Monday, June 27, 2016

The Problem With Filipinos

The problem with Filipinos is we get a boner for anything Pinoy. Filipino contestant in X talent show abroad? Yes! Hollywood celebrity with .000018% Filipino ethnicity? Double yes! We’ll sniff out the tiniest drop of Filipino blood, but only, only if you get recognized internationally. “Filipinos mixed with another race always gives a good result!” As if these are the only things we excel in, as if breeding is all we’re ever good for because we have too much pride, and not as much to be proud about.
The problem with Filipinos is we’re overprotective. Not of our culture, of our identity, of our resources – but of our pride. We have so much pride, too much pride, we even made a tagline out of it #PinoyPride. We’ve become overly sensitive, easily offended at the slightest of jokes, the slightest of criticisms that we end up refusing not to better ourselves because we’d rather be right and win an argument, than admit to be wrong and improve.

The problem with Filipinos is we cannot say sorry. We’d rather say,“You’re wrong, it’s your fault, you’re stupid. BANNED!” Alec Baldwin is banned. Claire Danes is banned. The Beatles were banned. The people writing the Filipino-doctor joke on Desperate Housewives are probably banned. As if white people cared enough to stress about you after they raped your Lolas and your Lola’s Lola.

The problem with Filipinos is we can’t take a joke. Joke harmlessly about the country and “Fuck you racist American pigs! Filipinos are hardworking! Do not come to our beautiful shores!” Joke about Filipino stereotypes and we will literally want to kill you. The problem with Filipinos is we make everything a joke. A politician jokes about raping a woman, and “It’s okay, fucking calm down where’s your sense of humor?” A University student calls the new actress for Hermione “Ugly nigger, was she stuck in the toaster?” and you’re supposed to take it lightly. Which is it? Which is it?

The problem with Filipinos is you can’t make a joke about us, but we can about you.

The problem with Filipinos is Manny Pacquiao sitting in the senate. Is condemning “CORRUPTION!” with one hand and accepting vote buying with the other. Is tweeting about the beauty of our lands with one hand and littering with the other. Is us talking more about Taylor Swift than about being blacklisted from Foreign Aid by France due to our own negligence.

The problem with Filipinos is we are quick to hate and quicker to forget. Forget the dictator and his family for violating our rights. Forget the white men and their destructive colonization because guapo, guapo, guapo! Marry a white man because he will save you from poverty; heroically take you from this wasteland of a country.

The problem with Filipinos is we kiss white people’s feet. We lick it with such gusto we allow every fair-skinned person to walk over our farm-broken backs. Because everything American is “better.” Because everything white is “beautiful.” Because putang ina ang corny mag-tagalog, kaluod mag bisaya! Do you not understand your fear? Have you not analyzed the instinctive shyness and submission that overcomes your brown body whenever you’re in the presence of someone white? Have you not dissected the veneration you so readily give Westerners, and so readily deny your Lumad brothers, Muslim sisters? The problem with Filipinos is we value perfect English grammar over hungry Filipino lives.

The problem with Filipinos is we go to Church, but do not listen. We pray, but do not practice. We leave all responsibility with God and take none for ourselves.

The problem with Filipinos is we value word-sparring on Facebook more than the fight for freedom our ancestors bled for. Because conspiracy theories are more interesting than facts. Because our soap-operas have taught us drama is easy.

The problem with Filipinos is it took a movie for us to see the folly of our history. The problem was nobody cared enough to look in the first place.

The problem with Filipinos is we’re too nice. The problem with Filipinos is we’re not nice enough.

The problem with Filipinos is we don’t know who we are.
The problem with Filipinos is you. Is me. Is the fact we both know no matter what I say or what you say, it’s all pointless because


The problem with Filipinos is you’ll probably be more pissed at this article, than you ever were about racial injustice, police brutality, sexism, poverty, littering, hopelessness.

The problem with Filipinos is the wrong things offend us.

The problem with Filipinos is we rarely stand up for the right.

The problem with Filipinos is you. Is me. The problem with Filipinos is ourselves. TC mark

Friday, June 24, 2016

The most dangerous place in the world is about to get a whole lot scarier

Linette Lopez and Amanda Macias,Business Insider 8 hours ago 

Would Rizal have chosen federalism?

THERE ARE suggestions that, recognizing the archipelagic nature of the country and the disparate cultures that thrived in it, Jose Rizal would have proposed a federal system of government for an independent Filipino nation.  Indeed, federalism might have appealed to those who, in the closing years of Spanish rule, were eager to kick out the foreigners but did not necessarily wish to come under the control of a dominant ethnic group.

Rizal was certainly aware of the persistence of strong regional identities in the country. But, instead of building a political system along the existing fault lines of ethnic segmentation, he was more concerned with “unit[ing] the whole Archipelago into one compact, vigorous, and homogenous body.” This is the first line under statement of purpose in the draft constitution he wrote for the Liga Filipina, a political organization that anticipated the broad structures of a Filipino government.

The Liga, a cross between a political party and a self-help cooperative, was overtly reformist in vision, but the organizational infrastructure it laid out could as easily have served as the vehicle for revolution. Its ultimate purpose was clearly to prepare the Filipino people for active citizenship in the modern project of self-government.

This meant, in the first instance, cultivating in the people a capacity to differentiate political roles from ethnolinguistic loyalties, and to perform duties and rights in a political organization independently of the diffused norms and obligations that bound them to a feudal social order.

Rizal was a modern thinker. The draft constitution of the Liga contained provisions that might have initially appeared strange to those to whom he presented it. The seventh paragraph on organization embodied an emphatic wish for members to rise above their ethnic or tribal identities: “Each provincial council and popular council should adopt a name different from that of the locality or region.” It was a first step toward building a homogenous nation, rather than a federation of tribes.

Rizal was quite open about the formation of the Liga. It may be assumed that he was aware that the Spaniards knew what he was up to, since he was recruiting influential people into the organization. In other words, the Liga was not supposed to be an illegal or underground association. And yet, interestingly, its activities were supposed to be kept secret. Every member was required to adopt a new name, while keeping his true name hidden and known only to the secretary of his council.

The adoption of an alias might have been rationalized as a security measure. But its latent function, it seems to me, must have been to encourage members to value their political identity and to keep this separate and autonomous from their other affiliations in everyday life.

I doubt if Rizal was a federalist. Nothing in his writings suggests that he believed in complicating the task of building a unified and strong nation by making space for the creation of autonomous regional governments.  He was wary that other big powers could easily take over the islands by exploiting internal dissensions, once Spain relinquished control over them.

However, he appeared to subscribe to the principle of subsidiarity—the notion that decisions should be made as much as possible at the level closest to the citizens, and that only those that the local level cannot meaningfully carry out on its own should be entrusted to the higher levels.

The Liga constitution provided for three such levels of authority: the popular councils, the provincial councils, and a Supreme Council.  The Supreme Council is composed of all the chiefs of the provincial councils, while the provincial council is made up of all the chiefs of the popular or town councils.

“The Supreme Council controls the whole Liga and communicates directly with the chiefs of the provincial councils and the popular councils.  The provincial council controls the chiefs of the popular councils. The popular council alone has control over its members.”

More than independence from Spain, the basic impulse that animated the establishment of the Liga had to do with the protection of the ordinary citizen from arbitrary power—i.e., from violence and injustice. Rizal would have resolutely opposed political dynasties and warlords. At the same time, he intended the organization to be a laboratory for the emancipation of Filipinos from the scourge of poverty, illiteracy, and economic stagnation. These were the values that were uppermost in his mind when he drew the constitution of the Liga.

One hundred and 24 years after Rizal envisioned the nation that would be built on the foundations of the Liga, we are nowhere near the democratic and prosperous society that he imagined our country could be. This has little to do with the form of government. It has everything to do with the feudal social structure, at the root of which is a property system that has consigned more than half of the population to a life of perpetual deprivation, dependence, and ignorance.

The unitary nation-state that arose from the dissolution of the monarchical empires was a fresh idea in Rizal’s time.  Today, it has lost much of its sheen.  In a globalized world where the levers of meaningful economic power and initiative lie outside the reach of national governments, it has become fashionable to talk of subnational states improving their lot by linking up directly with the global system.  It is an illusion.

Federalism will not solve poverty and inequality, simply because it does not touch the real center. It only redraws the periphery.

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Dandelion Root: Builds Up Blood And Immune System And Has Cured Prostate, Lung, And Other Cancers

You may consider dandelion as a type of weed, but its root has a long history of therapeutic use. Dandelion has been used since ancient times for its healthful properties and support for liver complaints. In Korean herbal medicine dandelion has been used to improve energy levels and health.It is generally accepted by many people in Mexico, and elsewhere in the world, that beneficial effects are available in natural plants. Indeed, research has shown that compounds in plants have pharmacokinetic effects. Dandelion, long speculated to have antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective properties, is one such plant.

Dandelion Root: Builds Up Blood And Immune System And Has Cured Prostate, Lung, And Other Cancers
Dandelion Root: Builds Up Blood And Immune System And Has Cured Prostate, Lung, And Other Cancers

Dandelion is a very rich source of beta-carotene which we convert into vitamin A. This flowering plant is also rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. It’s a good place to get B complex vitamins, trace minerals, organic sodium, and even some vitamin D too. Dandelion also contains protein, more than spinach. It has been eaten for thousands of years as a food and as a medicine to treat anemia, scurvy, skin problems, blood disorders, and depression.
These facts for the plant are well known for years. But recent studies have shown new exciting facts about dandelion root.
A recent research has demonstrated that dandelion root has killed up to 98 % of the leukemia cells in laboratory tests, after only 48 hours.
Dr. Carolyn Hamm from the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre in Ontario, Canada explained that extract from the dandelion root was the only thing that can help with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. A patient named John Di Carlo after his aggressive and unsuccessful treatment for his leukemia was sent home to spend “the last days” of his life, was advised to try tea from a dandelion root. Within four months, he was in a remission and his doctors associated his success to his using dandelion tea. Also, eminent herbalist Maria Treben recommends dandelion root tea for many diseases, including different types of cancer.
Studies showed that dandelion root extract acts very fast on the cancerous cells, in such a way that they disintegrate within 48 hours, during which time new formed healthy cells in the body are not affected.
Further studies have found that dandelion root extract has a potent anticancer activity against prostate cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, leukemia, liver cancer and best of all lung cancer. There are not significant effects on skin cancer and brain cancer.
The immune system is controlling cancer cells in the body. If the immune system is healthy, usually cancer doesn’t appear. When the immune system is down, the body loses control of the cancer cells and cancer appears. The powder from the dandelion root has a potent phytochemical that builds up the blood and the immune system. Doctors try to remove cancer from the body with chemotherapy and radiation. By doing so, it destroys the immune system and appetite. These two are the most important things the body needs to beat cancer.

How to pick the dandelion root?

Dandelion Root Tea
Dandelion Root Tea

You can harvest dandelion root at any time of the year. After you pull off from the ground, cut the leaves off and gently remove the earth around the root. Make sure do not damage it and don’t wash it. After that, dry the root on around 100 degrees on a sun, or you can use an incubator with no water. The whole drying procedure will take around 5 to 6 days. If you break the root, and it snaps, it is ready for use.
Dried dandelion root keeps its active chemicals up to a year. Always store the roots in a glass jar in a cold and dark place.
It is the best to use dandelion root in a form of powder. You can take a little over a half teaspoon of the powder once a day at any time and mix it with water. Do not use it in soft drinks or anything hot.
After three to four days, you will start to feel good, nothing else. In most of the cases, this will build up the immune system in about three weeks. After that, the immune system will take control of cancer cells and will stop its spreading. You should not expect a miracle because this is not an overnight cure so it will take a time until the body removes cancer.
Dandelion is generally considered safe in food and medicinal levels. Some people may have allergic reactions to dandelion. Anyone with an allergy to ragweed, chrysanthemum, marigold, chamomile, yarrow, or daisy should avoid dandelion, and anyone pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription drugs should talk to a health care professional before adding something new to their diet.

Saturday, June 18, 2016


Rudolf Brojs from Austria has dedicated his whole life to finding the best natural cure for cancer.
 He actually made a special juice that gives excellent results for treating cancer. He has cured more than 45, 000 people who suffered from cancer and other incurable diseases with this method. Brojs said that cancer can survive only with the help of proteins.
 In order to prepare his special juice you need organic vegetables. Here’s what you’ll need:
  • Beetroot (55%),
  • Carrots (20%),
  • Celery root (20%),
  • Potatoes (3%)
  • Radishes (2%)
You just need to put all the ingredients in a blender and mix them all well. That’s it, you’re ready to start your treatment.
Just remember not to overdo it with the consumption of the juice, drink as much as your body requires.
Beetroot is abundant in antioxidants, C, B1, B2, B6 vitamins, folic and pantothenic acid, and the minerals – potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, beetroot is considered to be one of the most health beneficial vegetables. The red color in beets comes from magenta pigments known as betacyanins.
A number of studies have confirmed beetroot is extremely beneficial in treatment against leukemia and cancer.
First of all, beets are abundant in betaine, which is an amino acid with powerful anticancer properties. Plus, it’s a strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxification agent. Studies confirm that betaine destroys cells in the tumor tissue.
Beetroot can be used for the treatment of many types of cancer and the findings of one study revealed that 100% of subjects suffering from cancer positively responded to beet treatment.
It’s beneficial for pregnant women because it contains high levels of folic acid. It boost the function of the liver and gall bladder, preventing constipation. It helps with headaches, toothaches, dysentery, bone problems, skin issues and menstrual pains. It’s a true all-purpose medicinal plant which should be an indispensable part of every diet.
All content on this Web site, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

She Rubs Aspirin Into Her Hair. The Reason? Did You Know It Could Do All This?

She Rubs Aspirin Into Her Hair

Most people use aspirin to relieve pain such as headache, toothache and period pain, as well as to treat cold and flu symptoms and reduce fever. But aside from its medicinal effects, aspirin can provide a number of other less known benefits. Read on and find out how you can benefit in many different ways by using this common over-the-counter drug.
Aspirin contains salicylic acid, which makes it extremely effective in fighting dandruff. A simple treatment of applying crushed aspirin mixed with shampoo on your scalp and massaging gently will significantly reduce scalp inflammation, the most common cause of dandruff according to Dr. Joshua Zeichnerf. Plus, aspirin helps exfoliate flakes that also form on your scalp.
The method is very simple. Crush 2-3 aspirins then mix them with your shampoo. Apply the mixture on your scalp and massage for about 5 minutes. Rinse off as usual.
According to Everyday Health, the salicylic acid content in aspirin can also improve your skin quality by removing dead cells and excess sebum from the skin. Aspirin has proved extremely beneficial against psoriasis and acne because it unclogs pores and lessens swelling, redness, and skin lesions.
To improve your skin quality, crush 5 pills and add them to a quarter cup of water. Mix well for the pills to dissolve then apply the mixture onto the skin. Let it work for about 10 minutes before washing it off.
We all know that some stains, such as sweat stains, can be so hard to remove that even regular wash cycles can’t do much about them. But, a common pain killer, such as aspirin can help you get rid of these stains on the first washing.
Start by making paste of several crushed aspirins and some water. Then apply the paste on the stain and leave it to act for 15-20 minutes. Finish by washing your clothing as usual.
Most of you probably know what it feels like when you’re in a hurry and your car simply won’t start. You can’t wait for your car to be serviced, so it turns out you have to get really creative in finding a prompt solution. One way out is to add some crushed aspirin tablets into the battery. It may sound surprising, but aspirin actually works miracles for dead car batteries because the salicylic acid in aspirin works with the sulfuric acid in the battery helping your car get enough boost to reach the garage.
Last, but not least, the salicylic acid in aspirin prevents both mold and ethylene production, both of which are common causes of wilting in garden flowers.
The method is very simple. Add crushed aspirin into water and water your flowers with it. You can also put your bouquets into this mixture to help them live longer.