Saturday, February 23, 2008


Sir Cesar,

How dare you write in such a fashion to any Brother Knight in an open e-mail! Have you no respect at all? Do you actually consider it acceptable to refer in such an insulting, public way to Brother Knights and their good friends, while at the same time having no regard whatever for those unfortunates who may well be incarcerated in any such institution, or their family members. Have you no sense of honour or respect whatever left in you. You should be ashamed of yourself Sir and seriously consider your position and attitude.

Yours in Rizal,
Sir Don Brennock KCR


LOL KA RIN!!! What friends are you talking about. Oh yes, friends from your mental asylum.

Sir Cesar Alcoba, KCR

Sir Cesar,

You should be ashamed of yourself, sending such a message to any person by open e-mail. If you have no respect for others should you not, at least, have a little respect for yourself and not show yourself in such a childish, pathetic and disgusting light. This is not the language of a gentleman to another and I hardly think that Dr. Rizal would approve of it, do you? This is no way for a Knight to behave, and I would have expected you to know better than to do such a thing. You demean yourself and the Order greatly by such action.

Yours in Rizal,

Sir Don Brennock KCR

Subject: RE: Choy Alcoba Calls for More Anti Corruption Campaigns!

LOL! what support are you talking about, perhaps you mean( SUPOT) like the rest of you.

Sir Cesar Alcoba, KCR

Sir Cesar,

I have no intention of descending to your level of scurrilous words by responding in any detail to your e-mail below.

However, I do have one comment and a question for you. Neither you, nor anyone else, have a single shred of evidence that I "have always been against the decisions and Bye Laws of the Order of the Knights of Rizal". Even where I have believed, very strongly, that they require critical review and revision I have respected and complied with them.

My Question: I now ask you to post a copy of my original e-mail of 5th. September 2006, in its original format, showing its full contents and to whom it was sent and then tell us how you became aware of its contents. Your answer will be most enlightening.

Yours in Rizal,

Sir Don Brennock, KCR

Sir Don Brennock, KCR
Area Commander for U.K. & IRELAND

Bloody hell, Don, this time you really pissed me off. Pls. stop your preaching and pretending like you are a pious and righteous men. How come you never make a comment on the other nasty e-mails being sent to us? That coward, Rizal Victoria that you are defending doesn't deserve any respect from anybody. The members of our Supreme Council in IHQ, whom he is always attacking are all educated, honourable , loved and respected leaders of our country. Does he give any respect to them, NADA. He deserves all the insults that is coming he's way. Is this the type of person you are defending and supporting? All you want is respect from us but never give us back this respect. Remember 'respect begets respect'.

Further more, the biased and un-official 'MINUTES' that you and Sir Francois Ooms issued on our 24th March meeting is totally unacceptable. You clearly showed your disrespect to the host of the meeting and to the other Illustrious Knights who attended. You never mentioned that you were attending and yet we welcomed you.

And may I ask, you have been always against the decisions and by-laws of the OKOR, how come you have accepted your appointment as Area Commander for U.K. & Ireland, but you don't accept the appointment of others. Your e-mail dated 05 September 2006 refers to this. I think that it is you who should be ashamed and consider your position and attitude.


Sir Cesar Alcoba, KCR
Area Commander for Belgium

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