Wednesday, April 30, 2008


All concerned please,

Well-said Brother Bobby! ICAT is wanting in this IHQ headed by acting Supreme Commander Sir Virgilio Esguerra!

Section 2. The purposes of this corporation shall be:
to study the teachings of Dr. Jose Rizal;
to inculcate and propagate them in and among all classes of the Filipino people, and by words and deeds to exhort our citizenry;

to emulate and practice the EXAMPLES and TEACHINGS of our national hero;
to promote among the associated knights the spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry;
to develop a perfect union among the Filipinos in revering the memory of Dr. Jose Rizal; and

to organize and hold programs commemorative of Rizal's nativity and martyrdom.

Section 4. All persons of legal age and of GOOD MORAL CHARACTER AND REPUTATION, who are in
sympathy with the purposes of the corporation, are eligible for active membership, upon
unanimous approval of the Supreme Council in banc of a written application thereof duly
endorsed by at least two active members of the corporation.

Interesting indeed that IHQ/Supreme Council/Sir Virgilio Esguerra, in running after its strongest critics: (Memo 005, series of 2008 to investigate Sir Jun Zerrudo; Memo 006, series of 2008 to investigate Sir Manny Bade and Lazir) forgot that one of its (IHQ) duties, per R.A. 646, is as shown above!, which it ignores, just to placate powers that be!
(Sir Quiambao, reported to be 5x Supreme Commander?)

By appointing and keeping a European commander, Sir Paras, who plagiarized the book of Jose Baron Fernandez, and was caught in the act of making racistic pronouncements (a copy is on MP3!) by Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer, the Supreme Council is GUILTY of violating Section 2 of R.A. 646! Dr Jose Rizal never taught us to plagiarize a book nor to be racistic in our dealings with brother Knights!

By exalting and keeping a European KGOR, Sir Alcoba, who openly made racistic attacks upon brother Knights thru e-mails, the Supreme Council is GUILTY of violating Section 2 of R.A. 646! Dr Jose Rizal never taught us to be racistic in our dealings with brother Knights!

Like the story of the "Emperor With No Clothes", IHQ in the years 2006-2007 (?) distributed medals, sashes and exalted many Knights, even the undeserving (Sir Alcoba, Sir Paras, Sir Nollas in Europe!). And all those present said Ooohs! and Aaahs!, all praising the "majestic" clothes of the Emperor!

Proof was the great Fun! Fun! Fun! they had in Paris, July 2007, loaded with lofty yet empty words!

Like the little kid in the same "Emperor With No Clothes", Lazir pointed out (exposed wrongdoings in the IHQ in his writings/e-mails) that the Emperor is naked! In retaliation, IHQ/Supreme Council, quickly produced Memo 006, series of 2008, to "investigate" Lazir, allegedly for his pronouncements which were inimical to the KOR (???).

Logic dictates that whoever convinced the Emperor to parade himself without clothes should be punished! It is they who brought SHAME to the empire (KOR), not the little kid! In the first place, the little kid (Lazir) had nothing to do with the SHAMEFUL actuations of the many, who connived to do wrong..., indeed conduct inimical to the interests of the (KOR) Empire!

But IHQ only sees their own viewpoint/s. Anything contrary to what they see, conducts himself "inimically" to the KOR!

Does IHQ/Sir Esguerra/Sir Quiambao think they have a monopoly of GOOD MORAL CHARACTER AND REPUTATION? By their keeping a plagiarist and racists in this KOR, they bring SHAME to the KOR!

One brings HONOR to the KOR by keeping bad eggs and scalawags out, not in!

Proven racists Sir Paras and Sir Alcoba might be favorites of Sir Quiambao and therefore cannot be expelled!

Is this not proof that Sir Quiambao, not Sir Esguerra, controls the KOR?

Pardon Lazir for his continuous search for the truth!

For Country and People!


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