Friday, April 27, 2007


Mahal Kung Kababayan:

This email is a patriotic request by the proponents of <> for your nationalistic participation and support in the awareness campaign for the liberation of the country from the abusive and oppressive hold of the traditional politicians (trapos), the Philippine oligarchy and showbiz/sport personalities in the Philippines. The sponsoring website is <>, a homogenous, non- political non-structured, non-profit cyberspace mass movement organized and maintained in the USA by Overseas Filipino Workers.

By using extensively the internet email systems and cell phone texting, we plan to disseminate our messages against the present "Ruling Class" domination and subjugation of the entire country.

As an OFW or a supporter, we request your participation by sending out this email to three - five of your Filipino relatives, friends or associates, who will further repeat the same procedure.

The procedure is a proven effective marketing strategy of downward "multi-level" dispersions to reach out to most possible contacts spreading the message exponentially and hopefully reaching millions of Filipinos and supporters around the world.

Our message is: In this coming May 2007 elections, DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY KNOWN TRADITIONAL POLITICIAN, SHOW BUSINESS / SPORTS PERSONALITIES OR ANY OF THOSE WHO BELONG TO THE OLD POLITICAL DYNASTIES in the Philippines. These selfish and uncaring countrymen were responsible for all the economic and political miseries inflicted to millions of Filipinos by their wanton corruption and plundering of the national patrimony. Please log on to <> to access the complete information of our mass movement.

Your further active participation and support is welcomed. Please send us your comments, suggestions and ideas about this mass movement. We will keep you informed of our future concerted mass action plans and strategies to sustain our efforts and objectives for a liberated Philippines!




A group of Filipino immigrants in the United States launched a new website ( <> ) targeting the entire and present Philippine political system who they claimed were responsible for the large-scale corruption and grinding poverty in the Philippines. After the Second World War, surviving a devastating Japanese occupation the country was poised to become a leading economic power in Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, during the 60's successive political administrations that started with the dictator Ferdinand Marcos brought the country to brink of bankruptcy by large-scale corruption, rampant cronyism and outright thievery perpetrated by the elite ruling class and oligarchy composed of powerful families who dominated almost all aspects of political and social agenda of the nation. The present Filipino president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, daughter of a previous president and herself the most hated traditional oligarch and politician was suspected of rigging the last presidential elections. Another president before Arroyo, Joseph Estrada, a popular actor turned politician was kicked out of his office by a popular coup-de-etat. Charged with plunder due to his excesses by publicly floating his mistresses, multi-million dollars mansions and "midnight" drinking bouts with his cabinet and shady Chinese-Filipino associates suspected to have looted the nation to the ground.

It is estimated that 8 to 10 million Filipinos are now working and residing all over the world as nannies, merchant sailors, engineers, construction workers and health care providers. Their remittances to families left behind amounted to 12 billion dollars in 2006. For years, these dollar remittances generated economic activities that somehow kept the country afloat.

In retrospect, the Overseas Filipino Workers, sarcastically idolized by the tricky politicians as the new "heroes" are now restive and indignant on the never ending unproductive squabbles and empty showmanship displayed by a typical Filipino politician. The economic reality is that the country is now judged to be the poorest and most corrupt in Asia. The website claimed that both Macapagal-Arroyo and Estrada are the classic unfortunate poster examples of dynastic politicians sustained by corrupted political power and stolen wealth.

The website's message is to boycott voting for the old names (traditional politicians and oligarchies) dominating the Philippine political scene. A continuing and sustained campaign of awareness and information dissemination through the cyberspace and wireless cell phones appears to be an effective media for the social protest, the first organized electronic revolt against what the overseas Filipinos call, the unholy alliance of the ruling class composed of corrupt oligarchies, traditional politicians and entertainment personalities turned politicians who for decades robbed the country blind driving a big portion of it's educated, productive, articulate, yet disillusioned and exasperated citizens abroad.

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