Thursday, March 1, 2007

The KOR can be REFORMED!

To all concerned,

Someone wished my pen be stopped, my protests muffled, my voice silenced! They say the undersigned is a trouble-maker, nothing less!

My questions:

1. Is it wrong to voice one's opinion about the truth, the bad shape and shameful state the KOR is in?
2. Am I inventing false charges against anyone, high and mighty?
3. Have I overstepped the bounds of chivalry, decency, good manners?
4. Do I have at all any right to say something in the KOR?

To the first three (3) questions above, my answers are in the negative, I dare say!

Truth is, Paras, Quiambao & Co damaged the good reputation of the KOR! Not my words, but their shameful deeds!

The answer to the fourth question is an affirmative one! Fact is, I am duty-bound, as anyone else, high and low, as member in good standing, to speak up what ails the KOR! Hide it many could try. But where there's smoke, there's fire! A spade is a spade is a spade!

Like most members, I joined thinking of following the examples of the national hero, Dr Jose Rizal. What a disappointment!

Now if one accused to have padded his bio-data, bloated his accomplishments, denounced a Kababayan to the Belgian authorities and plagiarized a book could NOT present anything to DISPROVE said charges (his motto: "Let it be Quiet in the Western Front!), ever since various accusations first saw print, even got appointed to become the European Commander, why should the little voice of one man be silenced? How? Perhaps, throw me out of the KOR? Why? For speaking up?

If a plagiarist is promoted, why kick a noble Knight out of the KOR simply because he can't stomach wrongdoings mentioned above? We must have lost our sense of what is right and what is wrong!

Now, which should be punished?

- The abusive Goliath who knew the rules and still broke them for his own selfish interests despite pronouncements to the contrary? or

- The little David who complained that Goliath is "corrupt, narrow-minded, callous, indifferent, arrogant"?

If the wrongdoer can't be kicked out, why kick out the righteous?

But not all is lost! Corruption, narrow-mindedness, callousness, indifference, arrogance, a backward mentality, and the like, can have an end!

The KOR can be REFORMED! If not, we can seek other, effective ways to correct what is wrong!

For PRIDE in the Order
For the GOOD of the Order

Yours sincerely,

Rizal P. Victoria
Wilhelmsfeld-Heidelberg Chapter

The KOR can be REFORMED! If there's one good thing I can do for the KOR while I'm still alive, let me do it now! For we only pass this way but once in our entire lifetime!

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