Friday, April 13, 2007


Dear Brothers and Ladies in Dr Jose Rizal,

Perfect! Suggestions of Sir Dennis and Sir Jun to form a strong counterweight (worldwide!, not just against Manila) is, I'd say the best that could happen to Rizalists everywhere! The Federation should be the umbrella! Sir Jun can again please forward the organization he envisioned, where groups form the federation!

My recommendation is to use Sir Jun's "International Federation of Rizalists", where women and men (Rizalists) can all have equal say! Further recommend that we brainstorm without preconditions and remove doubts ("ohne wenn und aber" or no ifs and buts)... ! Rather, let's talk together to MAKE it happen, to MAKE it work. Let's talk as women and men with a noble goal ahead of us. Let's accentuate the POSITIVE and dispense of the NEGATIVE!

From now on, we can just think of Manila or IHQ as a "unit", comparable to a "chapter". This is no joke, as Wilhelmsfeld/Heidelberg chapter was not in "good standing" the entire year 2006! yet Cote de Azur was!

I think there wouldn't be any rivalry between La Liga, Rizal Society of Ontario, and this proposed Federation. If any, it should be the quality and/or standards in practice of how we uphold Dr Jose Rizal's teachings.

We should FINE TUNE the Constitution and By-Laws of these (all) groups, so we all see eye-to-eye and in a greater spirit of Rizalian Brotherhood. If not, we would sink, even before we've begun the ship launching? We would be worse than the KOR we complained about all these months! That makes IHQ happy, not us!

Think democratic, think proud, think good!

My 2 centavos please. (Kindly excuse me if I forgot something else.)

Rizal P. Victoria
Indio Bravo from Heidelberg
or "the coward" who called IHQ a spade!

"The arrogant one is he who wants to be worshipped, who misleads others, and who wants his will to prevail over reason and justice." - Dr Jose P. Rizal - Message to the Women of Malolos, February 1889

"My ambition is not to win honors or hold positions, but to see what is just, exact and suitable, is done in political matters." - Dr Jose P. Rizal

"No one will be corrupt if we don't let them." - Tony Meloto in his speech before Davao University graduates, 2007

"...Dare to cross boundaries in your minds and hearts! In your strength and courage! In the space inside and around you! Dare to be different! Dare what you never dared before! The highest thing that obliges you is your conscience. Act whatever good forces dictate! Then you are closer to Rizal's ideals than any policy or philosophy could ever be. What he can teach you, you will not understand without Kant's lessons..." - An excerpt of the speech Christoph S. Eberle delivered on Rizal Day in Hamburg, Dec. 2006.

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