Monday, April 23, 2007


Dear Mr Esguerra,

Thanks for your e-mail today! Before I proceed, is it true KOR has no right to use those titles, ranks they (KOR) distribute, based on the e-mail below from Mr Guy Stair Sainty? Is there a law that allows KOR to design and issue them? Can you please cite this law in your reply here in particular? Until Mr Sainty is proven wrong, I simply call you Mr Esguerra and I take out any title upon my name also.

Please understand that I am very straight-forward as this is what I've learned (acquired) to be the most effective method of dealing with discussions in my 24 years here in Europe: direct to the point!

I was born in the Philippines and spent my happy childhood in the country. Fighting Corruption, after my beloved country has been named "Number 1", just became my latest project among many. Corruption eats on valuable resources (money, time) that the poor do not have...! They cannot wait!


Quiambao has been responsible, partly or wholly, in the IHQ troubles of the past 5 years when there was a squabble between several factions in the IHQ trying to gain control of IHQ leadership. It seemed that his faction gained the upper hand and now holds sway in many/most IHQ decisions. All KOR members I then talked to were so ashamed! How could one quarrel openly over the post of Supreme Commander? Dr Jose Rizal, our teacher, never indulged in that! That fact was insulting and shameful! Yet I kept quiet because I was thinking it would disappear/settle after some months. Well, years passed before the dust settled!

Then came the Lina administration, asking all knights to submit proposals for the Constitution and By-Laws. I worked with two brothers in our chapter preparing our response/submission. I've read about the noteworthy Bonn submission, the great KRRM proposals and of course the one from our own chapter. I was in Manila when those Constitution and By-Laws were ratified. Fact is, I was asked to also attend and give my voice during the supposed "deliberations". Knowing that Europe had Sir Barry, Sir Dr Gunter Hecker and a few more European companions, (I call people 'Sir' because they deserve to be called such for proving themselves to be deserving of being called so, thru their deeds and words!), I still decided to stay away because even if we were 50 from Europe, what IHQ put on the table for ratification will be what will be voted upon! I was right, but I remained quiet.

Indeed, by sheer numbers, overseas proposals were simply heard but totally IGNORED!, amidst the outcry of overseas members attending! Not even one proposal was accepted! Was that an honorable act by Manila? It was the exact opposite! Clearly, some, if not all, the wishes of the overseas members, if IHQ and the Supreme Council wanted to, could have been incorporated in the ratified C&BL. How? Simply by WISELY picking the valid ones and including them in the C&BL to be ratified! But, as proven by IHQ inaction of many years to overseas complaints, written or otherwise, IHQ acted more like the Spanish administration during the time of Dr Jose Rizal, than one that fits into the framework of this 21st century!

I hold Quiambao personally responsible for the Europe upheaval, the flight of many able and honorable KOR members, because he heads the IHQ section dealing on "International" affairs. Europe is international. Clearly his job is to run it smoothly, not otherwise! He failed us all KOR members, miserably! In addition, I see no ground for Sir Hilario to appoint Sir Lucien European Commander, make it known to Sir Hans Schoof, then take the appointment back after 2 weeks(?)! Sir Lucien, from his long years of research work, finding historical mistakes even (details on where Dr Rizal resided here and there for example), clearly deserves the Regional Commander job! more than Paras. But since Paras' name was pushed through, for no Rizalian reason and you now claim this to have been a joint Council of Elders/Supreme Council decision or act, then the Council of Elders, if no one among them voiced any objections, abstentions or reservations to the Spittael/Paras switch, have shamed themselves for so doing! What is Rizalian and honorable in this switch?

I've asked Quiambao to provide documents showing Rizalian principles were observed in the Paras promotion. I marked the date, 26 Apr 07, assuming that IHQ keeps records. The entire Council of Elders could be blamed, if proof is not provided.


The word 'respect' is relative. The number of years a person holds the job is irrelevant, when the RESULTS are irresponsible, catastrophic, shameful, not the least respectable! Idi Amin ruled for more than 15 yrs! Marcos was "president" for 20 yrs (1965-85)! Tony Meloto is there perhaps for just a couple of yrs at the helm of Gawad Kalinga, but he might be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize! I submitted his name to the German Parliament members I know.

It appears that the Council of Elders and the SC, on this switching episode, made no respectable, honorable decision! Who pushed for it? Did you? Or Quiambao? Can we please see the minutes of these meetings and the votes counted during the decision-making, if IHQ records, as you wrote, are "open to scrutiny"?

I will ask Sir Barry if he ever saw an independently-audited KOR Books of Accounts during his term of office. I will personally apologize to whoever I have insulted, if my claim about "no independent audit" is proven wrong! My backbone is upright, my character is straight, corruption is my enemy!

Corruption in the IHQ:

It is corrupt to even consider Paras for regional commander, seeing now that he has NOTHING Rizalian to back the exaltation up but his house that took care of Quiambao's son/s. What is Rizalian, honorable, exaltable in his promotion? Even his plan to "unite" Europe was a dismal FAILURE and SHAME with those resignations and his racistic overtones CRIMINAL (Europe will criminalize "racism" soon, if not passed into law yet)!

If my words are "unnecessary" and "unfounded", the squabble for the Supreme Commander post years back plus this Paras exaltation was, in a very mild tone, an OVERKILL! Please consider that I merely REACTED to events taking place here and there! I even waited for years and HOPED, liked the many KOR members, for the IHQ to finally start WORKING on things Rizalian in substance!!!

I asked IHQ several times to revoke or suspend the Paras appointment because it was dishonorable, corrupt and wrong. Can the Council of Elders not see resignations of SHAMED KOR members? I was about to tender my resignation, would have been the very FIRST in Europe. I got stopped by Sir Hilario's election. Even Sir Dennis Barcelona, a principled Filipino trying to hold-out, finally quit when Paras asked attendees at the 24 Mar 07 Brussels meeting to sign a "blank" sheet of paper! That's another corrupt practice that NEVER must be tolerated! What will be on the "blank" paper??? Rest is history.

My writing style:

Had I used nice, flowery words, Arthurian style old English, would I get this letter from you? I doubt it. Sir Don Brennock's writing style is very polite. He said in his e-mail that he wrote 10-12(?) times! He never got a response from IHQ! Our Chapter Commander, Sir Rainer Weber, wrote many times too, all politely-formulated! What did he receive back for each letter of his? Nothing!


I highly recommend ONCE MORE to the Council of Elders, if they are guided by Rizalian ideas, ideals and principles, to revoke the Paras appointment before April 2007 ends. That might appease the boiling tempers of many KOR brothers in Europe. It's 5 past midnight and "correcting the wrong" by IHQ is long overdue. However, I respectfully recommend that IHQ take steps, albeit late. "Better late than never!"

I will not use my own version of NOM for now, as a sign of peace offering on my part. I fervently hope for IHQ correcting this WRONG done upon Europe.

For a Democratic Order
For Pride in the Order
For the Good of the Order

Yours sincerely,

Rizal P. Victoria

"The arrogant one is he who wants to be worshipped, who misleads others, and who wants his will to prevail over reason and justice." - Dr Jose P. Rizal - Message to the Women of Malolos, February 1889

"My ambition is not to win honors or hold positions, but to see what is just, exact and suitable, is done in political matters." - Dr Jose P. Rizal

"No one will be corrupt if we don't let them." - Tony Meloto in his speech before Davao University graduates, 2007

"...Dare to cross boundaries in your minds and hearts! In your strength and courage! In the space inside and around you! Dare to be different! Dare what you never dared before! The highest thing that obliges you is your conscience. Act whatever good forces dictate! Then you are closer to Rizal's ideals than any policy or philosophy could ever be. What he can teach you, you will not understand without Kant's lessons..." - An excerpt of the speech Christoph S. Eberle delivered on Rizal Day in Hamburg, Dec. 2006.

"Some centuries hence when mankind shall become enlightened and redeemed, when there shall be no races, when all peoples shall become free, when there shall be neither tyrants nor slaves, nor colonies nor metropolis, when justice shall rule, and man shall become a citizen of the world, the cult of science alone shall remain, the word patriotism shall smack of fanaticism, and he would boast of patriotic virtues will undoubtedly be confined as a dangerous sick man, as a perturber of social harmony." - (El Filibusterismo, p.43) (The "Filipino Muna" of the appointed European Regional Commander runs contrary to these words of the national hero! Hence, to me, he is a fake commander!).

"We need their attacks, to keep us awake; that makes us see our weaknesses so that we may remedy them." - (Noli Me Tangere, p. 69) (per Prof. Jean Hall, Dr Jose Rizal's reaction to criticisms and how KOR leadership should have responded to reform ideas...)

"Criticize what you don't like; praise what you find good." - Dr Jose Rizal's advise in Carlos Quirino's The Great Malayan, p. 175) (Proof that what we who speak out against Corruption and Corrupt practices by a few KOR scalawags, are on the right path!).

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:38 PM
Subject: FWD: RE: Order of the Knights of Rizal


--- "Webmaster, Chivalric Orders" <>:

RE: Order of the Knights of Rizal
Thu, 16 Feb 2006 11:01:17 +0100

This kind of recognition is meaningless. If you look at the Philippine constitution and laws on awards, etc, it says nothing about powers to recognize or authenticate Orders. The president is stated to be the head of the state Orders. Unless this was made a Philippine Order it is meaningless.

In fact, if you look at its legal status, it was given under Philippines law recognition as a as "a civic and patriotic organization" on 14 June 1951, not as an Order of Knighthood or Merit. It has no more validity as an Order than the London stage organization called the Order of the Water Rats, or other similar bodies called "Orders".

That its members have assumed titles ("Sir") for example, is rather pathetic, and of course such titles are not in any case recognized in Philippines law anyway.

Guy Stair Sainty

-----Original Message-----
From: virgilio esguerra []
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 5:44 AM
To: Victoria, Rizal Mr. DEU USA/USAREUR
Subject: answer (reply)

16 April 2007


Dear Sir Victoria:

In answer to your articles "Reply to Alcoba, Paras and Quiambao" and "Who is Behind this Malady" which reached our office through the internet, we are placing on record the following:

1. Sir Rogelio M. Quiambao, KGCR, a respected five-time
Supreme Commander and an incumbent member of the Council of the Elders, never elevated SIR LINO PARAS to Knight Grand Officer of Rizal (KGOR) in the 15th International Assembly in Jersey City last September 2006. Your allegation is false. I know personally because I represented the Supreme Commander in that Assembly.

2. Exaltation to KGOR cannot be done by Sir Quaimbao. He is
only one of the approving officers in the Council of Elders. To enhance the process, exaltation must have the indorsement of the Supreme Council and approval of the Council of Elders. Here collective responsibility is required. A member of the Council of Elders like Sir Roger cannot exalt a knight. The officiating is performed by the Supreme Council under the leadership of the Supreme Commnder.

3. There is no corruption at the International Headquarters
as we all believe in transparency. It is grossly unfair to compare the Knights of Rizal to the Philippine Government which as the international statistics shows the most corrupt country in Asia. Manila has sent through E-MAIL all over the concerned regions, locally and internationally the financial statement of the KOR. Please see one by Supreme Exchequer and the Acting Supreme Commander copy of the memo dated April 10, 2007 addressed to all brother-knights. Our KOR books of accounts are open to scrutiny by our brother-knights.

Sir Rizal, you are advised to refrain from hurling unnecessary remarks, and
unfounded allegations as these are detrimental to the welfare of the Order.

Non Omnis Moriar.

Fraternally yours,

Acting Supreme Commander

1 comment:

  1. Hello Laon Laan!

    To the best of my knowledge, the insignia of the KOR is authorized for wearing along with the awards of the Philippine government by Philippine diplomats on any occasion that requires wearing of Philippine decorations.
    In Germany it is recognized as a decoration of the Philippines and authorization for accepting and wearing it must be requested in writing from the Bundespraesident. It is on the official list of foreign decorations that may be accepted by German citizens.
    Like the insignia of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, the insignia of the KOR is recognized by the Government, although being self governing, non-governmental entities under the protection of the state.

    I have never seen a document or heard an official statement in which the KOR claims to be an Order of Chivalry or to be an association of nobility. There might be a few members out there claiming to be real noble knights for whatever reason, but, this is not the official position of the KOR or of any chapter of it. The “knighthood” granted by the Order is described in Republic Act 646:

    SECTION 2. The purposes of this corporation shall be (…) to promote among the associated knights the spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry. (…)

    Like, for example, many Freemason-Orders, it carries out the traditions and values of knighthood, also by using the ancient titles of knighthood.

    To answer your question whether the KOR may issue its titles, you should read these sections of the Republic Act 646:

    SECTION 1. The present civic organization known as Orden de Caballeros de Rizal is hereby converted into a body corporate and politic with powers hereinafter specified, under the name and style of KNIGHTS OF RIZAL and in Spanish as Orden de Caballeros de Rizal (hereinafter called the corporation). (…)

    SECTION 3. The said corporation shall have perpetual succession, with power to (…) make and adopt by-laws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the Philippines, (…) The existing By-Laws of the Orden de Caballeros de Rizal insofar as they are not inconsistent with this Act shall remain in force as the By-Laws of the corporation until repealed or amended.

    SECTION 8. From and after the passage of this Act, it shall be unlawful for any person to falsely and fraudulently call himself as, or represent himself to be, a member of, an agent for, the Knights of Rizal; and any person who violates any of the provisions of this Act shall be punished by imprisonment of not to exceed six months or a fine not exceeding five hundred pesos, or both, in the discretion of the court.

    As you see, the KOR may grant these titles as they are part of the by-laws and they are protected by Philippine law. These titles are not titles of nobility, do not harm the laws of the Republic and are therefore recognized as written in the by-laws of the KOR.

    The title “Sir” is strictly for use inferior the Order only and shall not be used outside those occasions or correspondence directly related to the Order. The post nominals may be used outside the Order to indicate the membership and its level. This practice is followed by learned societies and these post nominals do not have a status as a diploma or academic credential or title of nobility. They indicate membership in the Order or the award of the decoration.

    Guy Stair Sainty is a well known scholar in the field of nobility and knighthood and he is, of course, absolutely right. The KOR has never claimed to have a different point of view. The status of the KOR is pretty curious due to its appearance as somewhat looking similar to an Order of Chivalry and due to the recognition by the state of its insignia as awards. So, people mix it up with an Order of chivalry in the European sense meaning that it is a source of nobility that would be forbidden in the Republic of the Philippines under Section 31, Article VI of the Philippine Constitution. This is a misunderstanding.

    Best regards
    Marc Skubich KCR
