Monday, February 12, 2007


¿Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Juvenal – Satires S VI 347)

I never took Latin in school. However, a few famous lines in the ancient language I do have. If I am right, the above means, “Who will guard the guardians themselves?”

Yes, exactly, who will check, guard and question the gods-that-be in Manila?

I say gods, sardonically – because they are or have acted “above the law.” I repeat, gods, because they seem to be powerful, in control and exempted from the values we, rank and file castes are suppose to practice.

Above the law? Yes, because they have wantonly violated and twisted the CBL to fit into their personal interests/agenda. They have made unkempt promises; gave lip-service to proposed reforms; and, they have hood-winked a helpless Supreme Commander into “toeing the(ir) line.”

The events of the recent months have changed the playing field of the Order. We have seen how corruption and ineptitude has prevailed causing dissatisfaction and rancour everywhere. I have always mentioned, in jest - sometimes, how our hero must be turning in his grave upon learning of the rankling in the Order that bears his name. “Let’s give him a break!”

We know a lot now – at how low some of us have stooped in the name of glory and power. We all know how much each of us has done or has not done - against or for – the Order. It is not too late for anyone to do something. Indeed, something must happen yet. What? Which? How? We are all intelligent people, aren’t we? We can think, we can act. Do something worthy – as long as you feel you are a true Rizalian – challenge yourself, but do something and stop being a fence-sitter. “Shake a leg!” We must have an answer to the question, ¿Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

I admire the brother knights in the Middle East – standing up and supporting their Regional Commander (who was summarily relieved from his post, for a flimsy reason, it seems) – how I wish we could also give the same support to the European appointee (untouched so far, despite serious accusations about his person). Ah, C’est la vie!

Dennis Barcelona

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