Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Illustrious and esteemed Sir Barry,

What you're doing is noble indeed, kind Sir. It helps the members, it redounds to the benefit and welfare of the entire KOR! You are truly Rizalian: in thoughts, in words, in deeds!

As I've said before, it is in the character of the man himself that shows what he is made of! It's not the number of nor the types of metal pieces hanging on his neck, decorating his uniform that makes one noble and illustrious. For the eyes of many Knights here in Europe, you've served this area well, with distinction, dignity and honor. We never met yet, but I am proud to have been under your "command". I can't bestow medals upon your person, but having served Europe honorably, I can profess my sincere words upon one man who did and still does his job! Carry on Sir Knight, for you've served well!

Sad to say, it's IHQ complacency that brings some "up the barricades"! I am sober and calm. Fact is, I don't need a memo to calm down. I was born amidst a raging typhoon! (joke)

It would be wrong though for the IHQ to assume that letters and appeals for calm will stop Knights from writing e-mails, letters, complaints, grievances, comments, editorials, etc. No Sir. We are freemen, not slaves! Our dues go to Manila, not the other way around.

What is perplexing to me is that IHQ simply keeps promising things, but action? Nothing. Nothing but empty promises. The words we read/hear now, were re-cycled from last year!

Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary actions/solutions!

Europe can't bleed while IHQ just keeps sending promises, or changing the "guards", or appealing for sobriety! A torniquet could (perhaps) stop the hemorrhage, but not an appeal! And those who left, resigned are not interested in the IHQ pronouncements ("recent resignations won't be acted upon"). So what if the IHQ won't act upon their resignations! Manila expects them to return? How the IHQ is run, who makes decisions (for Europe)... these things made them leave in anger, in haste, on purpose!

It would help if the "thorn in the flesh" Paras appointment is revoked, in addition to a European Knights meeting electing our own RC. These are steps in the right direction. This is the strong signal Europe is waiting for, in "correcting the wrong". Without that, how can others here be sober and calm?

Please take it easy with your health, Sir Barry. The least we would like to hear is health complications arising from stress and strenuous home-IHQ-home trips! I know how it is communiting in the capital. We want you around the next 50 years more!

May your tribe increase!

For a Democratic Order
For Pride in the Order
For the Good of the Order

Yours sincerely,

NOM(ore money to Manila!)

Rizal P. Victoria
Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter

"The arrogant one is he who wants to be worshipped, who misleads others, and who wants his will to prevail over reason and justice." - Dr Jose P. Rizal (Message to the Women of Malolos, February 1889)

"My ambition is not to win honors or hold positions, but to see what is just, exact and suitable, is done in political matters." - Dr Jose P. Rizal

-----Original Message-----
From: Barry Bowman
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 2:09 AM
Subject: RE: 2007.03.23 Knights of Rizal_2_ .pdf

Dear Sir Rizal

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your endearing words of confidence and I appreciate this greatly.

However as you are aware I am now domiciled in the Philippines and still have to fully gain my strength from last years heart problem. I am getting stronger everyday and for the first time in 30 years I can play golf again and walk without any medicational support. I feel like a new man.

However I would like to ask you if I can be excused from travelling just now as I am a little bit nervous of travelling until I really have to.

But I am here for you all. I will do what I can if requested by my fellow knights. I will support everything that is good for he order by all means at my disposal.

Sir Ver Esquerra and I are talking everyday now and he is listening to all the problems which have accumulated over the last year. I believe he is a good and honourable man and will do his best for everyone in the Order and bring I hope a proper ending to what has been a tragedy of events all over the world.

Once again I thank you for your sincerity and confidence. You have made me feel wanted once again and I thank you .

May God bless all of us at this time and bring peace and happiness to all who are dedicated to follow in the National Heroes footsteps.

Yours in Rizal

Sir Barry Bowman KGOR.


<rizal.ln.victoria@EUR.ARMY.MIL> wrote:

Dear Brothers in Dr Jose Rizal,

My recommendation is for either you, kind Sir Barry, as immediate past RC to call the meeting, if not Sir Don Brennock, one named on the recommendation list for RC, to be the one to call a European Assembly meeting of all Knights (in good standing?). I believe you both are respected enough and many will abide by your call. I will.

Perhaps to be held in Germany, the seat of most of the European members, if I'm not mistaken.

Proposed Agenda could have, in addition to what others submit:

1. Designation by the body in attendance of a suitable Chairman to call the meeting into order and run the deliberations of the same.
2. Election in a democratic process by those in attendance of an RC and provide the info later to IHQ.

This will bring Europe back to normalcy.

For a Democratic Order
For Pride in the Order
For the Good of the Order

Yours sincerely,

Sir Rizal P. Victoria
Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter

-----Original Message-----
From: Barry Bowman
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 7:18 AM
To: Peter Plückebaum
Subject: Re: 2007.03.23 Knights of Rizal_2_ .pdf

Dear Sir Peter

The Rizalian way of penning ink to paper is still the strongest method yet. I am hopeful that all those interested enough in the survival without disintegration will all help to bring reconciliation to the tables and that a full agreement will eventually be reached to the full satisfaction of everyone.

However I was wondering how a meeting to discuss the serious problems can be called without an agenda drawn up or a satisfactory mutually arranged venue to suit all those who would like to be in attendance.

I would also like to suggest that you request those who cannot manage to travel any distance that a second meeting be held at a venue that would be compatible to everyone and that the Officers who have been appointed travel meet the chapters and their members as at this time everyone should be involved and it is encumbant on the RC to make his appearance where other chapters who could not travel to the first meet arrange the next meeting and venue for him to attend in person.

I hope I have read your mail properly and that is one of the reasons you could not be there.

Yours in Rizal

Sir Barry Bowman KGOR

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