Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Dear Brothers in Dr Jose Rizal,

I beg to disagree that I have shamed any Knight publicly. May I clarify.

He who is dishonest, cheats, lies, is no (noble) Knight! It's not the number nor the size of the metal pieces hanging on one's neck or uniform! It's the character of the man himself!

I would bow to a lowly Manila streetsweeper, to a taxi driver, to an office messenger, who honestly performs his job and duty, despite the low pay!

The disgusted European Knights who resigned, couldn't stomach the corruption emanating from IHQ. Ignored, their grievances finding no outlet, they chose resignation, the quick way out... to express their indignation! As one of them said, a "rabbit" NGO that doesn't talk about rabbits for years, is not a "rabbit" NGO! The right word is FAKE!

Our KOR has Rizalism for its purpose, yet IHQ decision makers dispense power, positions, titles forgetting the KOR's avowed purpose, thinking only about themselves, their lust and greed for power!

Quiambao might have surrounded himself with "YES" men all these years. The penultimate insult that drove/drives noble European Knights to resignation was his choice of Paras for European Commander... never mind if the By-Laws were violated. But Quiambao, Paras and their gang forgot that not all lie, cheat, steal in a manner they approve of. By pushing for this insulting appointment of Paras, Quiambao got exposed in Europe!

Through e-mails, I merely point out that "the Emperor has no clothes!"

But like the child in the fairy tale, it is not the child who should be blamed for truthfully saying that the Emperor's "robe is the finest there is" for the Emperor is naked. His "YES" men and the Emperor himself put themselves all into that predicament, for their shameful acts indeed!

If Quiambao could tell us that if we're unhappy in the KOR, we should resign or leave, we freemen can also challenge him to leave the KOR if he can't accept our criticisms!

The 2 e-mails below that reached me, speak volumes for themselves. I speak for myself when I announce publicly that the post of European Commander since the illustrious Sir Barry Bowman left, is
V A C A N T!

NOM(ore money to Manila!)

Yours sincerely,

Rizal Victoria
Wilhelmsfeld/Heidelberg Chapter

"My ambition is not to win honors or hold positions, but to see what is just, exact and suitable, is done in political matters." - Dr Jose P. Rizal

(Aptly quoted from the resignation letter of a truly noble, illustrious and very able Knight, Sir Christoph Eberle, despite his leaving the KOR, Hamburg, Germany Chapter) - Heidelberg, 19 Mar 07

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