Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Dr Jose Rizal was also told, warned (even threatened!) to STOP his REFORM campaign/s! Did he stop? We know the answer...

The Philippine tragedy is not KOR, but IS IT WISE to tell the Filipino nation to now forget CORRUPTION (ZTE/NBN, "Hello Garci", the Spratlys, North/South Rail, the Fertilizer Scam, the Election counting machines, to name a few), STOP washing dirty LINEN in public and all just go on living our/their lives?

OK for the moneyed(!), with Swissbank accounts, TOUGH LUCK for those who scratch the ground for scraps to feed an empty stomach! No kind Sir, NOTHING WRONG in seeking CLOSURE to the nation's SCANDALS and ILLS?

The same is TRUE with the KOR! The Search is for TRUTH, JUSTICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY!

Whether KOR members like it or not, KOR affairs do have BEARING upon the Filipino nation! KOR with its Flag and Dr Jose Rizal on its EMBLEM should be the CONSCIENCE of the nation and MUST set the EXAMPLE for the citizenry, in the same manner Dr Jose Rizal would have so wanted to see it happen, if he were still ALIVE today!

Yet, KOR's IHQ keeps its SILENCE! (The KOR has no independent media to scrutinize its affairs!) But KOR Members do HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW!

IHQ is SILENT, yes! Yet Sir Jose Gardoce and Sir Felipe Vital show up SUDDENLY in IHQ's defense!

Will STOPping this, Lazir's Search for TRUTH, JUSTICE and ACCOUNTABILITY in the KOR, help

- heal the (KOR) country,
- feed the hungry,
- pay for tuition, school fees,
- provide medical care,
- build homes, shelter, housing,
- give jobs, etc. ???

We in the KOR claim to be Illustrious adherents of the National Hero! And then what? Fun! Fun! Fun! Promote the UNDESERVING, STOP looking for WRONGDOINGs, or CLOSE our eyes on ABUSE? Just give up?

There is ONLY ONE Philippines and, like many other Filipinos and foreigners alike, I do care!

Alright, we do good (in the name of Dr Jose Rizal!):

- raise funds for projects back home!
- support poor kids to school!
- educate the masses!
- hold yearly contests! (Who is Dr Jose Rizal Contest?, National Search for Outstanding Youth Contest, and the like)

Is that all? Is that RIZALISM? Is that not SHALLOW and HOLLOW?

Last I heard and from what I knew, RIZALISM was ACTIVISM!

And yet, we are told to SIMPLY CLOSE OUR EYES TO CORRUPT I H Q PRACTICES and tell others to STOP complaining/whining and move on?

Shouldn't it be that we tell the ABUSERS in the IHQ to STOP their ABUSE and do right instead? Shouldn't we ask Sir Ver Esguerra, who is SUPPOSED TO BE in control (is he really?) to do his job? And if the acting Supreme Commander (or Sir Rogelio Quiambao and Sir Joey Lina of the Supreme Council ARE) is "ASHAMED" of Lazir's "Bato-bato sa Langit", isn't it HIGH TIME they ACT in ACCORDANCE with the known CHARACTER, INTEGRITY, AND TRAITS of Dr Jose Rizal?


Shall we now BLAME Dr Jose Rizal for FIGHTING for REFORMS??? Shall we now BLAME him for his early demise? Can we rightfully say, Dr Rizal should have STOPPED so he could have lived to be 100 years!

To tell Lazir to STOP is BARKING at the wrong TREE! IHQ is the tree to bark at! (Aragorn and Gandalf, the White, in JRR Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" warned King Theoden of the Rohirrm, whether the King likes it or not, "WAR IS UPON HIM!")

CORRUPTION AND CORRUPT PRACTICES ARE IN THE IHQ! THESE things, NOT Lazir's COMPLAINING, kind Sir, "is bringing no good to OKOR." The COrrupt MUST STOP, not Lazir!

If Sir Rogelio Quiambao served 5x as Supreme Commander, did HE BRING CORRUPT PRACTICES to the KOR, or did he FIGHT CORRUPTION during his time? Did he bring HONOR to the KOR or SHAME upon it?

Is the Council of Elders HELPING FIGHT CORRUPT PRACTICES/CORRUPTION by its GAG ORDER or PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION ORDER imposed upon Sir Carmelo Gempesaw? Or is it CONDONING CORRUPTION/CORRUPT PRACTICES when it promulgated such order/s? (I asked for IHQ documents from both Sir Ver Esguerra..., since November 2007, and from Sir Carmelo Gempesaw, last January 2008, to see How the IHQ functions/works! NOTHING WRONG with that! Lazir only WANTED to know HOW THE IHQ WORKS! Is Sir Ver Esguerra hiding SOMETHING? Apparently YES! I THANK Sir Carmelo for granting my request! Sir Carmelo did the RIGHT thing! TRANSPARENCY is good for the KOR and its Members!)


1. To ask Lazir (or Sir Jun) to STOP what he/they are doing? or
2. To STOP the WRONGDOERS at the TOP from their ABUSE of the KOR?
3. To help the media, police? or
4. To help the thieves?

Lazir and the REFORMERS came to view because of the IHQ CORRUPTION! CORRUPTION did not appear because of Lazir and the REFORMERS!)

YOU ALL will ALWAYS do RIGHT when you WORK honestly, with integrity, just like Dr Jose Rizal...

For Country and People!


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