Wednesday, February 20, 2008


In pursuit of TRUTH, REFORM, and ACCOUNTABILITY...! The SHAME must End!

As KNIGHTS OF DR JOSE RIZAL, we should be Ashamed of CORRUPT Practices, ANYWHERE! In or outside the KOR!!!

Presently, we have an IHQ "leadership(?)" that has BETRAYED its Illustrious Being as well as its MEMBERS!

In this Illustrious KOR, leadership is mandated to run the organization "like a good father of a family."

When this same leadership twists facts (where is IHQ's "Legal Department"?!), threatens its own (ordering Sir Carmelo to not give information we long to see for purposes of TRANSPARENCY!) members and, worst of all, blatantly engages in corrupt practicies at many levels of the bureaucracy, it loses its right to demand the RESPECT of its General Membership!

It is CORRUPT practice

1. for a member of the Supreme Council (Sir Jose Lina?) to cover-up, hide, erase any matter (like the CASE of the Blank Checks/Vouchers!) from the Minutes of the Council of Elders' Meeting!

2. for a member of the Council of Elders (Sir Rogelio Quiambao?) to even just give a "hint" or SUPPORT for any cover-up, like the CASE of the Blank Checks/Vouchers!

3. for the Supreme Council or Council of Elders to EXALT Knights to KGORs without showing PROOF of VALID REASON for such and refuse to give info, when a member requests to see the documents (CASEs of Sir Boy Alcoba, Sir Nollas, Sir Guansing! and the Sir Lino Paras designation to European "commander").

4. for the Council of Elders to ORDER one (who is passing info from IHQ) from giving IHQ info!

"Nowadays the youth is in desperate need of role models that they can emulate and learn from... "

"The intellectual should constantly disturb, should bear witness to the misery of the world, should be provocative by being independent, should rebel against all hidden and open pressures and manipulation. This role is very important, for we are the ones who will bare the truth, open people to new ideas and push them along new heights."

- Nobel laureate Aung San Su Kyi, Burma or Myanmar, talking about Vaclav Havel
(quoted by Dr. Honey Carandang, noted family psychologist
(from "Raising honest, truthful kids" By Cathy S. Babao-Guballa, Philippine
Daily Inquirer, First Posted 02:24am (Mla time) 02/17/2008)

THEREFORE, Let info from IHQ flow easily to the members asking for such/them! This is the age of electronic e-mails, paperless communications, speedy data transmission!

In pursuit of TRUTH, REFORM, and ACCOUNTABILITY, anyone hindering (anybody from the General Membership) others from obtaining a bit of REQUESTED INFO, is not for TRUTH, REFORM, and ACCOUNTABILITY!

Sir Jose Lina (he used the word "hiya" or something very close to SHAME!) asked to erase or hide this CASE of the Blank Checks/Vouchers from the Council of Elders' Minutes of Meeting. If he is UPRIGHT, he should NEVER EVER make such a suggestion, or even merely MENTION such a corrupt thing!

Sir Rogelio Quiambao mentioned about coming elections (or something in this direction!). If he is UPRIGHT, he should TALK STRAIGHT and NEVER EVER hint at something else, or favoring a suggestion to DELETE or ERASE the CASE of the Blank Checks/Vouchers from the tape recorded Minutes of the Meeting!

By going in the direction of DELETE or ERASE the part of the Minutes of the Meeting talking about the Blank Checks/Vouchers, Sir Jose Lina and Sir Rogelio Quiambao, both show COMPLETE disregard for TRUTH, REFORM, and ACCOUNTABILITY!

By DELETING and HIDING TRUTH, in support of an illegal act of Sir Ver Esguerra and two others from IHQ who used Blank Checks/Vouchers, Sir Jose Lina and Sir Rogelio Quiambao ACT CONTRARY to the CHARACTER of Dr Jose Rizal! Is such ACT not SHAMEFUL?

How can we EXPECT to Raise honest and truthful kids, when our IHQ of the KNIGHTS OF Dr JOSE RIZAL leadership do these SHAMEFUL things??? (If the kitchen gets too hot, PLEASE LEAVE or RESIGN!!!)


1. Is Sir Jose Lina (he asked worldwide chapters/members to submit Changes to the By-Laws, but submissions were not even included in the SUBMITTED version given for General Membership ratification!) one Council of Elders Member who approved the Exaltations favoring Sir Lino Paras, Sir Boy Alcoba, Sir Rudy Nollas, Sir Guansing to KGOR?

2. Does the decision/s or propsals of Sir Rogelio Quiambao CARRY the MOST WEIGHT among all the IHQ officials?

Yes or NO! WHY? For Rizalian considerations (clean, above-board!) or those of Padre Damaso? (dirty or corrupt!)

3. Is Sir Ver Esguerra a WEAK or STRONG leader? Why the VERY QUICK Dismissal of Ms Loren Guevarra? And the VERY SLOW (delaying tactics?) EXPULSION of Sir Lino Paras?

4. Why did Sir Lamberto Nanquil ORDER Sir Carmelo Gempesaw to refrain from passing some info that members (I am one) requested from Sir Carmelo? Is it because Sir Ver does not WANT his WRONGDOINGS exposed???

5. Sir Lamberto, are you please for TRUTH, REFORMS and ACCOUNTABILITY? If YES, that will PROPEL THE KOR to unknown heights, and the KOR can take off! That will also PROVE STRONG LEADERSHIP on your part!!! ...and SHOW us (General Membership), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT STUFF to be called a TRUE (Dr Jose) Rizalist!!!

However, if NO, there's no REASON to ask illustrious members like Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer and Sir Ernst Marian Blumentritt to EVER reconsider their decisions to WALK AWAY from the KOR!

Today, more than ever, the Philippines and the Filipinos look for ROLE MODELS that will help to move the country FORWARD!

I ask everyone to HELP where you can! We need more men like Dr Jose Rizal, Engr Rodolfo Luzada, Jr and Joey de Venecia III.

In pursuit of TRUTH, REFORM, and ACCOUNTABILITY...! The SHAME (and CORRUPTION) must End!

For Country and People!

Rizal Victoria
Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter

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