Tuesday, March 13, 2007



(This “Proposal” is a discussion paper, a basis upon which further steps may be taken by the participating entities. Prepared in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada – March 5, 2007)


Reasons for the Proposal

What was originally started in the Philippines in 1911 as a fraternal organization (Orden de Caballeros de Rizal) among Filipinos has now expanded and been transformed into what may be considered a global community of Rizalists. However, although envisioned, the unprecedented growth was unplanned thereby making the body unable to properly cope with various and constantly changing social, political, economic, and technological conditions both in the Philippines and abroad. Its leadership structure is simply not equipped to deal with the challenges in administration and in the management of its affairs particularly on the international level. Consequently the seemingly insurmountable problems that it faces today threaten the cohesiveness of its existence and the cause it is committed to promote and uphold – Rizalism.

Hence, if it is to remain faithful in its objective of propagating the ideals of Rizal among races and nations, if it is to stay relevant to the culturally diverse membership, and if it is to be meaningfully effective at the present time as well as in the future, the need to adjust to its new circumstances must be immediately addressed and satisfied. A new approach, a new management concept and a new corporate infrastructure are not only desirable but are desperately required in order also to preserve its name and its historically rich traditions.

The Proposal

The proposal is basically to establish the rationale and the groundwork for enabling the Knights of Rizal in various places to pursue their common objectives in an efficient, realistic and practical manner and under a workable arrangement that recognizes and respects the diversity and independence of its membership. Once a general understanding is reached by who will constitute as proponents of the International Federation of Independent Knights of Rizal (proposed name), they will proceed to working on a pro-forma Constitution and By-Laws that will be recommended for adoption by each member organization. Simultaneously, in lieu of the yet to be promulgated Federal Constitution, a “multilateral agreement” will be drafted and entered into by all national or regional bodies in order to formalize the Federation.

Why Federation

The various chapters of the existing fraternity that are located outside the Philippines are in reality operating under their local legal jurisdictions and are accountable to the local constituencies and governments and are not subject to Philippine laws. They are therefore technically independent from the administration of those in Manila and are not legally beholden to the leadership. However, because they share the same or similar purpose, vision and mission, it is important to maintain a link with one another that facilitates and encourages a free exchange of ideas and a healthy sharing of experiences. Only the concept of federalism will allow that kind of exchange as it recognizes the autonomy of each national organization. It is in essence a realistic alternative to the almost one hundred year old autocracy in Manila.

National Constitution and By-laws

In order to retain the traditions of the original brotherhood, the Constitution and By-Laws of each national organization should share similar basic provisions in such items as purposes, objectives and program of activities. Most other provisions including corporate positions or offices may vary accordingly. However, each individual Constitution and By-Laws must provide for the recognition of other Knights of Rizal in other nations, regions or countries as well as provide for an option to affiliate itself with an international federation such as the one being proposed here.

Governance of the Federation

The International Federation itself will be created and supported by the member councils and will be governed according to the provisions of a yet to be drafted “Federal Constitution”. Each national group or member national organization or national council as the case may be, is represented in what will be called International Council, otherwise defined as the governing body of the Federation. As an umbrella organization, the International Council shall be headed by an International Chairman elected by the members of the Council in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Constitution.

Relationship with Manila

The International Council of the Federation in effect replaces the role of the traditional Supreme Council of the Order of the Knights of Rizal in Manila. Understandably, while the Philippine-based Order of the Knights of Rizal is expected to initially shun the Federation, it has the option to join at any time in the future. When it does eventually, it will be treated on equal terms with the rest of the membership. During the period that they stay separate from the Federation, there will likely be members in its ranks who will want to become a part of the Federation. Those members will find it necessary to declare their autonomy and establish a different entity altogether. For their benefit the Federation will devise a plan or formula whereby would-affiliates from the Philippines can be accommodated.


  1. Establish a core group in each country and identify themselves as “Knights of Rizal Canada” or “Knights of Rizal Germany” or “Knights of Rizal Belgium” etc. If presently existing as a chapter of the OKR, it will have to declare its autonomy if not complete independence from Manila;
  1. Adopt an Interim Constitution and By-laws based on a recommended pro-forma sample, making subsequent necessary amendments to suit the local circumstances;
  1. Register each group with the appropriate local government ministry or office;
  1. Organize sub groups or chapters, in accordance with the provisions of the local Constitution and By-laws;
  1. Call a National Convention, form a National Council and elect a National Chairman, all in accordance with the provisions of the local Constitution and By-laws;
  1. Pass a resolution to join the International Federation of Knights of Rizal;
  1. Liaise with other foreign National Councils;
  1. Attend a video conference of National Chairmen in order to form the first International Council of Knights of Rizal.


International Federation of Independent Knights of Rizal

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