Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I think a corrupt government like what we have here in the Philippines is like a sick patient who refuses to acknowledge that he is sick. When a doctor encounters a sick patient, the first responsibility of the doctor is to make sure that the patient acknowledges that he is indeed sick. But there are really patients who prefer to believe that they are not sick and will get angry when the doctor tells them they are sick. That is why I believe corrupt government is like a sick patient.

A corrupt government is like a sick patient in that there are parts of the sick patient that are really corrupted, dying and beyond the scope of treatment. But there are also parts that are still okay and merit being saved from the corruption that has eaten away at the sicker parts. The sick parts have their days numbered already, meaning eventually they will meet their demise - that is a given due to natural laws of life. But it is possible to save the healthy parts if the sick parts are cauterized and amputated from the well parts. Like separating the goats from the sheep as Christ said. For the well-being of the entire patient, the corrupt parts need to be removed so that their toxic presence no longer pollutes the entire patient.

But I said that a corrupt government is like a sick patient who refuses to acknowledge that he is sick right? So a corrupt government will stubbornly cling on to the corrupt parts in the deluded belief that the very existence of the whole patient will be threatened if the corruption is to be removed. This is the sickness that is afflicting our government now, and the sad part is that even the healthy parts of the patient will go down with the corrupt parts eventually when corruption is not amputated and excised from the whole body.

Who then can correct this formula for death, wherein the days of our government are literally numbered? In any sick patient, towards the end, when the corrupt parts can no longer sustain life, these corrupt parts will drain the life out of the healthy parts in order to sustain their own lives. You can see this in any sick patient you encounter. The health and life of the healthy parts is sacrificed (unfairly) to sustain the health and life of the corrupt parts. But in the end, not even all the energy and resources of any healthy part will be enough to sustain the life of the entire patient, or even of the parasitic corrupt parts. In the final analysis, it is a formula for death and the whole patient will collapse, go into a coma, and die a natural death.

And we wonder why the middle class and the educated are fleeing for better living conditions in other countries? That is simply a survival reflex. The question is: how can this deplorable situation of the sick patient be completely reversed? it is a mystery.

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