Thursday, March 15, 2007


Dear Sir Manny Bade,
Dear Brothers in Dr Jose Rizal,

Far from the truth, kind Sir. Sir Dennis Barcelona and myself are proud Filipinos but with integrity! Both of us are respected in our own communities, both by Germans and Filipinos alike! Does Paras possess integrity or "delicadeza"? Apparently none of either.

Sir Dennis and myself never felt discriminated upon, not in the KOR for sure! I'm the only Pinoy in our chapter and has been respected (elected as officer last year) ever since I joined 1996! If there's any discrimination, it came from Paras himself, who complained in a gathering of Europe-based Knights somewhere in the Black Forest, Germany, right in front of Sir Dr. Fritz Hack-Ullmer, great grandson of Pastor Karl Ullmer, and holder of the Order of Sikatuna, Rank of Maginoo! that Europeans dislike Filipinos! [Pastor Karl Ullmer took Dr Jose Rizal for 3 months in his home in 1886! The Pastor was European!] Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer demanded "on the spot" that Paras take his insulting words, because Sir Dr Fritz is a direct descendant of Dr Rizal's German/European friend!

I speak for myself and strongly favor pushing for independence (Federalism, as proposed by Sir Jun, Scarborough Chapter) from Manila! No more $$$ to Manila.

Although Manila wants to control us, they failed time and again, miserably! And their questionable decisions create more problems for all of us, neglecting the most important reason of our being in the KOR, Rizalism!

1-They refuse to undergo an independent AUDIT of their financial transactions, financial status and overall performance!
2-They refuse needed REFORMS that the organization needs for this 21st century!
3-The decision-makers in Manila run the OKR like a privately-owned business, responsible/answerable to NO ONE!

What damage Quiambao's 'Padrino' system did to the KOR can be illustrated in his insistence that Paras be appointed European Commander! From reports I gathered, Sir Hans Schoof personally talked to Sir Hilario Davide, Jr., vouching for the selection of Sir Lucien Spittael, the latter's name being on the list submitted by Sir Barry Bowman. This also conforms with the By-Laws ratified early in 2006. Paras' name was NOT on the list of recommendees!

Other than his "Padrino" in Quiambao, what has Paras to show for his KGOR rank? What did Paras do to merit the post of European Commander? ...that he kept in his household Quiambao's son/s for awhile, during their stay in Brussels? But doing such has nothing to do with Rizalism! That is entirely a private undertaking!

Let's compare Paras' KGOR "accomplishments" with that of a KCR, Sir Dr. Fritz Hack-Ullmer, a true noble and illustrious Knight and Rizalist, notably:

1. Together with his brother, Sir Hans Hack-Ullmer, both donated priceless Rizaliana items in their private possession to the Philippine Government under Pres. Garcia. For this act of selflessness and generosity, the Hack-Ullmer brothers were bestowed the "Order of Sikatuna, Rank of Maginoo" by no less than the President of the Republic! (Dr Rizal's entire correspondence letters and postcards to their great-grandfather, Pastor Karl Ullmer, protestant Pastor then of Wilhelmsfeld; short prose & poetry, sketches & drawings Dr Rizal made for/on young Fritz Ullmer, Pastor Ullmer's son while the national hero stayed as guest of the Ullmer Family).

2. With the support and help of his sibling, Sir Hans Hack-Ullmer and his own son, Sir Federick Hack, family and 'Friends of Dr Jose Rizal', Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer almost singlehandedly undertook the Project to "Renovate the Rizal Park & Monument" in Wilhelmsfeld, from a small, simple place to a more modern, display of -- Who, What, Where, When, How -- on Dr Jose Rizal and his friends and benefactors (on the right and left of the life-size statue of Dr Rizal stand the busts of Dr Virchow, Prof Blumentritt, Pastor Ullmer and Prof Dr Becker)! My estimate of the total renovation costs go near the Euro 30,000 to 35,000 mark, if I'm not mistaken.

What Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer, his brother, Sir Hans Hack-Ullmer and his son, Sir Frederick Hack did and accomplished constitutes true Rizalism! What Quiambao and Paras did was fake knighthood and purely the negative aspect of the 'Padrino' system that is totally the opposite of Rizalism. In fact, the tandem created great SHAME upon us Knights and freemen, and upon the KOR!, when giver and recipient picked the KGOR for Paras, for no VALID reason! (If basis for award was the plagiarized "Born to be a Hero", the award should be taken back because now Paras denies having written the book after it was exposed to be someone's work, not his! European Knights were invited to a meeting in Brussels, 24 Mar 2007, but we don't even see a single AGENDA! Sir Peter Plueckebaum, Bonn, twice submitted a list of agenda for Paras, but none was, till this writing, picked!) Even resigned Sir Manfred Holtzmann, during his time as Wilhelmsfeld Mayor, was instrumental in the creation of the Rizal Park. He proposed to the city to donate the south part of the "Odenwaldhalle" lot for a monument to the national hero, as Dr Rizal lived in that town for 3 months. Until his resignation this month, Sir Manfred still was just a KCR! If Quiambao is just and fair, Sir Dr Fritz Hack-Ullmer as well as Sir Manfred Holtzmann should now both be KGOR too! And...the good Knights should be in, the bad out of the KOR!

Now the European KOR lost very noble and illustrious Rizalists, for reasons directly/indirectly related to the Paras appointment! No Sirs, these great European (former) KOR Knights/Officers, never discriminated against any Filipino! Not once!


For a Democratic Order
For Pride in the Order
For the Good of the Order

Yours sincerely,

Sir Rizal P. Victoria, KR
Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter

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