!, living PROOF that those racistic tirades did happen! Those racistic e-mails were public knowledge and read by many! Lazir's complaint is not from racistic attacks of last week or last month (2008), but from last year, 2007! Fact is, Sir Barry has been seeing Sir Esguerra the past several weeks and was told/promised forthcoming RESULTS! It brought NOTHING because there apparently was NO INVESTIGATION in the first place! (Where is the Memo? Lazir is being investigated per Memo 006, series of 2008! Where is the Memo "investigating: Sir Paras and Sir Alcoba?)

Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer, Sir Lucien (holds MP3 proof of Sir Paras' racistic language!) are personal witnesses of racistic attacks against Europeans by Sir Paras in the Black Forest, Germany!

The INACTION complaint against Sir Esguerra is therefore valid because Sir Esguerra did nothing against Sir Paras and Sir Alcoba, since last year 2007 till April 2008! To say there is lack of time is just another big lie!

Therefore, Sir Esguerra deserves DISQUALIFICATION for

1. CONDUCT UNBECOMING of a KOR Official for his inaction!
2. GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION for doing nothing!
3. GROSS IGNORANCE OF THE LAW (violation of Sections 2 & 4 of the Republic Act 646) for knowing the law but not following the language and spirit of the said Law!
4. GROSS NEGLIGENCE for not doing his job as expected of an acting Supreme Commander!

THIRD. The Sir Pros Schlachmuylders disqualification seems to be another "Filipino Muna" scheme that must have been hatched by IHQ (Sir Esguerra and Sir Quiambao?)! I have nothing personal against Sir Poblete, Canada, but his insertion and the Sir Pros disqualification gives an unpleasant aftertaste reminiscent of the Sir Paras appointment that was more a "hoodwink" of Sir Hilario to disregard the previuosly signed appointment for Sir Lucien! It is but mere coincidence that Sir Pros is a Belgian Knight like Sir Lucien. Sir Pros, an honorable Knight through and through, in good standing ALWAYS and all the time, was nominated by a Belgian officer (Sir Dominiek Segaert) and chapter, also in good standing! The excuse that Sir Don Brennock is from Ireland is not worthy any mention considering that Sir Pros and Sir Don are both men of honor and are both able Officers in their own rights and they work for the GOOD of the KOR! (Compare these two fine gentlemen with the blatant INACTION of Sir Esguerra towards the complaints against Sir Paras & Sir Alcoba, that is nothing but favoritism, pure and

To strictly cite the By-Laws just to disqualify Sir Pros but be lenient upon Sir Esguerra who IGNORED Sections 2 & 4 of the R.A. 646, mother of the KOR Constitution and By-Laws, is GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION AS WELL AS GROSS IGNORANCE OF THE LAW by the deciding Committee!

Therefore, the Sir Pros disqualification is null and void ab initio!

FOURTH. Sir Reynold Mateo is Area Commander for Rizal Province, the same province where Sir Esguerra from Taytay, Rizal is reportedly the provincial administrator and the same Taytay, Rizal town where Sir Paras is reported to own two homes!

FIFTH. This is a QUESTIONABLE, UNACCEPTABLE and DESPICABLE decision of nomination committee...! This is adding INSULT to INJURY, mildly formulated...!

SIXTH. Sir Pros, Sir Dominiek, and other right thinking Knights, it's time to join the newly-established International Federation of Knights of Rizal (IFKOR) that could eventually uphold the LEGACY of the National Hero as the present weak, indecisive, scheming, IHQ Leadership of Sir Esguerra and his backers (most prominent, Sir Quiambao?) continues to sow shame bringing the illustrious KOR downhill to perdition!

SEVENTH. Ms Maureen Fernandez apologized for the IHQ error that excluded Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter from the list of chapters in good standing, which could NOT have been her mistake, but (perhaps?) intentionally done by a scheming "someone" in IHQ to discredit the aforesaid Illustrious Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter by ommission, commission, exclusion and similar acts for the non-stop but valid writings Lazir hurls at the incompetent (sihonorable, tyrannical?) "leadership" by Sir Esguerra! The error can be corrected. But the DAMAGE HAS BEEN DONE to the detriment of the Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter that ultimately redounds inimically to the illustrious and good name as well as the interests of the KOR!

Vote for the Legacy of the National Hero, Dr Jose Rizal, by voting (with intelligence and wisdom) if not voting with your feet by joining IFKOR ( where Rizalism is alive and upright as well as right thinking women/men have a place reserved! come 25 May 2008 elections!

For Country, KOR and People!


Confucius said: "Promote the upright and dismiss all evildoers, and the people will be contented. Promote the evildoers and dismiss the upright, and the people will be discontented... Conduct yourself towards them with dignity, and you will earn their respect. Be a good son and a kind prince, and you will find them loyal. Promote the deserving and instruct those who fall short,
and they will be encouraged to follow the path of virtue."

"The arrogant one is he who wants to be worshipped, who misleads others, and who wants his will to prevail over reason and justice." - Dr Jose P. Rizal - Message to the women of Malolos, February 1889

"My ambition is not to win honors or hold positions, but to see what is just, exact and suitable, is done in political matters." - Dr Jose P. Rizal

"No one will be corrupt if we don't let them." - Tony Meloto in his speech before Davao University graduates, 2007

"...Dare to cross boundaries in your minds and hearts! In your strength and courage! In the space inside and around you! Dare to be different! Dare what you never dared before! The highest thing that obliges you is your conscience. Act whatever good forces dictate! Then you are closer to Rizal's ideals than any policy or philosophy could ever be. What he can teach you, you will not understand without Kant's lessons..." - An excerpt of the speech Christoph S. Eberle delivered on Rizal Day in Hamburg, Dec. 2006.

"Be the Change you want to see in the World!" - Mahatma Gandhi

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