Tuesday, May 8, 2007


In a few days from now you will be asked by candidates in your respective places to vote for them. Since the campaign period began, candidates for different positions have been asking you to vote for them in this coming elections. They have been trying to convince you that they are better suited for the positions they are running for than their opponents.

Many have been making promises they cannot or will not lift a finger to fulfill. Others have been resorting to vote-buying, or threatening to make life hard for you or even take that away if you don't vote for them. You have seen and heard about the killings of candidates and their followers by their opponents who see their adversaries as threats to their political ambitions or hold on power in their turfs.

You have seen how certain politicians have used the foulest of methods to cheat in the elections, steal your vote, manipulate its counting and resist all efforts to disclose their illegal deeds or remove them from the position they do not appear to have legally won.

My dear countrymen, let these not discourage you from voting for whom you honestly believe would lift you up from the miserable state of disappointment and dissatisfaction you have long been languishing in.

Do not surrender out of apathy or complacency and neither resign out of a feeling of hopelessness that whatever you do or whoever is up there will not change your long lingering woes.

Apathy, complacency, hopelessness and resignation are the best allies of the abusive, the evil and the corrupt.

Suffrage is still the best way for you to express your freedom and air your right to voice out your mind for the candidate you believe are more qualified and against those who are not.

In your hands, my fellow Filipinos, more than mine, to paraphrase John F. Kennedy, rest the success or failure of our cause and the future of your children and their children's children in this our only country.

If you want the coming generations of this country to be the masters of their own future, I ask you to change the past and the present by voting with a clear conscience for the right reasons and for the best candidates now.

God bless my beloved countrymen, God bless my country, God bless our beloved Philippines.

Ramon Mayuga
Essen, Germany

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